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Standing Committees

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President of the council, Gottlob Luick , announced the following standing comniittees at the council meeting, Monday ■evening : Finance - Brown, Grossman, Soule. Onlinance - Cady, Brown, Con. Sewers - Kocli, Moore, Sweet, Vandawaker, Spathelf, Soule, Danfortli. Streets - Moore, Grossman, Dell, Brown, Rhodes, Soule, Cady. Sidewalks - Coon, Hamilton, Koch, Sweet.Vandawarker, Spathelf, Danfortli. Fire Department- Grossman, Ehodes, Vandawarker. Water - Danforlh, Mooie, Brown. Pólice - Dell, Koch, Danforth. Lighting - Soule, Rhodes, Sweet. Bonds - Vandawarker, Cady, j man. Licenses - Spathelf, Coon, Dell. Parks - Hamilton, Cady, Spathelf. Poor - Rhodes, Hamilton, Koch. Cemetery - Sweet, Moore, Cady. It ïs a spíemdM opporbunity for the stuid'y of thie larw thiait ia offered ty tihie Spraguie Correspomdence School jol -Law, 574 TeOep Inane BuiLdfag, Detroit Mich., wbase adverbisemienit vl'4 "be fouud elsewhere im tibia paper. Thieir system of instructiion Js tbat by oorrespondeince, aW thie lectures, text botoks, etc., betng saat }rom Detroit, toigeitiher with tharough liessoms and leseom belps far evecry Üay's ebudy. Thuis metihioitt te cei-tiainLiy ïar superior to ttot of studyjlng; aüone, reading at tajpiiazatfd, aiwi evem superior to stuüying in. an offios under the direction of a busy ïarsvyer ho bas lilttle time to devote to hls student. The Böbooil is same eíghíb years ota waö. hos prep.arod raen flor admissiom to the bar ín. every gt&te amcD terribory of thie Uoálted Stiates, and we have amrpQe eMiidlenoe tihiaJt it is do ing ilrst c&ass work. Thiey have a very plata and full discriptian of tlieir plan and couree TVhiich. they furniish free to a!l ■wihio ask far it. We sbaill bei pleased to baTe any of our readers wlio wrilte tluem for particull'ars to mentiioii this paper iit oonnectiion wïtJi tliieir Inqultty. A hiuadred leading G-ernuan profeso'sts giive tilia Reome des Mondes theiir views on tlhis ad'mfesil nof women to education. Tliey íno-stly are advei'se. The view of 100 Amerfoan. pi-oíessors, wlio liare taixglit and associated -ívitli wonisn who were gradmated froni untversitios, would he inioco cioiapeteínt to give an lntel-llgen-t opiaiLon. - Daily Times.


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