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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Ttoe majcwïty of sufferers from Astihmia and kindred complaiints, af ter trytog doctora and numíberless remedie advertteed as positiva cures wltlhiout avail, toa ve come bo the conclusión üljiat tiliere is no cutre for thto most düjs'bressimg disease, and tiuese same persons will be tae miore in doubt and skeptócal whön they learn thrcnigb the columns of tihe press fcliat Dr. Budolp'lL Stíhóffmaain, the recognized apthiorlty wbio bas treated more case of bhiesi) diseases tíhan any living doctor, hias aohieved success by perfecting a remedy wMtoh mot only gl ves lmmedíate relief In tle woret cases, bnt hias posJtdvely cmred tüxousands of sulferers who were ooasódered incurable. These Veré just as skeptieal as som oí our readers now are. Dr. ScMllmanm's remedy no diOiibb possesses tiiu merit wháloh Ís claimed tor lt or ha wiould njot authioriize tihls paper to anoonnce that (he is n,ot only wllllng bo giTe free t,o each person suffering Tpom Astíhma, Hay "Ferer ol BroncflütlB Id tlhis clty, one liberal "fre trial Uox" of hjls Curtí, but urgeatjy rcquests ell sufferers tí cali at Goodyefar's Drug Store. Aun Arbor, wiitato tjie next tfhree days and receive a packago absolutely free of rjiarge, kniowing ttat tu making the claim h.e dloes for h!s Cure, a strong doubt miay arfeO loi tihe minde oí many, and tfliat a personal test, as he offers to all. will be mare comvimcing, and prove lts merlts, than the publishlnj of thousands of testimoniáis from persons -vrh'O feave been permanently cnred by the use of luis Asthma Cure. "Dr. ScMffmami's Asthma Cure," a Jit te called, has been sold by druprgiet of thls oilty Over slnce it was flrst Íntroduced, althougrh many persons may never have heard of t, an-di lt Is wlth a vtew to reaöhJawc thee that he makes th3s offer. This is certalnly a moy+ genermrs and fa'.f offer, and all are Bufferilng froim any of the a'bove oompta&rta öhould remember the date and place TVhere the diisftrübiilion wlll be made, and avall themselves of the same. Tersons ltv tag out of tinte clty who deslre to test the effücacy of thls most wonderful remedy wüll receive a package fre by writing to Dr. Bchirfmnn, 330 Rosabel street. St. Paul, Mínn., provldiing their letter is recelved before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can b obtained after that date. LESS THAN ONE GENT EJGH 5 RARE CHANRF FOR subscríbeos h nunL ununuc old and new. 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement just made with The Detroit Free Press makes it possible ibr ns to save some money for every reader who takes advan tage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE IN ARBOR CdlIER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. Hu Twice-a-Week h Press Is the Best Possible Substituto for a Daily Paper. Publisbeil on Tuesday and Friday Mornlngs. in time to catcli the Early Train. All the Latest News up to the time of going to press. Complete Market Reports in each lsssue. All who cannot get a Daily should Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press ig offertng Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscribers, and you takinradyvantV4e of CSt f bth Pape" by THE MANY BARGAÜÍS OFFEEED. WRITE THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. n No Other Way Can Ton Get As Much For s Little Honey. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT OELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order t,o assist the thousands of unemployed men in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, has established a Free Labor Bureau and ïsprepared to furnish men to farmers and others In all parts of the country without expense to elther. Employers applylne should state deflnitely as to the kind of work, wages to be paid, and if railway fa re wlll be advanced. Addrees, Labor Bürkatí, Wobkingmeñ's Iíojie, _ , . 42 Custom House Place, Tel. Hamson 21:!. Chicago, 111. Barrel Salt at Wholesale and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAÏT& CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STUUKT. 52-3ml7


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