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The Evasive European Powers Have

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Bed up wbat KJofes very niucli like a ifoliammeaan renaissance. Spain i lired out iina.neially ia Cub:i. .- 1 1 1 ï Ls equally ivmrj' with ilie Feauits o; irs military o;eration. Greece seams tw liave goae into tlie war witihioiut a after all, a iaci eltaïwing; ui ure courage iSaSaa. comniüia sense. Xbe SpanJish idea of elect:,üu.s in Oaba at. pnesemi imlicates tftuart lts pTffmissd reionns will be a atuadow. The McKinley. auJaütoistmatioia is littlo over two monlühis old, amdi even tdie dein'ir.its adinit tfhlat it is an exceedingly intereettng iufant. Tiio trotinas ei'ected by Hoke Bmc.tli in. tllie peoision departanient are dtóppeaiiog. A . ram can transact tnnsln e ntfw luis li'íetime. Mr. !',;ya.:; saya tüiat Mr. Cleveland Ís tii? lygical denuDcra-tic camliilate fo-r 1900. TUei-e most be a trcnn'ii'i! chasm birtween logic and votes. Jbhju Hall íb gtm regutattng Eu:n'it Asia, Afirloa a. rl Oceánica. He i.s aoit mieádllng maohi wWh America, ama has tnoubles enoingh wütiiout addItaig tliis btsandspliene. BndyaTd Kipllng calis Ganada "tJie Jady oj saows" i.n has íiarifí poem, aanil real estáte bomw over thé aay bhiat ae!i bipreealama cut Uio Loe in thieirbuái M'.. Bryian is aboiat. 'i,o visit MexIt will bt a Einiamclal panic when he opoesea Jie binder and, doublet hÍB !-):ia.:-s, bat. hie lio.uld. save a few iKH-ks fox thi awful shinLnkage whien lie away. A coinpany has been fo-i-meul in Mbj : .! slik Erom npruce trees. Ü töue wol idls a Pe 60 farnlii thei world wÖJh ■wearing appartí as well as paPer [ocieStTy sbould reoeCre iac?oaseü acteníii , i. Over ,(1.000,000 busihels oí ladfan : hiave been expoirted ïrom the ünlttea StaJtes sinc ilhe begiinning of toe ytai-, whtoh breatoa tib reeoirdby BQ önmenise margiia. Ou.r foreigu iiifeacls aire begianimg to appretiarte a gwcs(l tliíng. The sérvate is proceeditog quite leimirely b ta wort at the present tinto, tu't it is tio be liiopedf tbla.t a little more activüty will be fShowii wten ui.riff uní i ta-kea up. Six or eeven weeks' discussilon ougüt to diBpose of itoe nieasiiwe ín. tbe tenate. Th;.' adjiustimeat of diiffieireiiicesibetween he twö bra-ncluss oq the biil wiül tiak time, but tlhe ineasuxe tsliould be ii tiliiö prcsMeMt's iDands before Julj erada. A ltetle spei(i by the eeaaaibe wcvald be gratefully apprecilated! bj' t:liie ctfuu'ti-y. i. - i ___ __ . It lias b?.wi ao-ötoad thait th proOOTUD 'T' was nob uise.d in Preslilient JIoKuiley's n't tune Gran. cbnnoniies. The wand bias b d [jre&tly overwoc-ked duruig i-te last four vvoai's wiöhiOmi acUJltag anythang to the success ol tine aximinüstcatíioinii Crennaixy expudtiil laflt yeax $150, 0CÜ,000 wortii f beet ungía'", arod tt is sniild tluait the aM0"ae& yearly proíit oi fine 113 beert sugiar factoiries ín Hlüa'C ia $30,000 eaeJi. Ye flhe iMdutíory is mo betten' 6uá)tedi to (fwniiany tíkan to he 'Jnited KtaAes. Emlpecar Villaam EyB lie would have luaueiil wmy 0ÍK.O8J8 t Greece ii applicatioai liad' beean mado toe tbjem. It lias oecurred t-a a people stirugglüig far liberty to ask. ilim tor iaviars. Hia aataral place is witli liaspots anl ve.u-t;. martes. Du; lul, last imoriiiii 1,400,000 eilvov diollaJB wr ooflued at ah.O Uniited BJiütttB, anti not one of ítem! can be bouigirt wiich two Mcxiieiaji sïiver il'ollars. A republücan a6mJiuSötraltion is not atnaid oí a silvr dollar tüiat anaitïtaLini oqualii.y wlth. a grolö dollaa-. Ia tttó Cfcraawl Tnavea-ae HerWd oí April Otlli te au ai'ticle i'jiii bh pee of M!aJ "W. C. üiansoim, relativo to ttfl aehoalB of tliie ettert, ami;l especihlly tJif hflgh sclio olí, 'Jm.'t has the liglit tiiife. Il te a strong plea; for vbe ■iiiïg'h schooi, and preeen-te ïacts nul arg-aments that uiv a'.mply uncinswei'able. It hs stated that aeaxly 700 s.panish ofiitoers liave dSfid of -.voiviids or öteeaee du"in,s itlne lasfc yar i-ncludJng sLx geansrals aiwï sixty-five offlcörs albove tbe raak of cap tato. The morbaljitj lm ttoe raak and iüe in the same time is placed at nv .t 25,000. 000. Thiese surprisniag iitgiu-es are siom Spamieh officilal souifces. G-reat causes move slowly. It took the üiiiUed States over a iuatfl cenifcury to W'iqïe out tiliie graait stai'ii of hlavai-j-, affiei' agütattei oommenced. ÍC vnijll take t!ne same country as lo'iife, perliap, to dlo away wiitln ]ir poior roads, nd replane dlnem WtiRh igood omes.. IVut ï:- win be dome. Tlue war claudf aböffcs frani SHutlneastera Euroipe 1 eouüh A.frfiea. Turki'y ■ and Greeoe ïnare ertxqiped .filgfliitiimg. oc will stiop iin a few: tliaye, Iiut aroiuiiuil tlue Tramsvaal wouble fchPeaitens. TIílb oí corarse, would fiüTialve Etogland, anti, miglh!t include Genmany. The Mluence " the latter aaKI na is usad iii BÖrring up antagomfism to EaglamJ in Soutti Ai;. a ni.l a al i.v break; out ín tliait quartei auy tense. The g of tllie temipte ol TannS ane never ftgfhtiy locked tlnese days. Turkey wül gaita nitybháag ly the war except a little prestige, and. this 'w-ill be very lititle, eoniiidering her great preposiderance over Greece iu l)(l)ulatLcra, resoun-oes and ïighting íon-ee. She will HCffc l6 allowed to hald a-ny terrLtiOry liitlrerto lelongIng to Greeoe. Öhie la jusb as muci oí aa anaCiUroniisnii as evw, and )ier GODifcianied extetenee wlll depend on llie sufferancb of thie h-'ss powers, as 1it has d'O'ne luerefcotore. .lust at present, however, ehe ttiree very stirouig friiMLds- Gexmiamy, Austria and Eussiiia- amiong tlue powers, and this p-i-otablj gi'ves hier a lease of life lar a few decades longer.


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Ann Arbor Courier