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Redueed Rates. The Aim Arbor raüroad wül Bell tickets at one iai-o for round trip , Mi-h., April 6 aad 7, Idralted bo return April lOth, account of G. A. R. aa:l W. R. C. annuaj encta-mpment. To Sagimaw, Mioh., far Michigan Bist. Evaniif. IUiheran Synod, ApriJ 28th to May 4bh. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Sa-lve In. the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, F ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Ooms, and all Skin Eniptiions, and positive'.y cures Piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to gire perfect sa.tisfaction or money refumded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co. and Geo. J. Haeussler, o i Manchester. Real Estáte For Sale. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss. In the natter of i he Estáte of Kobert M. gnyder. deceased. Nollce i hereoy elven tnal In pursuanoe of fu 11 power of alienation írranted to the uaderxlgned by thu wiil oí said (ieceased, tliere wíl) be Bolil at public vendiie, to the highest bidder, ut the late tvsidence of said ■ ;, iu WebsterTownshlp, in the County .of Washtenaw, in said stille, on Friday, the sixteenth tluy of April, A. I). ISMT, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day (subject to all eocinnbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing ut the tlmeot me (lnih of said deceased), the following descnbed real estáte, to wit: The noithwPst quartPr of the northwest quarter and the uortbeast i]uarter of the northwest quarter and the nest half of the southwest quarter, exceptiiiü ten acres oiT from the we-t side, il belng k trip of laud ten riids in width and extending the entire length of the said went half of the southweH quarter; also the southeaft quarler uf the soutliwest quarter, except live acre In the aontheast corner thereot heretofore sohl tojohn (Joyle, said five acres bei nu eight chains and thlrtythree links uide est nnd west and extending north of the same wltb six chainp, all on section nuraber twelve. town one south of range flve east Also elghteen acres oft' from the north eud of the west.lialf of the northwest quarter of section numher tliirteen, in town oue south oí range üve east. described as follöws: Befjinniuii at the northwest corner of the west half of the northwei-t quarter and running thence south on the west line of section, eight chainyand sevenly-seven iinks to the northwest corner of land'owned by Fred Grayer; thence east parallel wilh the north line of section, twenty chains and fifty-one links to the east line of the west half of the northwest quarter of said section, as uow found; thence nr.rth along said east line to the northeast corner ot said west half oi the northwest ter; thence west along the north line of said section to the place of beginuing. conta.uing eighteen acres of land more or less. CHAS. H. WORDEN, Executor. t fton ; Michigan People. located" I Directly Opposite M. C. R'y Depot. $ 't Two Blocks from Union Depot. Three Blocks from Steamer Docks. ', In the Center of the Wholesale District. $ l Three Minutes by Electric Cars to J tail Center and all Places of Amusement. [ ', 200 Rooms wlth Steam Heat. ; $20,000 in New Improvements. . Cuisine Unsurpassed. ' '. American Plan. ', :Rates, $2.00 to $3.50 per DayJ; ; Single Meals 5Oc. {' aiuuuiiuiiuuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii mnnnnimiiiii THE lEDUCATEDl HORSE I = picks out a 5n Horse Blanket every 5 time ; he knowsthey are 1 H est and warmest blankets made. s 1 They received the highest award at 1 the World's Fair. 250 styles. All sizes, qualities aud shapes ; square I blankets for the road ; surcingle blankets for the stable. SoJd by all dealen?. Writfi us for the 5A book ; 'twill please you. I W!LLIAM AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. I ñmiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiimiiiiiNirniiiiiiiio


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Ann Arbor Courier