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Follow with reverent steps the great example Of Him whose holy work was doing good; So shall the wide world seem our Father's temple, Each loving life a psalm of gratitude. Whittier. Kjoch Bros. hiavO the contract ïor the fouiwïaJtion of thie new Northside church. "Wlhat ia the romiültion of our s+ireete, to-day ? Muddy 1 Or dïusty ? Chas. S. Muilen is having Uis reeirtunce ou Ij.xwrence sbreefe beau.tified by a freshi coat of paJaut. Thje Ann Arbor B. R. was very kind 11 putting on a specilal train Fi'iday night after the Calva concert. Rev. Fr. E. D. Kelly ainfci Mr. Karl E. Hlarriman gie ain eveinkig oí readi:ugs to-nigilit at St. Thomas' school liiall. Dr. W. J. Herdmam hias very geneno-naly gïven anothier $100 to. thie Y. M. C. A. buiadimg iund. Would that tluere were more sucli. At a meeting of tihe Homeopathac physieianB of Detroit calle'd last week, to take some actton uponi removal questian, only 14 out of 58 reportod, and nicutihing was done. Beneath this stoue a lurap of clay, Lies Uncle Peter Dau'els. Who, early in the month of May, Took off liis winter flannels. -Chicago Tribune Ttue men who adiverfcjtse are the ones wiho di tbe busüness. WHueelmen. who have used the bicyclo tirack a'fc faii." gnouads, repoit ïfc ia excellent condition. Tb Prof. Sbanley : put off !tbe Míay Festival nest year, a couple oí weeks aad avoid thO rain. . Dr. Oarl G. Huber was ciioseffli vice presiden d ol the State Mtedical Society iln sessjioa at Ijansing Satuirday. A. A. Wo'od, of Saldlne, has gome to "WasMingtoii, D. C, to look aiter the ooi tariff. He is ia company witih ex-Gov. Koh. 'The one great questton that ís fürgiinlg slowly but gurely to tlue front is that oif good roads. This aaifciiOin win just as suirely em&rgei from (Bürt roiads as shis did: frota slaveryi Ttue d)ate of ome, of the old doeumients spoten of last week ae beloogiig ta Judlge Ne'wliirk, was givea as 1826, whea it shooild have been 1726, just a ltttle difforence oí 100 years, thats all. Tlhe Aam Arbor B. E. is to-day coneMered tbe best nortü and eouth failroad property ia t;lue state. lts present management is equipping the road in a f.irst-class marmer in every particular. One by onO tü g'reat uei'e:'!Lies of the world are falliin iuto Vhe processiioa that the U. of W. leads, In 'tas atLmission of women to its privileges. Thie latent is tlhe Uui-e'rsity o f Vieama. By Vefereuce to the proper column o ur readers wiál find a corrected timie taible fo,r thO Ana Anbor &, Yptsilauti Eleotilc road. Aooithier car ■was put oa the route Monday to ■hielp oarry the increased vraffic. An Ohio ediitor says ha.y lever te causeü by kissiog grasa wifows. - Draifly Times. Neiitshieir of the two good lookfüng single gentlemen who edlt t)ho Daily Time evea have the itoay {ever ! Isioi't that singular ? If you hsave nt as yeü subsonibed tot the bicycle piath to Whiltmoire 1ake, i,t would be proper ïr you. to üo so at oiiïce. Pred T. McOmber ■vfill tiake any amounlt you feel like oon.ta-i,but.ilDg. The pafch, is to be ■made, aud your hielp Ls :ueeded fco muke It. Of all the meain; titaiering that has come (tü oar notáce lately, thait of itiaking our Adrián P'ress, by soine peirson to us unknown, last week, was rthe meamest yet. chifonicled. Any one inay steal our puree - if t.hey bave Buch a dosire - but 'tino Press must be left uuitouched. The Anin. Arlior Humiane íkoie.tiies oí thiiB oïty held a delegated aniiual ineetdtalg a)t Harris HaJl a íew. days silnice and ehose tihe. followhig officers: Presideut - J. J. Goodyear ; secretary - B. A. Fiioney ; treasuirer - Mts. Anna Bacih. with a vice presideint froim eacih of the sevaru eociötiies. The Ann Arbor & YpsüantL Elecitric l'iae aarriied over oae tboiusand. passeng.ers Saturday between the two tit-ibs. Iu this CfO-mnecti'Qin it is not out of plaoej to say a word) of praise ïor the adlmirable in armer iu whitli lilis naad handledi the oroiwds durlmg Festiirv'al week. The comipany is fie.servilng of praise. Thie last Ypsilantáan says : "Those rto attönided tha readilnig of Julius Caesar, by Pi-ioi. Trueblood, aib Nornial Hall, Tuesday eveauihig, Jully repiaW. Prof. Trueblood's interpretation was very pleasing, witfliout a trace of affectatiion, and( was of iíttself, th,e lúghest tribute that could be paAd to tlue noble art of oratory." There was a young Russian mimcd Kicksczwokzex, Who one d:iy becaine very sicksczwchzex. Tiioy gave hlm a drink Of ol(i whisky, 1 think, AikI It Btraighteoed him up very quicksczwekzex, - St. Paul Dispateh. Rev. W. W. Vt'ötinui-e wiül occupy the pulpit of the Piregbyterilaioi church ji'ext Sunidia(y. Mira. A. R. Peberson hal hor pocket ptbkeü Saturday ulgilit oí $20 at the Aan Arbor R. R„ statiion. The umd&rtiaiviing oficies oí Bnoch Oiieterle. oa E. Lito&rty st., have been filtted up ia elegiunt manner. There was au kbspiectiio-a and presen'tii.tii:)ii oi medíais at Llghib In fa.ntory armory Moadiay1 eveniing. Ir. Blifee, wbo has been wih Dr. Carpo w far some tiime, has goma to Spirimgfiieia, Obio, foir perm.aiaent resÊclence. Caip. Mianjy as cflfcy treasurer, and Gleu V. Mfflls as city clerk, ha vet compared tbeilr books foir thia year, and finid tihem correct. Mi's. Mary C. AVhitiJiig was made bappy a few day's sLnee, by receiMng a beautiful Nylic baulge from. the New York LLfe las. Co. G-ooiigy Jolhmsoii alias Ixney, the ch,ampion light weight boxer of Michigan, is a nephew of Jack TvOney th.e IiQCkma.n, of thjKs ciity. A 500 Ib. beef criöfcer bO'ugat by Frecl Hoelzle for 'lis mairketl the o.ther day, oowbained 60 lbs oí kddney fat, whiioh -was aa abmoa-mal amount1. II. iá relaifced oí a csrbaiin maa in rto'wn thaffc he walked1 four mtiesl up tho Mivier fish beoanise. he wasi too tJi'Fe'd to belp hfe wiffe cleaii house. The blue bells of Baatlanid. Altnost every one hias heand of them, bat few toaTc ever seea any of them. The (witter hias a plaintt of the genuiime ajrtifcle. A, G. ICimgsbury of the law class of '95, who was quite well known to m'any Ann Arbor people, dfed very Buddenly ait his kome tn Ponca, N&b'., a few day's since. Rev. J. M. Gels;ton wiil ba absent raext Suud;ay, attendliiag thie General Assembly of tibe Presbyteraaa ohnrch, ibeing one of t'h-e ooimmiissioners from t!he Müahiga.n Synioü. MSlchiael Sbaebler, the prwprietor of the Amerdfoan Hou.fse, was married yesterday afternoon, to Miss Rosa N. Pa.ul a sister of Ifr.1 Staebler's ifirst -wlfe, a'b ttoe residtence of G-odfrey Paul, of Solo. A re w-afd! of $1,000 has bse.nj offcred tor t)hi6 capture, dead or alive, of tlhO ttoree öespenadoes wlfo f-hot amil killed A. L. NoïïpIs, at) Presoott, ATizioma, reoentty. Norris was a geaeral favortte while a studiën here. Th.ïs week's issue, af Tlis Ockurier avenages ip as oiijo of tlie cleauest liee'ts we bave received foir a loing time. Two of tiha piagas were pure whïte, nsoit a sign of printeir's ink Ijeilnlg visible up'Oia them.- Ann ArMl RegiiSber. Buti iew were, avored wiilh fhat white shield Oditioiu. It iWas very rare. The aold and backward lipriüig ought to help kiill the imseotsi if it dloes nothïng more and better. - Ann Arbar Cauirier. YO9 air, tilnat's a ïact. Leinawee couraty scbotol chdidrei alomg the AVasotenaw line. comlb thejr halr ooly once a week now, and filad notihing.- Adrilan Press. That's eas'itty acconiinlted for. They slbould use a fine tooth comJb . An iimportant step bas been taken by the Aan Arbor H.ig'h School in iormijng; a Sonthem Michig'a-n High Seiiichol Ora!tork'al Leaigue, which will be oomposed of thie bigh schools, ia tibe edities of Detroit, Gnaiuld Rapids, Sa'giiiiaw, Bay Ciity, ICalamazoo and Ainm Arbar. The association will lïold annual eonbests, and two prizes, of $25 amid $15 wLll be g:iiven. Batoy BlLss,' as be 5 geaerally known, Is a young man 24 years of ageT 6 ft. 5 Üu. tall, weiighs 527 Ibs., aiad ridias a 25 Ib. American whieel. Ka dimieinsions we : Chest 60 'm., collar 21, wais't 06, bipsi 72, Chigh 42, calve 27. He wears a T 5-8 bat and a No. 13 shoe. He was ia toxwn Satunday, advertiBiug the wbeel be rüdes. Ohfef of Pólice Swee pi-oposes to enljarce thie ordiaiances and laws. If ■thiey arO are ni3b rigiat it is aot tüe lault of the officers. Sevnal arresta üave been miade ior ridiing bicycles on siidewalks, and nwre will follpw uniess thie practice is sbopped. The salCKxn ondmance is also being enforced, aind thie back doars as well las tihe ïnont dto'ors axe Sluub up on Sundays aaïd after bo-urs. Thie Ohelsea Sfcauilard thus coonplimemtts an Ann organization : 'Thie entertainment glven by the Esperto Club at thie opera house FrJday evenokiig was a very enjoyable aïJaJir, anti was well appreeiated by ilhe airdlfemce. There were ten nuiters O'a the prognam ano they, were all heartay emeo-rad. Each nuomber Df tiue Club te an artist, anö wc would be pleaseid to hiear oí theitr returu) to Ulbiis place alt sama time. in, the fu(jure." "Oh, fly with me, fuir dame I" lie cries; And theu a look of pnlii Flits ore hts brave and knightly face, For he's iorgot hls aeroplane. Amiua; meeting of tto Unit y Club to-nigh.t. What is the c-o-ndition of our streets, to-day ? Muddy ? Or dusty ? Siigns toave been poabed a.t the. varens city pa,i-k.- icnfíMoins. ball playL-ng thereoin. The remaias of Auto-me Hedina, whio died recejitly ia ChicaiTJ, arrived jiere yesterday, and ware. interred in Fotest HUI eennetery. The Ladlies Aild Society of Trimlty LuttLeraii church wlll servia a supper tn the cliurch parlóos oa FrMay evenlng of thils week franj 0 t.i 8 o'clock. CEnlgland, Rus-sKa, and Germany, all have aganlts iln MAshilgan, ib la said puirdhasilnig hiorses for the eavalry. They are eaeh pTöparüog for war, it would seem. Soimertimes it is dliiiüult far people to leara to riidle a wheel adidi carï-y baskötó or bandiles at the saine time, trat Dr. A. C. JiïohiO-ls canj dO' It. Affbdiavitfi if aecessary. Dhe jury oases hiaing beeia all d;sp'oseji of ml the cárcaiit cowirt Judge KLnne disahiaj'ged' the jury thiB ïoremoxyu. Oourt was thien adjowned uiïtil to-morrO'w lnormilng. iMary E., wlle oí Viutor E., Stromg, diied oa Suiiday last, a'fc tlheir homO om Gott st.. aged niearly 34 yeare1. Funeral servitoea are brárug held tais afaf termo on from tih-e Einglilsh IjatJieran choireh. Goldeu Bule lodge 1. & A. Ml, wUl eonïer the 3d degree on Thiursday eremiing, May 20, work commencing at 7 o'clock shai-p. All vteilúng brotJhers aare weloo-me. Af ter labor reíreShnieinrb. A meeting of all the U. oí M. alumaj) sioeietLea has 13öq oalled ion" June 2d, iu. the faculty noioaa, foc ths purpouc of en-deavo-rüpg to f o na some satlfiiactiory plan by whüeh all caá be com1iliied oue. On Thur&day ereiicaig, May 13, at tihe parsoaage of Züoq's Luitihen'aai chu-rch, Tier. Xilcklaa perfocmeidi the ccremo'ny whleh uniti the livrO3 oi Wm. Hwhirein arnid lIEss Bosa, Ija-ag, uü-Ui of thjs city. Mayor Hiseock tiMmlcs xha-t Dy ppci'nipt aoöoin on the part oï the coancil tbe paving of Main st. can bi; acconiplishicd tliils y-aair, am-d he vill d'ji all ia hia power to bring abotó thits desiired ond. .'un-e of O'iir bÜtj-cltót-3 tíhjnik vhe walkílng gü-od b&tweem An nArbor and Dexter eepecJlaUy w-Jmbii ifc is mraddy. - PJnckney D-ispatch. T;-y it fciO'rue cime the wuatiier la n.t muddy. Yoa wiil ;!-nl it botter. WMle repadrïnig a broten tro-lly wi're ü'ii S. Miallo st., last Thursday eveuüng, Greorge Oarpent-er, an employé of the Electric LJght wwks, receiied t'he full curreat. Ib wilted hiim fo-r the tiaïe aad hef is mot anxKo-us to repat the shock. A Spri-ngs bus-toess was slightly sui-pi-iis-ed a ïew days ago on taking an account of business for the 15,'nst tlhree m-outüs of the yeor 18956-7, to discover a healtfhy increase of business ia 1896 over '95, andl still greatier increase for tbie fürsfc three montlhs Of '97 over '96. - Clipper. The Owosso Argu6 of May 12, has an extended) and admirable account of tihe completion of the new SoldiWs Monmmient recently erecter by Ia B. Quactettbusto Post G. A... K. of Owosso. It is a fiiae marble shaft, surmouTited' by a figure representing a Umiion soldier witn. a-rms ah easei. Amwag the Itet of eontributors is tho mame olf Bugeine K. Frueauft forraerly o! Amn Ar-bar. Whem the fifeh beg-in to bite - when the marbles begitn to r-oll- when the toolls begisa to fly. ttoen ttha uneasy tooy twrns hAs back on school aud uooks and wanders off in truancy, aiutl beifone ke is a ware of ilt, ihe offiter bringis him b&Pore. the proper tribuna: and afteP tlhe eeoond oïfense he goes to the Industrial School for boys at' Lansïng. Last Satorday Traían Officer Clark sent up Joseph JenfldDofl, aged 1-4 ye.ars, and Frank Jenkihs. aged 13 yea-rs, for truancy.


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