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put tato hall owr the píate. The democrate can't hit it.- Cincinnati Times-Stv.-. John BiSgihfs dtary i to be pubtíshed b.v lite scm. Le ttart son look out íor tibie "untaated wonndmgs oí a father's curse !" A New Y .):. : Sed that the wiíe aadnottttne hustand sbnnld control tlie hoasehold serv&ots. He ■was probably fo] - i to oritteize the cook's caíf&e or her meihod o" mwking sfrrawberry öhortcake. &et:gi M. De-n-ey a well known editor of Owosso, alud wlio ia hís rtay was a man of groat iinílueiicc to ie state, d'ied at hïs home im, Owosso last Tlimr&day. TJie oiffiicers oí the Crranid ÍLodge oí Odd Pellows', aittenGed hits funeral Saturday. The peaple of Müchigwa can now Jola., iin the hyma : "Praise Goiáírom whom all bleseilnga ilo-w," wifch a greater appnecilaitíían of its meaning thiaín ever bofooe. The legüilatuve itas adjouniLHl. II there could le so me way of tuavitng body meet once in six eihib yea-rs, Iww much 1etite-i" ït ■wauld bo forr i PnesMenrt McKinley has not been Inasty ia rushtog int o the Cubani aííaiir. He luas gatJired the faets concerniilng the sUuatioin as thoroughly ns was pioissclble uiid-er th ciPcums tanoes, abö. nuay no'w bO relied upom to take a proper ceñirse. Mr. Clevelaml s:m,]ily ilgnared the facit that Cuba exisfced' dmiing his administrattoai. Julílus 1. Smiitlis aa oíd anid reTspecited resújdent oí Howell, dropped lcad Saturday ní&lut whüe in, the store of S. AndreTvs. He was at oae t.imie edito1!' of the Livingston Kepubliican and' a promiinent politician, an oíd soldier, and pronüimemt inember of thie Baptist oliureh. He was one of ttoe ktncli tlnat the imore tliere iB oí iihiem Lti a oominunity, ttue beítter the eomimuni'ty is off. It ia umdiergtaad that Turkey wffli' oppose any man as minister from t.he tfnlted! States wiho is a Ohristíia.n. So the oomntJ-y vrifll have i o be soomireidl to fiad a heíatiuem who Ís im sympatiliy wïtdi í.he Sultan who to-üay Ls tiie greatest muirderer 4a Hhe world. The seia of Ctoisítiian blood that be has camised to be. shed' ougiht to dlrown every Mohammedan in Buinope. Wliiat is the miatter witti the state primltïDg office a;t Lanslng ? Almost inTairiably 1to. Legi-lative Manual has Teein iia tbe hiandls of the legisladora wban that bo'dy adjournied. Sometiiimes it hias been ready in advance of adjoiwnmeinit. A member of t!h present légïlslature tells us that the ■bwok is ii'Ofc expeated bafore October next. tlie Information given In the publlcatiO'a will ba ancisnt Mstory by ttuat tiime. MUtonaitne Soruggs, of Sb. Ixwis, ño was oanighit tsying to smuggle ín a belt full o[ ddiamomdis, profoably joiais tic free trade brefchxem in the oeEtef liMi the whole x:ii System is wrong im principie, anyway. Tbe oost for a f ivo m'Jau'tee' talk over tlit lorna: distianee telephone fiMiu New York to Ornaba wijl be $14. Iheire's ome Itoe ■ 'i.-ib is not Ufcely fco be busy all tte tinne-. Iu replying to same of lier erjjl Mrs, Léase says tthat Mr. Lease lias lüved wiUi hier for tweaty-fi've years, and seemis tw bs satilsiteii. Fom obYjOittS reasons Mr. Lease isn't sayiog a ward. Olhe Sultjii has oirganilzad a Tark'teli Ghorvernnuent far Tlressaly wiithout askilng the comseat af tliO powers. And the chances aTe öiat the powers -will just wlnik and let l)t pass. Tiiat ba a way táey iiavo of dtóaliug witli t!he Sultaii. If Mie Sultan, tliinks Allah is a bignian tftuan, the Czar Oi Uass'.n just tel', hten 1 ahead and t-ake that fibeik's aÖTaoe conceaaing Th.ssaly. Thiem Bometihiiig will iall on vhe. Mottammedaai faith and break ofí a large olraiik of it. ■A'lien the new senator {rom Kentucky reached Wáslillingtoii lie anniouinoea tJh.a,t he diiidn't drink, emoke ot dhiew. It) vil be notifcedi thiat he t'aok good care not to let iit be kno"svn untM be toad got out of the state with hls credenitiiialsThe war to Cuto is o'nO oí ttoe most ge waira in moidem tiimes. It betongs o an age tflfi&t tüiei civilized -wwffia -n-as supposetl to have ouitgnotwn. Bat Spaini ia luardly in tlie ci'vilized wioirld, ia serano rospeets, and iiatïoins are nearty always at tlieJr wionst in theii' colonies. Htty G-reen says no Buseiian üuke, Germán, eoiunt, ot foreign "noble" of any other ktaa oan nta-rry any of lier ïiianitom?, althougfe she lorres her tlaugliter well. Hertty may be queer ün eonne respects, buit sihie cani generally be depended uip'Mu to acifc sena'Jbly ■n-hen. anythimig of vital impórtameO is at stake. The assertiomi is ma tliat the reareasom t.hiifl g.o-siernment is averse to reoofeniziing Ottfba, and te elow to ta-ke any steps lioioking to ttte annexatibn of Ha.waiii, is beoaase tito eugar trust mnd some of thie Waai Street speculato'i-s are oppoaeO to olttor of those islaiadb coming in any closer rela:tions with this oouatry. Both are great sugaT prodiucerp, amd thait is why tih.e trust here is oppose-d? to tíiem. Food Oommiiïsiioaier Grosvenor, in hi.s report, Oalls attention to three toxkl laws piassed by 'dhe presentí legislature, wtíeh ga into effect September lst. Dealers must prepare to sell vimegair, b'uckwheat amd oleomargarime under new conditions. There is a wanungf agaiiosb the Bala of socalled "ceTeal eoffee," Mr. Grosveoer declarimg that cereal preparations, though all liiglit, must aot hs sold under tSue name of "ooifee." Mexico stilcks to the stlv&r sta-nidiard fov several reasons - stoe produces nvuca sÜTer arad no gold, and her tnasSniesfi aniJ the habiits of her peopie are adjusbed to thie Rïlver idea. But Mexitoo suffers froon t.hio ge'neral derlamgemenit in the silver market, amd sllie may -wiithAm a vei"y few ycars folloiw Kussila, Japan, Peru amd t'he other silver stanidiard uations wli.icii i havo reoea'tly come over to the gold Bilde. Anjirow, tihe I}i'ynniites will be lwoesome U thiey raise the silver Ix'.nner in 1900. The Memoirial Day edittan of tlie New Ywi Tribune, giros tibe people somebhing of am icfea of wliat a promoment paart Mdohigan is to-day tíikibg in the co'auci'Ls of too nation. Th-e editiioift U principally fleroted to Hhe promiiuient men of íflie natton, amü among tine vOfy íüi-st illustrations lis l portoait of Gen. EiuHsell A. Alger, tllie oaly msmteof Presffldeat McKinley's cabimct wow was a uuion soldier in thle late war ior ttbue Ualon. A UamitiOme biiography, Very culosií-itic of Me carear is givcn,. Thiea "wbieu the Tr.ilbuiie oMmes to the iiat-iomal legiislatare, it hieads the article wilth. a portrailb of Honj Janies McMÍJlaa, thíe seabar U. S .Senator (rom Mxliiis'un, anid pays a glowing triíbate to hito abilities a,nd character. Aa article follows heaúod : "Six local stat esmem, nat resilüfents of Was'h,togtom yet, but ínem tíí influence-." And th thilrd memtiiotiecl in thia list is our present govemor tlie ïlon. Hazen S. Rüngnee, oí vhöm the. artüele preü;ict3 that "wiill bo heard from in the future." Nö other state is given th promiimence of Michigan. To Michigan ï-eadiers one of the ortiiclos in. tJue .Tune Harpere' Magazine win b9 af especial interest. It is oui Henry Gladwin auil tlua Siege of Pootiiac, by O&arles Moore, forme" "Washiiugtion correspondent to the DetnO'L't papers, and present (secret a ry to Senator McMifllan. After Glad■wiii's Iteróle deíoiiise of Detroit in 1703 lii.5 name almost tijsaippeaPed fuom Ameriaan amnais but Mi'. Moore ■has traeed; thirO'UgJi desceindauts ín Eiiiglaiiu hfa eareer, bat espeeially has he alddetï v&luiable data to a strikimg vrical evenut has bsen too little kBOwm, even tliough it was onïly 140 yeatrs ago. It ia a valuadle contribution to Michigan hlstioiry. The Fowte-Sawyer biill as ït is o a lied, passed tilie, peraniilbttag & judge af probate of any county, to perfoirmi tilie cereniouy of marriage n-iöio'ut puWiclty any ■voman wthio makos apptócatèon to liini. and makes a snwrn sbatemcuilt tliat she Is abaut to beoome a motliieir emü ttat l'he child il ban alive befóle her nuariiage -vvill ba illigitimate, OJ', hio, for any other good reasons wtetües t3 keep lior marriage a secret- All sucli maiTiages are to be rep'Oirte-1 to the Becretary oí state, wlbio is to make a private record of tbena. It is made a floii" any newspaper tt pnblisli the {act of any marniage of tihis kimdu ThijS Uiw may be all right aad tluen agaia it may lio be. Had' the clausO "oir foa a-ny othier goodi reasoias," been ieft off, ttoe bLU woiulü' 'have beea a better ome. Asi it is any g&rl -vh,a waaibs to marry a man can do so, agaiasb thie consent of her pa.reníts awct írLendis, and keep the marriage a secret, thus Oaiing wot oniy an injury ta tas girl, but to her family amd friejids. The chances aro that the jiudlges of probate W'ifll now have m-OTie to do tia tlhiis line than the ootuaty clerk does in issaiug licensee. Tlue law requóiniinig a liceoise to be procured before a coaple could be miarrctsd was for tlue purpose oí p rotee titos families f rom tlhe schemes and niiacJiJiQjatiiioiis of diesigning and wortBiless fellows, wlno "witt amid! nin awaj wltai youiig giirls. This law, if it is ■reported oorrectly, wiill now give sucia cou.ples a chance to öo in secret -wbat shiould bc public. Marriage is a solemin thimg, and should no-t be entered imito liigh'tly. ThO'ughtless girls often difedbey thieir parenits' wishes aad live a lüce of sorrow a 'dhie coneequence. Marriage is an. honorable, commend'able cerem'Oiny. It slhiould no.t be a seoret affa:lr, bat a putilife oine. Thie mewspapers ün the past öaidJ tlie piïblüo a service by publisiüiiig the reoo'rd. Thiils wafl before thie 'present lücenise law tveus passed, and lead up tw the eniaotaag of th,at laxv1. The law jnsit paased cam bs mfiBns-eid.. It's iiatwnttj as ia:r as the fifst part oí i)t iis c.oncernied, may be a 'gowd thutg, but whema loophole was Ieft by wliiüóh alnuost any coaple who aares ta, oan taks advanitag& op Üt, tlhe way to evE te great. It Ja pio'ssiible thtat the provisions of thie biil are mot oorrectly stated i,n the publiic prints, and that this oriitiicism ia unjust. It is to be hoped tbat thiat iis go. The silverite idea of prosperity is to keep organized for its arrival after the year )990. An}' earlier manifestation of it must be frowned down. - St. Louis Globe-Demoerat.


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