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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majarl'ty oí euíferers (rom Astil una and kimdred oompteilntts, af ter tryIng doctore amd numfberless remedie aüvertteed as posi'tive cures witboat avaH, liave come to tihe conclusión bhiat there lis do caro Sor thdsi mort dtobressimg dlsease, and tlwjse &mt peraans widl be tibe more 'na doubt and ekeptóical wtuen they learn through tliO columns of tíhe presa that i)r. Ruilolp-li 8ctL'iiffmaain, the recogulzed apttorlty wtho has treated more case oí tJhieso dlseases tfoaa amy living doc "bar, has adhieTed success by perfectjng a remedy whiiidh not oiüy giras lmmedliate relief in the worst cases, bnt lias poBiltdvely cured tlhousands of buIferers who were eonsíidered incurable. These Were just as skeptieal as some of our readers now are. Dr. ScnJllmanm's remedy na dioiibt possesses tib merit whdtoh Is clalmed for it or h ■would not authorlze tflüs paper to anmoimce that Jie is not only willing bo giTe free t)O eacb persoa euffertoj ÏPom As'öhma, Hay 'Fever of Broadhd'tis in tlhis city. 011e liberal "fre trial b,ox" of h,ils Care!, but urgentfly rëquest all sufferers tio cali at Goodye'ar's Drug Store. Ann Arbor, wltihln tjhe next three days and receive a packago absolutely free of ciarge, knowing 13toat iTi ma.king the1 claim hie dloes for hte Cure, a strong doubt miay arise In tibe mlnds oí inanyand tliat a pers'omal test, as he offers to all, Tvill be imoire coavlncliig, and pnove l'ts merite, fhian the publishlng af thousands of testimoniáis from pergom s "n-ho toave been permanently cured by tbe use oí hite Asthma Cure. "Dr. ScMffmanm's Asthma Cure," bm Jit te called, has been sold by drugglst oí this eilty Oversince lt waa flrst Introduced. althiough many persons may never have heard of it, aadi it is wlth a viicw to reatóhitug thee that hu makes this offeT. This is certalaly a mos-t generouis and faiir offer, and all who iare Bufferilng froim, amy of the above ocwnplaints Btiould remember t%e date and place where the 'diettiriibutton will be made, and avaü themselves of the same. Persons ltvüng ont of thte city who desire to test the effJeocy of this most won derf ui remedy w'Jll receive a package frea by wriiting to Dr. Bebiffmnnn, 330 Rosabel stTeet, St. Paul, Minn., providtag their letter is received before Oct. 16tih, as no free samples eau ba obbained after that date. LESS TUIN ONE CENT EICH 1 RARE GH1HGE SS !SsNaBERS 156 por $1.50 An arrangement Just made wlth The Detroit Tree Presa makes it possible for us to save some money for every reader who takes advantage of this opportunity. We undertake to furnish THE ANN ARBQR COURIER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. The Mce-a-Week Pree ta Is the Best Possible Substituto for n Uaiir Paper. Publisheil on Tuesrtay and Friday Mornings ia time to catch the Knrlj Trains. All the Latcst News up to the time of golng to press. Complete Market Beports In each lsasse. i 11 who csnnot get s Daily shonltl Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press is offertns Premium at Special Low Bates to Subscribe, and yon can easily save the cost of both papera by takliig advantage of THE MAX V BARGATXS OFFKItED. WRITK THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way Tan Ton Cct As Much Kor S Uttle Monej. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DEUY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to assist the thousands of unemployed men In Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at 42 justom House Place, has establlshed a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnisli men to farmers aiid others in all parts o( the country without expense to either. Employers applying should state deflnltely as to the kind of work, waaes to be paid, and if railway fare will be advaneed. Address, Labok Bureau, Wokkikgmek's Homb, 42 Custom House Place, Tel. Harrison 243. Chicago, 111. Barrel Salt at Wholesale and Eetail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN& CO., 44 SOl'TH MAIN STUEET. 52-3ml7


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