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Attractive Women

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"Why ís one woinan attiractive and aniothar not ? The most acUnJirabite and attractúive thiinig about an attractivc "woraaji is her womanl'iness. Everybody admires a ■womanly ivomam. She niust have íieajth. of course, because wiltduout it shei wouJd iose tito brightness of her eyes, the VuMness Oií híer cheeks auid. her vivacïtjy. Reai heaïtih miust meau that a warman ils really a "woman. That 'siie ils and perfect in a sexual TMay as Avell ais ia overy O'bher. That stie is oapab:e oi performing periectjy thje duties of imatemiity. Borne are bom wifch. what ie ca'.led "constituttoiual weakuess." Those who Üo ruot eajoy perteot hieafjth, aeed only Cako thi8 p-roper precaubiionis and the p nap er rermedy. to beoome perfecbly ■we'.i añd strong. Ir. Piarce's Favorite Prescripción will cure any deramgEm'ent oí the distiinctively . f eminine oganism. Seimd 2i cents in one-cent etamps to ■Wwriid'fi Biispeii-sa.Ty Medical Associatiiton , Buffajo, 3ST. Y., and reoelve Dr. Pierce's 1008 palge "Oammon Bense Jledücai Adviser," illnstina ted. If the devil didti't teacii msii hoKv to maiko rum, w'hio (lid ? It is a splendid oppoirtunity íor the strfdy o f tlie íaw that 13 offered by tiho Spraguie COTresponidence Schooi j of Lan', 57-i TeJephoae Buildiuig, tnodrt Mich., whose advertisement yvï.l be round ejscsrhei'e in thia paper. Their system oí instructioin Ís that by covrespondence, a'Jl tibe lectures, text boiats, etc., bei'ng semt írom Ietroiit, toigetiher wáth thoirough iesso'iis arad Jesson helps fo.r every day's study. Thiis metbad tó cerfcaiiajy jar superior to tbart oí stud'yilng aüoae, readiug at haphazard, and even superíoa: to studyimg in an offioe under tlie directioii of a busy lawyer -svho has lllttle time to devote to Mis student. The school is some edghit yea-rs oíd and has preparad mea íiot admission to the bar in every state amdi terrilbory of thíe Unílted Sbates, and we have amiKie evldence thait it is doing ílrst cdass work. They have a very plain and full diíscription of their plan and course which they {urnish íre to a'I who ask for it. We shall be pleased to bave any oí our readers who wrïte them for p articulara to memtion thls ptaper to oannection wïth their InquSü-y.


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