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THÜCKandSïORAGE Ntorage of Household Goods Pianos Books, Stoves, etc, iu rooms or space. PIANOS A1NTD HOUSEHOLD GOODS CARKFTJLLY MOVED All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK. PRGEL DELIVERY. C E. GODFREY, Phone 82. Office 48 N. Fourth Ave. C I N Cl N N ATFS SThe OnSy Direct Route Fraai AU Pointe In jMICHWANJUIP CANADA TOS E Modern SleopingCsrsl I 1M 81 T f onNightTralns. Lllfflne f SSy FINDLAY,! DAYTON, i&aTlanil[ö5 IlIMIPOLIS. lüraási For rates and full information, address 's, D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Ag-t., K P son & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mlch. ? ê JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agt.. (Ü 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. n. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Agent, 5, y Carew Building, Ciucinnati, Ohio. & rF YOU WANI ■ THE - BEST GARDEN in your neighborhood this season PLANT PUR FAMQUS lKTS5SKffl SBjJSI1 all of which are described and illustrated in our beautiful and entirely New Catalogue for 1896. A new feature this season is the Free deI livery of Seeds at Catalogue prices to j 1 any Post Office. This " New Catalogue " we will mail on receipt of a 1 2-cent stamp, or to those who will state where they saw this advertisement, the i Catalogue will be mailed Free ! ! PETER HENDERSON & CO. jam 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New Tcrk. n 190 DOLLARS %AJ PER M0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any maa, woman, boy, or girl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Nothing like it for moneymaking ever offered before. Our workêrs always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a nlgbt how to succeed from the flrst hour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself . We start you, furnish everything needed to carry ou the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructïons. Reader, if jou are in need of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE&CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. AScïenlific A:r.orican Agency fr IS OES1ON PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, oto. For Information anT f ree Hamlbook w-rite to ML .V s CO., 361 Bkoadway. New York. Oldest bureau for secarlng patente in America. Every enoutbyusla brousht beforo the public Dy a notiee given freo or ultarge la too Lareest ctrculatlon of any selentifie paper In th woriu. Kplendidii lüastrated. No iutellteent man Bhould ( . ■ ut it. Weekly, sri.OOa yenr; -v & COPüm ism-iiK.: . city, inh N BW I HflIMI-M antand profitable SiLli HIlU tí UlflL.ll work by addressing tbe Oontrkxvii.i.k Mfo On.. Wavvttf. B. I., mfRi-s. of Xormandie Plnshes. Send 12 cents for samples, partieulars, and secure a?ency. Meution this paper. Sales-Agents Watited r.r to .n,, and lieiidy 3Iado Clotiiiiia: by Samplft. The very lowest for bpst clothinf. Liberal commisslona are pnld, and enerifetic soliciting aeents can make from oue to three thousaud dollnrs yearly. Storekeepers can supply themselves wltbout carrying stock. Apply, WANAMAKER & BROWN, pihladklpiha. Noticb to Creditoks. STA.TE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasntenaw. ss. Notlce Is hereby itlven, that by mi order of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Washten aw, made cm the 6th day of May A. D. 1897, six montbs from tlint date were allowed for credttors lo present there clalmaagalnst the estáte 'f James M. Willcoxson, late of Kaki Couaty, deceased, nul that all credltors of s.-iul deceased are requlred I their claims tii sald probate, court, at the. Probate Office in the city oí Aun Arbnr. forexarnination and allowance, on or before the 6th day of November next, and Ihatsncli claims wlil be heard before sald court ou the (ith day of August and on the (ith day of November next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of each of said Datcd, Aim Arbor. May Cth, A. D. 1S07. ir. Wirt NEWKiBK.JudgeoJ Probate.


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