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The Sons of Vet vrt3. kold a dance tk-U evening. ThO Nortihside boasts oí thirty, peopie 70 years old and over. This week is observed by .the Jews as tlhe feast of tke .Passover. Tke Maccabee party Monday evening was a very enjoyablie affaix. What is tke oanditijon of our streete, to-day ? Muddy ? Ot diusty ? Thle kid wko kasn'b a jumping "bean made out oí a capsuue ism't in lt a little bit. Out base baïl teain was sniub, out Satarüay by tke Detroiii League team at Detroit, tke sciare beitag O to 6. Thlis being vaoaitifon week ia tke Umveu'sity and public schools, tkere is more thlau msual quietmess prevadIng erorytiliiinig. A pair oi speobacJea ia a case, plcked up on Huroo et. Tkursday. Owmer coa have same by appliying ing to tihis oifice. Kow tüat Easter iö o'ver wiil the weatfaer clerk be kind emougk to giive ■us som) wiarm, Tiitoe spong 'days ? If nat, -n-Ouy nofc ? , The ïadïïes oí St. Aadrew's .parish will give a social ab Hanis HalV on TkuTsd'ay evening, ta wfcick a, general invibatlosi is extended. Representatives Jíom the Oongregati'anal1 ckurches of this and Jackson coutttties, kave been m annual Bession at Tpsiianrti yesteirday and to-day. It is singular tikat noi one ha) tuanbled to the iaet tkat that miysterioniB air ship is eimply a messeneen irom (M:ars, senit over to bso kiow; we are geting along. The Adrfaa Press retnarks to Presidemt AngefJl : "If he latende to accept ke kad best hurxy, or Greece wi:i have tke turkey's 'cnop' out befo-re he geits tkere." Mrs. Densmoire Cramer was uoifortumiate enougk to {all on tke steps of her komie on Wedtnesday evening Jast, ama brote the bopes oi ker left arm near tke wrist. Tke S, C. A. wiíl hioldi social eveinIngs at Newberry Hall oitt Frildlay and Saturday niights. All studenits remainfiing in tke city are especially asked to be present. Ttueire are sixteen students in the UnPversity who are membera of tke Lamba. Stilgma society of thie Detroit Hig-h Scluooj, and they propose to gdve a pairty in a week or two. Tke oo:Ü, we weatker we kave been kavrng kas ncnt to make peöp'je wear that "please look pleasamtt" smi'lie, but it Uas made tlke wïieat and káy im CTaa firllds jump up w5tk de!figkit. Unto the nelder said Patsen: "Why did you jniilT tliat fly?" "As I loolied np I siiw," siüd lie, "The airshlp Bcootin' by I" Cleveland Plidu Denier. Tino plTnablmg to be put im the Aun Ai'bor Savfongs Bank Woek aas been áwaiMled to KeiMiy & QuAnvan. Bofbert A. CamptoO:!, wtio was at ■ome ttane a high echiool, utudemt, elass of '90, died in Tusaoni, Ai'izonu, Sunüay. A loon, weigliiing tiiirteen pouadfcf was shot at Strawberry Lake ou éiuitdJay morning last, by Albert W.. Sorig. jMlaywr Hicöck wICl be aits the Mayoe's oiffóee lm the cilty building on tlie ii"st and third Moaidays of eacl.month finom 7 to 8 p. in. "VVaül papers to bs extremely iashioaaibie ïWw s'hould be in öbripes, Und ■without irieze excpt ia l'arge rooms w3th liiigh ceiling. Oscar I' Burkhardlt stands at the head of tlie agenbs of the New York LAïe las. Oo. Ho has on'jy sls equals in tlie United States for work done. Tilntcr's Sunttay alt tina Y. M. C. A. 'rooms was a1 pleasant anid i)roí'Uabl'e bccasiOQ. Toe vai'ious speakers Iheuvhxg excelieat woridö oí adviceè 'to è'sve. J'Oisepli C. Jones, a bi'otilier oíi the "iate Pixií. Elista, died ab liis Jionie in. Chicago, on Wednesday iast, April 14. He was a gradúate oí tilie U. of M., cjass oí '72. Easter Day was cfcar and pleasanlt, except that a brisk wind. kept itn niotiion miost of tlie day. The various churches were fijjled to overflowing, botli mornílng and ovening, and the services were aïl beautilul aod ímpressiive. Tbe U. oi M. AtMetic baamjj emters protest againíst Sickels anid Murphy of the Xon'tli" estern inter -coilegiate baso ball teaan, uadeír rule í, which bars out amy pliayer whO' has ever uséd has kinowltedge oi athletics íor gíaio. At the 2ú state öratonicali contest of the Michigan High Schooi Oratorical Association - which adopted rules slmtíing o-ut Aun Arboír - at Olivet last week, Prof. Trueblood, oí thie city, was the judge of thought and style ol mainuscripts. Clyde McGee, oi, took thO ïirst prize. TJaie íamaus mrlk peddier ordwiamce, passed last year by tihie Ama Arbor oaunciS, got toto the circuit court receatSiy and Judge Kinne "knocked the whey" out oi i-t. He eaiLdi the ordimamee n as unconstitutdOnaLi. the cowboy city legisla' tu're maidie a bulj of it. - Adtt'üan Press. Ezra JDiiifaacl, wtuo. was a former Ühejeeia boy, and coininected ior a, long time with the inujsic tramde ia this co-umty, has got iiabo troubije at PortDand, Oreg-on. It its alletged tha,t he victimiaed people there ia sums upwiards oi $100,000. Thea-e were two ndictmenlts returued aigainst Jiim by the graad jury. The men taken om the 'varsiity spring trip are as Jollaws : Captain Jüller, Sheeham, KeLth, Andersuu, pitchei's ; Wehrje aud Luau, catchers; Condón and McGee, ïirst base ; Butler, seco'nd ; A'o'lïf, short; Bullivum, Third ; LudJo'w, right üeld ; Cartwrig-ht, oeaitci fiejd ; Iaaai, left ïield; Coach Watkins and lianage'r Atkinson. The Board oí Matoagers oí the Waahte'niaw Ocmnity íaju', has appropriubód $400, ajnid tuinied ib ayer to (Sup't F. Enior MilllS, with whilch to pnooure speci'al a-btractianis íor the oomilnig fair. Mr. Mitls ia a, wise aind cautious maai in this von-k, and tihe people can rest assured that there w.El be eoniethiinig worth isseing at tihe oomiing fair. That lightning nevar strikes twice in the same place has been pmovea an untrue eayjlnig. last sumnier a farm houise mear this oity was etmek by iilgihtning, and it cjost the Washtenaw Coanty Mutual Frre Ins. Co: $90 to repair it. Tnís epring th same ho'use was sbruck ín exactïy the same pDace, but jt O'aly Oost the coonpany $12 tihils time ta 1-epair damages. "What are tihe ciomiditian of our streötis to-idiay ?- Ano, Arbor papers. Wretclhed, decidedly wretched. W'hoever heax'd of the streets of Ann Arbor e""er being in any otlher oondiltion ? - Cheisea Standard. There you have it, fellow cjtizems, and1 gentlemen oí the coumcili ! Yon can Bee what others tlhiaik oí us. How jjong mnst we enstailn that sort of a reputation ? We aro" gi-umteiing aboiut the wet weather, and beeause of bad roads, and that spritag is houding back! and aöl that ; the fact fö, we are a Bet of grumWers, a kiind oí ehrooio affectiom born in us. We nerer know wiien we are wetl ia Ö)o! unitall real oalamity overtakes us, then we realize ho'w BeCifiish we have been for grumbrjing at oxir former cooidiition an.d how ■unthankfuü for past blessümgs. Let us stop grumtociing tul wc have sometlni'ng to grumMB for, and th,en it is useüess, as it diaes no good. Johnny had n wealth of rnusele Whcii he Bwung the baseball bal : But when foreed tu beat the carpei He wás weaker than a cat. - Cleveland reader. The 3d arnnual banquee to üiesusfcaiinlnig membens oí the Y. Mj C. A., wüLl bo lield at their rooaiis, on Trida;- evi-ii,i,ny, commencitng at 7:30 p. m. Thie Deteoilt News is oautionmg its eoïresponxliants in tihis wuy : ''Kditors and reporters sfbjomM aaver íorget that no news a'rt&cüe ia valuable enough to comipenisaite for a libel nuil." Miss Arlilne Augusto James, dauglita" ai the late Bed James, fop ma.ny yiears a resident oí this city, was marifed iu. New York City, on tihe 5th iaist., to an artist named Frederick VActoir Hugo. iAliJam Dell, wiie oï H. W. Wiheeler, oL Plilütsfiiedd, and sister of Dr. J. A. Deiil. oï thiiia city, died on Sunday last, at 3 ij ia. Funsraï servSoes were heM fvom the home on. Taesday, and tdie remates iinterred at Saline. Persons ba ving rooms, board, or no oms and board, desirieg t-o accomod'ate viisibors du ring tiae May Festiva., slio'uld send numljor of rooms and pi-Ace per dlay, also price of meals, ■wU'h the addi-ess, to Bchooli of Marit, 9 Mayinard st. Tliose wiuo are iatJerested) in m.usic, or lm pui'cluasing musical fsupplies will iind it fo tiieir adviantag'e to ca'i at tUie Schaeberle MusAc Store, No. 8 W. Liberty st. Thoir ad. W10 be ïuiuid on tae lst paga of thiisi paper. Monda j was a regular spring blizzard o i a day. The bird couldn't skug, and Oar"jy gardners wouldn't, and the peopje dïdn't, but their eaffs diid, öiinig. No mare late Easters, pOeaige, ii ib brilngs abouü gucii a misei'ato spring asthis ome is. Th,e gnocery busúxess formerl'y condiucted by s. B.auang'ard'nier, on K. M-ain st., wijl hiereaiter ha carrie,d on by Seaboit & Da ris, Dean SeaboLü and. BelOe Davie beiing tto membws oï tihe fLrm. These yoinngf men will bs afber thiair shars al That explosión of eome kiwd heaird by so mainy of oor citiizens, both liere and alt YpsiiOanti last Monday, is as yeC unaccouiited for. One wag euggests that iit was the e"Jements rejo icing in ad'vance over Er. Cowie's vixjt'Ory it the counciü that evening. And no'w some of our good-natiued jokers pretend that the air-snip t.hat was Beem here the other1 night was a hot aijr baLoan, aat upi from ■the viclultiy oï lielief Park. How croel to gpoil thie fai'tJi of. p&ople liu omeh.Lhg supeiuiatvirai, in that way. Ofiiioer Ojark seut Frank Hessiian a boy 13 years o2d, to tine toduKtrial scüool for boys at Lansing for truancy, iast Mo.nd'ay, and, Jue luis tduPee othe,rs on probation. eecond tumo tíbey coma bato-re the court they will lia ve to lea ve íor Lajising. It costa the city of Aan Arbar $90 to get a niew (face for the court house tower cjock.- Chelsea Standard. And yert tihiat face is as expi-esstömJess as a board. In fa-et it 'is a board. Because of ttuait fact the peopue wlio board soutiüi of the coui't Iiouse are bored. An all day meetang will be held at Newberrj hall to-morrow, Thursday, by tllue Chüftstian Allilance of this city, cond'ucted by Kev. J. P. HersJióser, of the U. B. eh'urch, naar Olivet. Prayer service at 9:30 a. m., ainid 2:30 p. m., and eveniing een'ioe at 7:30 p. m. Everybody iavited. B. Frank Bower, one of Ann Arbor's newspaper men of whona she i8 prcuid, has purchiaised the Cleveland World, and wiil liierea'fter devote tuis energies ta nxakiing it the beat paper iu tfme worild. Mr. Bower took liold oí tlhis same paper a few years ago ajïd made it a va'Juable papeirty, aiffld he aow goes back to Ma fiirst iove. May tlue greatest success athiim, is the wish af hls oid. frtends Jiere. ' Ome o; the ongainizatiions of this c-ily that is desarving af oncouragemeait is the Fruit naiidi FitoHver MiBsi'Otti, coimpiosed of yoaag liadies of the UnJviersity who JumMi tihe patfents ta. the hospiitais with what clieer they caai. If amy of our readers have books or nxagazibea that they can part wiitli, tli-e same can. be1 used to goad adviantage by this Mission. Leave -nioi-d wifh, Miss M'Jlan., aití 44 Madiscwx st., or wi'th Mrs. lr. Martin 1G N. State st., and aonief ome wiCl cali tor tliem. A new ventu'i1 hias been organized in thiis city, the object being the manuitactuire of calemd'ars, games, and mcvvelties. The field: for this seems to be wide, aiud tihie pro'fijbs tempting. The oompany certaiinJy hos the t?ood ■svíil oí tte community who besieak for 3iü the best of success. The ofiicers ellected are : "Hugh Browm, president ; H. J. G-ouIdimg, vice president ; E. A. Lyman, treasurer ; L. A. Pratt, secretary. The board of ddrectors consists of Hugli Brown, E. A. Lyman, H. J. Croulidiúng, Li. A. Pnatrt and W. B. Phiülips. MM. Dm'lheían (& Diívr-jin St., who has 2ang been a iiuiMatag . i'nvaiM, wias o&ndlaliy rememleffd by her ïmmerous friendis on Easter mornlaog, witu some pots oí . :. i, uii.i Jjowera in ïuil blaoani rosea,'iit'h.s, earnatijone, tuúips, etc. Muy tilie Kick one (be ntad'e happy as éökb revelw in tjieir fijagraoce. UhB Chonal Dntom erf ühe Univensïjty oL Michigan, 300 voices, will vake part ia co-ncerts I and IV. In these comcerts the Frfezs Memoriam Orgaa (loimeriy kniown as the Colunibian Organ) wi:i be uscd. In. eompliance with. thfc l-equest o; nniiny of our patrons, a stort orgaia recitailt will be after tlie gymplhoiiiy concert, Friday aiteruoioji. It ia a píteasare 'to xnobe tto prosperiity of former Ama Arbor boys, and and so it is wi'tfe that íeeliag we elwoniLcii; the selectiio'nj al .Ta.me9 A. Bobiison fonnerly deputy couaty clerk liero unUer Iiis fathar, Hou.. John J. RoMison, as the private nocretary of Mayor Maybuiy, of Detroit, He is a wortliy membar o{ ïlis qaÜJl. driver's frateraaty, and will eertaraly ntake am exceile;at private secretary. Muyw Hiiwock Las aanounced that bis appomtments wiJl ba as follows : City Atto'i-iiey, Thos V. Keanisy, dem■ocrat ; city marslLa:, Zeaas liwee-t, i'epubLican ; city troasurer, Edward Li. Seyler, repubjioaiü. These are all good appoiiitmeats, and although üici'e wüa ba sotne m'umbli'ng oí coiirse y et as a geasrai ttuilag they vi;;i ba accepted la good fai'th. by the peop;.e, who wi5l süaad back os eacn of h,em in performing th.eir duties. ■ We understand that wheejmen are makLng inquiiieü concerning a Michigan road book. A reliable road book, whicli wilï ba issued on or abont April 20tn or 25th, cam ba obtlained fre by. joaing the L. A. W. Xon-Leagus meniber wheelmen vill i'eceive it upon tbe payïnent of about $1.50. The expense o.f joindng the L. A. W. is $2 fo.r t'lie firsít yeiar íinjd $1 eacU year thiereaSter. Do.a B. IS'tevens is ïocal consul oL th,e L. A. W. in tJhla city.- Bai;y Times. The Y. M. C. A'. wiOI give a social and entertainment next Tuesday nigWt, Apiriii: 27. It bas beern named ■'ETerybody's Soctal" and every body is iinrited to come. A very amusing program wítl be giiveln, including James Harkins, Mrs. JlcCJuxe. and laany other drawiiqg eards. The admtssion wiM be 7 1-2 cemits, but in order to save money buy two tickets, loe cream aind cake vi;i be served free of chiarge. 'ave iniotieyj by oomiing to tiie 1-4 olf sociaL. Last fajl ex-Shfcriff Geoï-ge W. Axteïl, oí Hwviell, caanie to Mm Arbor and bO'ugh't a lióme 'aeare, inito whkh tuis faimiQy, consisting of a wiíe and son, moved, the som, Ford Axfceül, attemding tli.e Univei'sity. Ajong aibO'ut the bojidiays the health af Mrs. Axtell belgain to JaiC, aad ehe returned to Ilowetl, wbere she oomitiiaaed to beoomie wo.rge, untiD deaith carne to reUeve 'her of all tpomble on April 12. Mr. Axtell kas inideed euffered a loss that is beyiond wards to describe, and he lias the siacere eynupathy o'f many fr.iieiids üi hos afOictiO'n. Thiere is a feejing comimig toi the STirfacO that Dean Harry B. Hutch.'iins, of the Jaw (lepartmeuït, would ïmlake a most exoaJlen't acting presi üent of the Uni'versiity, and therO is üilbtle or no doubt bat the feelimgi has a giood deiai of foundation. Prof. Hutc'hiins is an adtaürab" De-an, full of -nigior, of fine esecutive abtity, and one who couid cairry on the work; of t'his great eduoatiDdiali institution, ind keep 31t abreast of thñ times - not let it merely exist, or" keep it in S'uspensiion dtsring Dr. Angetl's absence. And ttoait is needed. An aggreseiive l-eader who has boh the abil'ity aind courage to. pushi forward, not (floMow. "Wheu. it is tnown that the UnivieTsil y of Chiciag.o keeps paid solicito rs ia this stete, ia this county and Ln this city, evn, to inducei students to aittead that ihlsti■tutilOn hhe pressáing meed of soonie one who lias the qualjit'i-es menjtiomed, to fill Ir. Angeil's place while he is tempo rarily absenlt, ia etriktngiy apparent . .■i


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier