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President Angell's Mission

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A recent issue of the New York Tribune gives tbis iuciileut in regard to President Angeli's appojntment: "President Angelí, wlio will soon go as Minister to Turkey, owes liis selection to that important post to the impression made by a single visit made on Major McKinley. H was one of a delegation whicb went froin Michigan to Cantón to urge the claims of General Eussell A. Alger for the Cabinet. Judge T. J. O'Brien, of Michigan, who is now in Washington, was anotber member of that delegation. ' I was not surprised,' said Mr. O'Brien, ' wlien I heard that the President had selected President Angelí for so deligate a mission as the Turkish one. When we visited Major McKinley at Cantón Mr. Angelí, like the rest, of us, made a little speech telling the good tbings he knew Of General Alger. I noticed that Major McKinley was deeply interested in him, and ueemed alraost on the point of sayiog, ' Why don't you speak for yourself, Mr. Angelí?' We joked Mr. Angelí a Kttle about it on onr way back. Now it seems he was speaking for lümself, and for General Alger, too, tliough he didu't know it at the time.' Mr. Angell's selection was partly dn e to President McKinley's fondness fur the scholarly sien in the diplomatic service, but there was somethiug else in it. The President does not sympathise with the view held by the previous Administration that American missionaries are a nnisance. Furthermore, he does not believe ui appoittting Ministers who hold tli is view to countries where the missionaries require protection. At one lime his miud was made up and a wel] known public man was practically selected for the Turkish niission. The President learned tliat he was indifferent, if not antagonistic, to Llie missionaries. The prpspective appointmen was quickly sponged out, and Presidenl Angelí as quickly subptituted." U.níder a Washington, IX C. date oí May G, tbe Free Press eoata-hied tlhis Telative tío Ir. Angelí and hdfi Turkisli mission : "President Angelí, oif Aun Arbor 'Jtíversitj-, wiio lúas arriTed aere {or coasultalion wi'tli the presiident and stiate official regaifding his 6pecia: aaaiss5cwi to Turkey, Avemtto tite wlidrte iiouse anid the state depafftmeut this nioroiag aad had a long conference m. the subject oi hls importaat am delüoate taak. His interview witb the secretiaxy of state lasted more iüian au toour and resulfced ïn a very tliarcmgh undeistanding oí the situatian i'n Tuirkey and' tlhie special aims Hhiat the niew eavioy ís ka keep ta vteiv. "Secretairy Sherman revifewed the situaitiou in Turkey and rehearsed the happenings ia tha;t country within tn.e past twelve months. The details oi thfc Bituation, aitd especially oi certaiu efïürts t'to stat-e departimemt has made to ppotect Amerfijcan Stlzens and theil" iamilios, baTe not "beer. made publüc. It is a signiücant fact tuat ■whöle the vecently ■prïnted 'foreign reltaions' oonteins coixespondence viiSih certaiii countries op to M.ardii 1, nio docmnients oi latr dla'te thaa Deoemlber lö appear. toet wliat lias occurred and just what effoi:-bs hiawe been miaide on bebalf of AmeTüoan citizans, nativiO and natu-pal'iized, have now baen fully set fortui by the eecretary oi state, hlough PresMent Angelí will have oiiher oonierences bef ore leaving for hts post, anld the new mïniBter is prepared to giive liis best 6ffoi"ta to -.he exeoatton oi the polücy of tbe ad'milniistiratioiL. "Piresiklenit Angelí saw many vtó.atoi-s tio-day and hield quiifbe a rec-eptaan. tíOmilghít. Thie Michigan senatxws had a ehiort talk wilth hiimi and Don M. Diekiuisotn, who is also at tihe Arliaigton hioibel, had a pleasant interview. Dr. Angelí said tomiight t'hat he diid not kruonv when he should start for bJS new post. He added JOK;ularly that be would'n't jo unil lie liad to, as WashÊingfcon's climate is mare üelfeatiul at this eaasomi of the year thiam that oï Constan timople." The de"VÜ is seldom a loser Vhea the preacher geta au easy p'jace.


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Ann Arbor Courier