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Oh'.sp.V.s k!;:tc;s are being' ]mt in Munini;'1: u:"der. Oasper Winters, o{ Clielsea, died Ap:l; 16, aged 61. C. W. f t ■ ) has made improvements iü luis home a t Olie'.ssea. Mr. and Mns. W. Van Kiper liavo remioved f rom Otoaüsea 'to Clare. AClen. Stepliieiis is tío oocupy Milo Sliave:'s liousa in Chalíseía Iiea'eafter. Tlmrlow McM uilen, of Mooreville, died Ap'.i. 1-k, oí pneumania, aged 14. Baxter brought beaatiïuL services to most oí tke cluuiches of the coumty. Panaers pretty generally are to experlmE'xit Avitü Kaffir corn tlñ seaso ii. The Soidier's Monumieut at Ch-elsea. ■n'ül be dedioat-ed on Memorial Iay, Jfay 3i C. E. Baboock lias goae to Grass Lake to cane for W. P. Scfceoick & Oo's store ttuere. The Chateea II. E. cliurch people made $30 ojear, by tlieir Easter entert aiamient. The fanners say that they are haviiiig a hard time to get thseiv otats in, ilt is o wet. Mrs. Rosa. Mater, of Granid Ivedge, visited lier brotlner, Chas. H. Keunipf at Cheteea last week. The next meetkig of the Saline Read'kig CivcLe will be wit: Miss Bertlia Sohairer, on Saturday. O Case, of near Moorevüle, has moved to M.ilan, and AUie Bradley has moved on to hiis farm. There wJU be two grteúduates {rom tlie Hteh Schxx: tuis year : Chas. EafclLardson and Peari IeWitt. By tbe dieath of hiis father, at Boston, Heibert Wheeïer, of lialiine, will come toto a jarge fortune, it is .said. Tlue Pacy farm iin. Bridgewater lias 1een d'ivided and Geo. F. Boettner ren'ts ono pairt and C. F. Bjum thie other. ' It iB saLd that the grasshopper, dauntied by the co'Jd of thils spring lias aliready entered hSB appearance tri p'Jaoes. Chas. Dresslehouse has purchased the oíd Banke mili poropeflty in Bridgew atter and he will puit it in running' onder a'-guin. The Adrián Prese man remarks of the Chelsea Standard man : "There Ie au editor, with a heart in. him Hke a beef ctfftfbar." He's no cow-ard thiough. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dewey, of Jackson, are to move on to the Fel!ows farm in, which is ovied by Msrg. Oborn, Mrs. Dewey's mother. The Observer very justly kicks becr.nse tho fLre department ladders are kept loaned miost of the time to some ambitieus Salimeite, wiho liaa a deSiire to' c'Janib. ï".neeinan Tueker was bCied in a ruimway accldent at öh-elsea just about one year ago, and on the 16th od April his widiO'w, Pihoeibe, died at lier name in Saline. Why sIkou'.ö mot eountey make lts oiwn sugiar ? We hiave aZt t!he facl'i'ties.- S tiockbridge Sum. Yes, and it "beats" a'.l tlhe jxatdons of the woirckl for sweet girl, too. A te:epte)ine line has been completed betti-een Clinton and Franklin, and it -wiM goon be extended to, Sand La,ke. It is a womdierfui:. oonvenience to tlhe pöople aloog lts line. Mrs. Fnamik Tower, oif Ixdii), Iiavtag been iill íor same time, the membeTs of the Mozaat quartette went to her home the othe.r diay, and) gave her onO of tlheir fine concerts. The irmfoveTsïty associiation. center, ■svthïah uas organized here eeveral weeks agio, has ppoivem very profiJtable 'aaitl enitertaJmlng and interest is growimg.- .Manchester Enterprise. Lymdtn, Waslitemaw county, has a minister by the name of Thiste. He OTight to be able to prick the conscience c'f unbeiiievers, if there is anything iü a name. - Ktymauth Mail. Fruit grmvers in different parts of tbe ötate bave given their fruit trees a tthlOTOTigh. exam:uiaitii)ou, and the majority oí them report excellent pro'spects for a largue fruit yield. - OheCeea Herald. One of the yoaing lass who at tended church last Sunday was heard to say tlhat whifce most o(f the girlsi had new f ar Bast er, she üid not even have so muoh as a new fellow.- Chelsea Standiard. Loiok weil to the cellar, take out anythinic tliat wia dteeay and cause mouCdt Diphtherda, soarlet fever, eftc., are bred by Just jieglecting these 'löivtle thiimgs. An oiunce of preventiion is worth. a pouad of cure. EliLza, wièow of the iate Joseph Harrfeon, ol Salem, died on Thursday last, of dr.opsy, at an advaneed age. She had resLded in Salem township sinoe 1823. Fuanenai services were nt'.'A on Sundiay the25th, at Leiand's church. Thie govennor lias signed tdie bi:l dividing ttoe towmstop oí Plymouth, aiid so affcer thie 4th of April next, NorthvlQl -will be a lifttle to-wnsihip all by itself. How eelfisa ! CheJsea's last "Remnanit" is gone. It was Albert wto bas moved tq the matritaioniali state, where he has formed a Me partnership with Miss Ora A:ijm. May ttoere be maíiy smail Eemaante.- Plymoutlh. Mail. I.i6t to taita from tlue SaUíre Observer : "Ma.ny of our exohanges have been making teriribe work Kpelling School Commiissiomer-eiect Lister's name. They get it Ive&t-er, Ly&ter, Leyster, etc. Spel It eimply L-i-st-e-r." People are stiil dusoueslng the explosiiom, which was heiard Monday afternoon 'bxi't no one has been ab'.e to ascertaüa wbat it was. It was beard at Ann Arbor, BaMne, Ypsdlanti and huany otker poants, equa:jy as pafim as at tliis plaee. - Dexter Leader. Ib was gas geuerated by that air 'öhip, thiat's ail. From Taylor's Corners, HMlsd'ale counfty, bornes fhie íame oí a duck whiöh, has expeltedi an egg 7 1-2 by 9 &nc(hies in length. Of oouiree we do mot Üoubt it, because tihe account appeaxed in tlue Hiltedale Democrat ; bilt it must have b&em a dncedl long dmck.- AdrSian Prese. Yes, we ehould de-a-uckt ithat mucli. E. E. BeaTs bramcíh tíhioe store here, whifch. has been mamaged by Jay Keditth has been etaseü amd' the stock mioved frack to Ana Arbor. Slmce fhe mso-vteig out of the shoe etock, some peopile have waadered where to füid tihe express office. Mr. Xèith eays that for thO preseat, at Iteast,, It wi:i remaia wbene it is.- Dexter Ijeader. Geo. A. Peters, the Soi peach growecr, (toesn.'t expect to get riKlh o;i hte peach erop this year. He eays h.e recentiy experdmented on about 100 buds taken friom d,fferent parts of hlls OTchard and looind ala dead but two and 31fe ia thiese was vOry faint. He thiüks the buds entireiy ruined. - Dexter Ijeader. Peters siuou'jd liiave glven the buds some oi his hot ta'.k diirüig the ooid snap. Attomey Her.ry G. Kiatt, Oi Adriiin. (-in some of om peop'je about the Oounty w!Li reinember t have met) nier a smoobli etráng&r ia Toledo on Motwiay. who said hO was in the Unitecl States secret service. The feSllow asked to see a $5 bUI. l'latt gave hirai ome. It was retumed and tliauketi profuse'.y. Later he examlneil the biM and found it called for "$1.- Rlissfiield' Ad va nee. 'Ttae PeteTsburgh Sun has made the diisoovery tiliat to run n jiewspapcr wttihiO'ut committlng errors or glvlng oïfense, 'wO'ur.d be as marvellous as rnmning a natixj'ad witllnout accidents or smaslraps. Very true, but just as true, thiene is aLways swm,e gallowsface-cl whio -waiUfca to efcart a libel snit for $50,000, wtaem h Juiwvs t'lie editor te wearüng elephamt leggeTJ pantalocuns becaimse he hasn't the pïloe to get them reefed. - Adriau Press. The min dam at Pinckney !?oit tired of hod'diiig back tlie the water Ith the pooi'd tinere th o"tilier day and broke away, d'oitog consüdierable dama'ge. The principal losers are Tinos. Birkett, $1,000, on mXi dlam and property ; tüie to-wmsliip of Putnam 3-500 on bi'klges and approaches ; IC. H. Craaie, Geo. W. Teep'.le eaoh a smai:i amount. It. is Baid that bush&B of fine fisli wen-e pïcked up on the bcttiom of the panid! aftei'." the water went ot. Oouid mot otlier school boards take a hint from this ?: "A good move : By reference to another co'.umn it wili ba seen that titue eohool board has taken action to abate the vile habit which is prerailing extensively of b'.iasphemy an'd vulearlfcy of language on the stJ-etg, aimong the yomng. This actloai ia most time'.y and s'h'O'u'.iíl be endO'rsed by every individiuia' oif the commumity. This vüe and ua&less luaibifc Juas becoone au intoOerablie nmlsance. - Dundee Keporter. Thiere are 61 wLdows in the Mttle viMage of Dexfcer and 18 widiowers. Coorier. Better pair thiose widowers off and1 thien the baja-nce wiill be on t.h,o siidie of the jadlies. - Ann Arbor Argus. 'Twas ever tlius. Man waarts but :iittio here below, and generally tbafs wha,t he gets. - Pernio uth MaJd. Jnst the samia, my dear Mal:,, the man whc. get one of those widows, gets a great daal. They are more precious tha.n goud. What's the matte" wit.h those widowers ? They are so s'jow ? To cüt-e an imstance that farming d'Ces piay eveai in tlhese tinnes, we publish. a statem-ent made to the burg News. The infoirm'ainit sadid that a few days ago ara acquaintanca of his nuaiketeid a load of h.ogs inu that viltoge, fa:1 which lie was paild; $95, and wdtli that made the last paymeint a-ml interest due on his 80 acre farm, which he bougfat years ago, gollng in debt $1,000 contract-Ing to pay $200 a year a year ainldi the interest. He has by hand work and rjgiht manaiging fuifiUled' the contract and is to-diay the owniar oí a good 80 acre farm unimcvunbered. Not havSng seats enough at Grase Ijake, tlhey are alter the Oounty seat. Hear this fpom the News : "There is a growing deslre on bhe part oí tiho Giltizems of this township to have the questiion of the removal of the eoumty geait to Grass Labe sabrnilttefl to a vote of the people. The towaship wou'Ji promtee ia case the measare oarrfed, to ereot an eighty thousand d'Ollair oourt house here wiithout a ntekle's expense to tihe balance of the county. The boaTd of Bupervtóor3 may be called ijpon tk take actiion in tihe premisee, aiud uo doubt il tihe matter is tested at the polls the townsháips will give big majority tor the cliange. Huirah ïot Grass Lake as the eoumty seat !" The Saline Observer glves the only solaitAan we have yet eeen of the explosión Lere on Mondiay of Iaet week. lï, was no dioubt oaused by the explosión of a meteor In the air : "Muclh comment and some excltement has shiown itseüf here elnce Mcmday arternoon aboiat flve o'clock, when a heavy report or explosión was heard. ífc was something unaccountabDe, and Jarred sterai honises. There were several men just out oí toiro who neard the noLse aaid as lt sounded above tl;cm thcy cast eyes upward, tl: ene to discover at a great height, a lange object, of dark color, travelIng a Ttesteriy directlon at a rapid speed and against a Btnong wind. The 'animal,' whatever it was, rematas a ïnyistery. S'ince the above ■va puL m type we have hearned of some iaTmers who witiiïessed the same."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier