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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Tbe roajority ot sufferers from Astihma land kindred eomplaiints, af ter tryImg doctors and nuimíberless remedie advertised as positive cures witihout avail, cióme to tibe conclusión ttat tihere is no cuire íor tbisi moat distressiing disease, and these same persons wiill be th.e more iai doubt and Bkp&pWcal when Uliey leam through thie columns oí bhe press tliat Dr. Rudlolpli ScMffmaimi, the recognízed aptthjority wbo has treated more case oí thesii djseases than any living doctor, has adliieved success by perfectLng a remedy whiitíh nat only glves lmmediato relief in the worst cases, but hias poeiltively cured ttoousands oí sulfei'ers wlw were c-oasódered incurable. These Avere juist as skeptxal as some of oar readers now are. Dr. ScMllmaai's rnmedy no dio-atufc possesses the merit whdteh is claimed íor lt or lio viOTild njot autborjze this paper to anooiuice taat ihe is niOt only willlng to g'n-e free t(o eaca persoQ sufferinj fnom Astihma, Hay TTe'ver oi BroadhitlB to tihis city, orne liberal "free trial box" ot hi's Cure, but urgently requests all sufferers tO' cali at Goodye'ar's Drug Store. Aan Arbor, wiitbli tjhe next three days and recelve a, package absolutely free oí f.harge, kno-sving tfaat jn making the claim be dloes for his Cure, a strong doubt may arise in the minds oí inany, and tfhat a pers'Qnal test, as he offers to 11, will be moo-e convincing, and prove lts merits, thian tlie publlshlng oí thousands of t-estimonlals from persons -svh'O bave been permanently cnred by the use of hfie Asthma. Curo"Dr. Scihliffman-n's Asthma Cure," a Jit le called, has been sold by druggist of this efcty ever is tace it wpa first lntroduced, although many persons may never have heard of it, and it is -wlth n view to' reodhinür thsse that he makes this offer. Thfa is cert-alnly a mftft generous and fa offer, and all wtto are Bufferilng froim amy of the above complaints Bhmild remember fhe dat-e a.nd place wliere the dli8triboition -will be made, and avall themselvea of the same. Persons ltviing out of this city who deslo-e to test the effiloacy of thte most wonderfnl remedy tvMI receive a package free by wrtittog Dr. Behiffma-nn, 330 Rosabel street, St. Paul, Minn., pro■rtdimg thelr letter is recelved before Oct. 16tih, as no free samples can be obtahied after that date. LESS THñN ONE CENT EAGH ARARF RHANRF FOR subscríbeos nnnL unanuL old and new. 156 FOR $1.50 Au arrangement just made with The Detroit Free Press makea it possible for us to save some money for every reader who takea advan tage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE ÍN ARBDR COURiER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK ietföit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for Thg 1ÚH-M Pres te Is the Best Tossible Substitute for a Daily Paper. Published on Tupsday and Fridav Mornings in time to cntch the Early Traius. All the Latest Ncns p to the time of going to press. Complete Market Kcports in each isssue. All who cannot get a Daily should Subscribe for this Ideul Newspaper. The Free Press Is offering Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subsoribers. and you can eaally save the cost of both papers by takine advantage of THE MASY BARGAINS OFFERED. WRITE THEV FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In lío Other Way Can Tou (et As Jluch For So Little Money. SUBSCRIBE NOW. PD HOT DELAY. ( Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to asslst the thousands of nnemployod men in Chicago, the Workinmen's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, lias established a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnish men to farmers and otbere in all parts of the country without expense to either. Employers applying should state deflnitely as to the kind of work, wases to be paid, and lf railway rare wil] be iidvanced. Address, Labor Burkau, Wobkinomen's Home, 42 Custom House Place, Tal. Harrison 2J3. Chicago, 111. Barrel Salt at Wholesale and Betall. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN& CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STKEET. 52-3ml7


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