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Ypsianti News Items

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John GarroJl has remoled to Pi'tts'bui'g'li, Pa. Ten saüaons fave fille-d bonds for the oo'nitng yea'i". Edwarc' Spence bas been granted an tacrease of pension. Yiictory S&mLford has beem given aa original pension. Jay Osgood and miothie'r wJU Lo to Tlo:ed!O to live in a short time. Nearly a half-hundred masons saw Fred Ooe naised toa M. M., the other nught Mps. Bessdie Harria Farweïl, a formei' resWemt, died at Eddy, 'S. Mexico, April 6th. The entertainment recently given at taie bieb sclwa:i, cleaPedi $100 ior thi 3iibrary fuad. The olöest reldgiooie society ia this city is said to ba thiö Aid, Society o{ St. Ivuke's pariish. ilarvey Terguson is buijding a h,ouse fw hiimseiJf nex'b tihiat of his father oil Kade et. WtU Muirdock, a former Ypsi. boy, wKi be married ilay 5, to Miss Rose Barley of Northville. Ray Ilanida.U, of the Normal, is to be one of the instructora at the teacher's inistituto in Tetoanslia. A dio'ublo screein for Windows has been invented and patented by Angón Campbell of thós plaoe. Tinas. Hiil, -wh'O was up he"e visitïng dniring tihe past week, was a meirchant im this city away back in 1837. There are quite a few citizens who are protiestilng viigoroius;y .igainst taking d'own the electi'ic light towers. On Thuirsday mornins Aprili 22, Mts. Wm. Wiard, of YpsUaauti town, dled at her home of Bright's disease. In Jume next the Home Bociety, whose members are from au churches, wLll celébrate its 40tih amnivereary. The l'it'tle one wil came to the hlome oí Mr. and Mrs. Newtwn Vail Jast "Wednesday evenmg will wear a v-eii:Mto Jessie WiJkijasioni whio was visiting her aunt Mre. Jeanette B. Campbell, bas reburned home to Germantown, Pa. It iB thought that the Mclvinstry case wiill stti-ely ciome to trial dwi'ng the Mlay term of the circuit c-ourtj at Ann Arbor. Tbei wiil be little sarrow here over the faitnre of tbe leglslature to estabiish a Nanmal Sch.ool i:i the upper península. Frank II. Neat, foimériy oí vhfe ciity, was matried at Kansas City, Mto., to Miss Kate A. Witlson, ofi Polo, El., on the 15th. Miss Jessioa Mclmtyi-e ■wil leave fo" Burope as soon as ;ier schooi dutieis c:ose here, and expects to remaln ïoi" the year. About the miiddCle of next month the 3jad;es Library Association claim tiney v,-l. sui-prilse the public with a novel entertainment. The Y. "W. C. A. iis ntosv beding aaslstr ed, by Mies Edïtlh. Smart o? Jackson., whio ia rilglrt'ly niajinies. She Is a membei" oi tilie st;ate Executilve Com. CMstian. Miller broke hls right leg above the ankle whíae jumping {rom ■che hay loft to thO floo-r at L. "L. Foergter'e barn a iew tlay's since. The' Met Society I tjie Methodist chuich have just coinpleted a Oood job of reno vating the parlare, cïuiing room and kltahen oí the cliu'i'ch. !i Dr. Doone and Gapt. Allen have cfluised th,e legiislative waya aad mearas oommli.te to paus-e amd inqiidíre beí'Ore Cutí Itng di iwnilw Xornmi appropritatiion. Thie funeral oí MJ13B Sarato J. Fishe-r vh,o was klled at Boubli Lyon, wafi inol'il Tliuisdiay a. m., erna aboub 150 Nonma.1 studente followeid taie Uearse t.o the oenuatery. The giiifts of f'.ewers were very geaeraus. T'lue Clieary Buslnees Ooilege Assoclatáon, at lts aiiuual meeting elected as Preeidienrt- P. R. Clieary ; vlce presidesolt- H. E. Oovell ; secretary, D. W. Springer ; treaeurer - N. B. Harding. it was diecided to make a specialty out of the slimmer sohooL. A pugilistic encoumter ia eaid to have taken place at the ïair gi-ouads last Wednesday between two young men who took that nietliod to sett-e t'heóir diïfereoices. Both -vere whipped and glad to quilt after puanmellag each other in a tsarage ancl bloody mariaier . . Tli Epworth Le.ague has elected T.lie ftollowin'g offifcers for tlie ensuing year : rresident, F. K. G-orton ; lst Tice pres., Miss Miimiie Hoover ; '2d vice pi'es., Jl.iss Clark ; 3d vice pres.i Frank McKinstry ; 4th vice pres., jrisK Maud Prazer ; secretary, C. A. Bovee ; treasurer, Bert Oomstock. P. W. EO'SS lias poule to Georgia ivith a íequisitiO'U froan Gov. Pingree fot" Keddin Smitli, Ji-., wliO' obtained $50 f:om Mts. NtCwrlin of the Hawkins House uu : ■ i ■ preifcenses, vwo yieans ag.o. It is u3' b4 hopï that Mr. ïto'33 will avala vhe fafcei oí the Lemawee dep-uty .-■üeri.if who weulo ïo New York, and gat itfto rU'lxe by lettiny; hW prisonar go on jmyiment oí Ihc amouw takan nuin jüd'geway. - i]ii;a.n:lian. Büly Judfeon dioesn't h;;vi; that s3'i-t ai clspuities. Tliie Ypii.;anüian. kicks abo ut it iu this way : "Tuesdiay niy;ht we liad a samipíie oi' streets lilgfhited! solely by jam,ps suspended on polea ati low eleviatjion. . The city lay ia altérnate spots or secitilons of intenso jgoit and dense sluadiovv, and the effeafc was anyt.hcmg but agreeab.e. When the tnees are in ioliage, the effect will De sti;i M-ioree. Ypsilanti lias ïrircm anoübier nai: ia lier óoitin by abandonimg t)bo towera, and) thüs, too, just wtoem everybody te anxious to attract si ■: aug'er.s t'O thie oity. Those interi in tihe new bat'h luouse ought t.o have somie luberest in thte matter. Wltth such imperfect illurainatijn tihere can bs no pleasure to patients In an eeuini-v .-ii'j i.i 'Sis auboirba oí I t'hc oi-ty-; a recreation whicli heretoüore everybody lias highCy appreeiatéd. "We bO;Leve tlhe council's order lo remove the towers was taken n-ïlilioii'f d'ue coniödei'atioin and time will prove it to have baan unwise."


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Ann Arbor Courier