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In Agreeing Not To Shoot Gen Rivera

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Spailú ShoiT.d &dd "mor aiiy other prisomer except und'eir the ru'.es oí eivilized waffíane." Thiomas Jeffensora was boni Apriï 13, but aftor aJJ lue was a lucky man, epecteJly in clytog bafo:-o hdfl paart y adopted t;lue Clifeago p:at.fonn. MS-. G:a,(listone could snuif out Eufij-arct Kipliing ais war coirrespondent, specialj' M tire graiiiii OId man estab'.ished lieadquarteirs at CO'iistantisiople. One 01" Wue Iiuiqiöticwls íeatures of tlio politioal sltuiaitiooi is that deniocrats seriously expect republica'Ji.s to viólate tlieir pledge to pass a prottcljve tariff. It wKl tíike 100,000 sailo'-.-si tO' man ttlie Dii'tish aavy when the new Bhips undcr constructdoa are completed. Geini;iiiy't jiroposition to iixyrease Hs aiavy is gtirrmg up tlie ji'ornets. Our greateet foattle shijp nkiims alanig at seveateen knots au ïiom', -ivhóie. al üg-hter artroor 13 good for twenty-tliree. eucli flyinig; craft can neitlie:1 ha eva-ded nor overhauled. A Londen paper says tliat Tulfeey te ointiJieTgio&ng "ooöective Hqiidatian." Thlis mea;nis tbait tlie ompire wtl be iuaMy -s-Lped out, but diploanatists aire vory pootte ia thie use of langmag'e. Jtoöm Lesinbeyer, of SaJem, Ohio, ias been granted a pensjon and back iay, vrho Was deailgii DU-e uame by Oomniiisíiio'ner oï Pensions Xï. W. Dudley, because a't oma tinne during tlie T'ar h e gave DudUey a tiwjcickig. It is aTJ rig'ttt norw. admita thiat slie now depenids on tluis country for au importan1; part of toer ïoO4 supp'.y. She Ilias the ellips, the mem and the' raoney, but i-s short al wJkeait. But as long a.s .Talm Buil taeata -as fairty èüxsesica wlll be frieaddy. Tlie sound inoaiey demcxyatic vote 'n ihis b 13 last eleetioa was upwards of 30,000. Ttós has given the state orgunization g;-eat encourag'emen.i, and tlie batt'je widl be fcept up Avitluout abatemeat, in iavoir oi an liamsst ü'OCta'r and sound finances. Tii.e Xew York "Sun" says tiiat 'Mi'. McKinley's eelections for the more inipoa-taut diplomatic poste striike peopie generally as eatisfactory." This i tihe verdict of aCl the .democratie papers o{ the country of iSae hiigber cluss. It oonfiTins what P'u'bClcaias who koew thie president SBiid abouit Mm beione his elctiou. U3s expertence ira pio;!itics, liis large aequaimtance wiitJi public míen, and lus general potee amd' balance adiniraíbíy íiti 3üm to perform all tibe requirements of his post to the saitisfactio-n oi the country. The p'arty has reasoiii to believe that Mr. McKinJey ■wiil fu-rnish) au efficiënt, clean and popotar admtoistratjoo. In resiiimiinpï éd'iltoriaü work In Kansas ex-Senator raffer saya ie wiffl be a piopuijii-t " conse'i'vativo 'taie-s." The la"svn-m)ouver of experieaioe bas red'uced the amplitude of t hoee -nihiiiskers. The s:Walu,ve of t;liO iiwuidateil states sluauúd follow tíie example of incJe Sara iin ïnakirag a liberal appropTÍlatiioai for the fjood fsufferers. Tliedr tair.uwe to appnapriaite a ceat wEl niat look Iramdsoniie. Silice 1887 üidclO Sam liwas built twe'.'ve waf-sliips, anta eah has Ueen fa.-ter thau thie contract reqtjireö. The BWdlfteet of al'.'l is ilie lliinncapolis, wndoh cai'.'liOd fo'r twemlty-on3 knots antd made over twenty-three 0.11 lier trJaï trip. Un.der in act peaBed by the iast c KngT'esfi a perwm iJeêacing a go:d or cio.itn of the TJtR'fceüI States is ;J:;1ile bo a fftnra of $2,000 ae'd ilve yeaTB :in ptriscra. Thiis stops the bangile faicl arong vrUi o,t.lnor fornis of coúi üefacemwi'. One oí t'hie gowenmaeut leaders in paüBaaniaat remtnuls tihe fóeods 'of GrTeeoe ttoa.t you caía nio-t have onieJtetëtes TOït'hiout breaklng eggs. The ometebt the powers are rnaküng by ebellïSntg Chïlstiaaifi will cause them no end of indigestión and niglitjnae. Edlítar Gresrory of JamesvElei was ■oM'tced laitely to go to Arm.' Arbor, lio liare a film removed from hls cyes. We tünöensteiml iln:it he oontracted tJie ti'ouW.e, readfi'iïiï tüue wool tariíí edffboriai:? of tlie Ilills-dale Leader and Anm Artor Courier. Tlue oeuCteta remi&ved the woo".. and relieved tlie stnátíteintiis. - Ach lan Press. a:i jai: M Bi-os. Sebearos aoid Snv.ih wKl eome orer to Aam Ari. i ■. we 4d endaalvKxr to a8aifc Br. CJestpow to the vvry best of our aW' Ky, ila removing tlve fra3 tra.rle filan tlitit has eo long obstructed their viston. Oo'me over. Severa 1 of our poiStical cnemies li'nvo ni.i ile the statement tliat had tíhe sitTeí aem'ocra'ts all voted as they iinteraled to- -svhich is a lame excuse - tliiat Mr. DeWiltt TOu'.d have been elected oommiisstoner of schools in pj'nce o; Mt. Luster. That is not irue. Had every go:d deimocrat vote cast iia tlie oounty baen credúted to Mr. De'Stt, Mr. Lister womid ttuen l;,ive liad 157 mujotíity. Batt. the faet is tlie goed democratie votes cast represents the siize of tlxe goCÜ dcm.02ra.tic party ki tiliis countj', so tlie excuse ■o-.on't vark. &ome democrats from Texas wamt a i chity put om woo!, and some of thiose from Soutli Carolina think cotton ouglit to be proteefced. T:. a typ Val demiooraitde ecc&ntriclty. DemiO'crats ijke to' have a Üuty put on tlke producto of tttuediT om :ocalities, tmt want ti Iiave the products the nest o: the coitatry jet ia free. 1': .;u l.ilí partye view potott Gen. Haacoek -va.s riglLt 'when iie r.aJ'd tiie tiariíf ivas a "local issue." And yet a good many democrats, especiiCly in the so'iiith, are coming square; y over to the protection Bide. Of co'ua-se whie ntfhey get all the way over thiey wiil caasa to be demócrata a.nd reputolicams. Ome of the oddiïtJies of present poll" tiles is Jëtuu Baker's viote against tihe Dimgltey WJ. Baker, whio representa ie 21st district of Eainois, defeáted Wüliam E. Morrisou ia 1886 on. the toariilff issue, and ended that free trade cliieftain's oongressionali career. At tha't tdtae Baker was so rotmst a proteotèojiist tiuat DiagJey and the rest of thia framiers of the preseauti measure seem lilke iree traiders ia the &ompalrtson. Advamoed ag;e, iKwever, and tlhö popuïiietdc aseociatioms into ■rcihdcli the Illinoifian recently feil, account for his ctoamge of base. Still, the eighty-fouT raaiortty whidh. the DingJley bill reoeiveKl in the House shows thiat Mt Bakeir's ÜlefeotiiOtL has mot entlreCy killed the prtrteotiou caiise. Travel to Europe is expected to fall off this sumiller on account of the general advance in flrst-class cabin fares from $85 to $100, which is now the minimum rate. STo reduction will be made to tourist agents for parties less than twenty-five. Some of the stearnship Unes expect a reduction in the number of first-class passenecers of 20 or 30 per cent, but the crack ships were overcrowded last year. The special attractions on the other side this season are the Queen's Jubilee, the Baireuth music festival, the Stockholm Exposition, and the International Medical Congress at Moscow in August. Many parties will visit North Cape and other points of interest in Norway and Sweden.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier