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A biicycle ad sto'uld iaduce its readers ta (buy)cycles. If ttie baseball playeas form a unficn Wll i)b prevent strikes ? H'oime gTOiwD. strawberrtes are expected iu a day two, Braima and capital f oirán a link- Wlion strotngly Iarged; wiitíi printr's hk. After tlhe acUcrtisomoat comes its cilio, gíTlng t-svoi aidls for tiiö price of otme. I Everykhwnig ín tlio Une of vegehation is jiisij abo-ut four weaks behiiaidi last last year. On. Moindaiy Vílq M. E. Epworth. League wieinb to Crien and njoyed a píenle. Tñie Gi-anid Lcdgo Koüg-lits oí Pytlilas, oolo'red, is ta mjeeft i Ypsilanti July 20 ainxi 21st. Tttose opiea oars tliat started ia ooa the eleotric linie last lrMay got fiost 'Tftten befo1:'O niíg'hit. The ten oomcertis of the Chora! Unton, iöcluding thie May Festival, tihis last year east $11,500. 'Th.e TecliniUc, wbicli was issued last week, is earlier than usual, and a Tery ereflfiltaiHe publica tlion, On tho niainueír úx ■which advertís era ful tlieir spacO öepenids the facQi'ty -wit'h whica they pay far it. The A. A. Hifeh Scíhool team, was defeated at Northville Saburday by a soore öf 19 to 13. Th.e Aun Arbo.r Browns flefeated th.e Narmala ab Ypsiaaati' Monday, th.e score sbanidiing 3 to 2. A Forty Hoiurs Devotion ís to be held ah Sb. Pabrick's ohuirch, íield, oominencing ou Sundlay next. Thle annual conosrt of the Glee and Banjo Cluíba tó to be hield on Sartur'dtay evenfitag June 5, ato Unálveirstilty (Hall. Hicks: the weatheir prophet, eaid that May 28 th wo-uWi ba 004 of the ooldest days oí the month. He hit it rigiht. The publita respoinds to nflwspaper ads as suirely ama quilckly as thO report oí a gum follows tiha difeehaxge ■oí a bulle. Bemanber tibe animial meeting of tíhe oaunty piomeeir society at the apera hioaise in Salilme, next week "Wednesd'ay, Ju 9. Regular meeting of the O. E. S. to-nflg'h.t at Masomic Temple. Theire ■wtill be initiatiom, followed by a drtuinatile entertailmieiit. Therc ie to be B-n itoel crearo social a,r, the ohiapel on the jSfarthsüdle' 00 Frildiay eveaünlg Juae 4 bh, f ram G to 9 01'ctock p. m. Proceedfe to go to new churoh. At„ exeuirsion ia tO' ba gtveoi on Tuesday Junie 8, over the M. C. E. R. to DeÖPOilt by Amin Arbor lodge A. O. U. W.i the are beáng placed at 85 cents. The annaversary celebraition oí Uie Y. P. S C. E. alt Betlilehem ehurch last Sumdlay everaüng, was an enjoyatile affair. The sermón was preacihTay Rev. Mr. Meyor of Jackson. 'Thöse itoterested ku thO wort of our public stíhools slhould seo the specimens of drawiiig "which will be ou exlitbiitio-n at Supt. Perry's office umti! IMday, from á tol 6 p. m. The Iegiislatu.f6 passed the foiil giivling $20,000 to thO tMversiity, ior the purpose of pubtiiag ia an clectric liglitSinrj; plant. The votte in, tho hiaase ataffldüing 59 far to 34 agaiint-. At tiie eoiiícrenüe of the Woiman's Fo'reig-ii. MSfifiloiuaiy Hotiety of thO M. E. cluarcli at Adrián la-st weet, Mis. 1'aulLne Hendrdeksion of thds city, was elected a trustee of the soBerv. Dr. IXcElroy preadiied an exat seormion Sunday to ii'ae mem■irK of tho G. A. It. Sana oí Vdterttnd, "VV. R. C, aal Oo. A. M. M. G., wtoo wene present at the 11. E. clhiurch. The Mesarte Quartette af Saline will be present aad Jitolp eatertain the crowd with somie of tihsïr excellent naaeic at tlh MaccabeO bauquet to be giveTi in this city oni tüia lGth of this mofltlh. Tiie Iuter-IIiigh gdtooi Fiield' Day and Meet, to ba hie-ld een the Athletletlc iiield FrMay and Satuirday, umder "tha auspicies of the Unáiversilty Athletiic AssiociatiisoiL, bidtï fair to be a v&rj Snterestiing eveut. MemiorLai Day was very pleasant bu1; cao-i. Wo fared bettor here thaa in some parts of tJho staite, however, whieire thiey had the nio.-ve.lty of a DecoTia'tiiart Bay snO'W Btorm. It was so ciool that heavy coats amd) wraps were needed. The timo tablo of th& JÍ., C. R. R. In anofher column ia uoit correct, a uw timo oaid havinlg basn ï'eceived too late to ohanigo the samo for the fiii'st side of ttte papoi. Thero is quite a dïffereaoo in the running time 'lof of the traiJna. The followiug Ann Arboriitcs went to Ypsilanti Thiursday evening and toolc the Super-Exciellea degree of Royal anid Select Maon, conferred by DaiiOTL Coiincil of tftuajt city : Prof. E. F. Johnson, George !L. Moore, O. L. Robineom, Dr. A. J. Lynds, Herman Mittl&i-j, W. G. Palmer, R. H. Miller. TwiO', Jfns. Behir and. Mrs. SifcaebleT havo joUnienï ia, giving $100 to1 h Y. M: C. A. touiilding fund. The regemrts mee today t let the ooiutTiact 5,000 toms of coal for 1 lic U'nivei"síty's use. tlue cDining yaaJ. Ttue niustoal service ta be givoru at St. AndTew's cburcli noxt Sunday evieniiSDg-, wlil be tltue last anoi of this seasoia. A tramp gfflviing hi-j mame as Bert Baxiaes was arrested to-djay. by oiiEteer Colli'ns for stealing a n&w ov"crcoat and ai pailr of glovesl irom Mr. ElHot, of X. Sbate eb. Xmyotkí who lias ï-uigs or oarpob to ■beat will cooiter a favor upon Mr, lieniry S. D&an by güviíag hiim their Tvork iin tttati liiaa as hö is anxlous to üicrease his afferi'iig afc tihe CongregatSonal church Experiance Social ;iext ■wek. Tke ftrm oí Adlams & Dalí ol thifl city lias beea ditesolvied, Mr. Ball retjjrilng. Mr. Adiams lias moved his íamiifly back firom TMÍLa, Otio, and itiaken entiire coufcrcel of the bustaess again. Fned Scball tabes charge of Mr. Ad'amjs' store ab Tíffia. fTiie uaiáion oí tibe Sbudteaits' ChrlstiLiun Assocdatlon aad tdie Ycrang Meni's Asaoíiíatiom of the CiiiLversity ia a tliing tíiab Bbouldi liiave been acoompIüsHied loing ago. One stroiiig BOCrüe'ty oan accompldsh ■mere tibaai oaa two weakeiieü by división. The executie commïttee of the Michiigaii Bi-anch of the King's Baughlters met witlh state Becretairy, Mrs. Murfin, May 27, 1897. Mrs. Wa'it was eleated secretary of the meelinlg. A cíonstítution and 'by-laws for the enisuing year were ■adopted. Judge H. Wirt Xewkirk delivered the Memorial Day ad'dresg afc Midan ; Deputy R. E. Comtnissilaner Wm. "W. Wedlemeyer talked to the people of on the sanie occasijon ; Oapt. E P. Allen, of Ypsilantil, ,3eHvered MS oratiom on Lincoln at Ionia. Thius Washtemaw oratory is popular. The board of public woirfcs oï Ann Aafttoar bas put fortui an ordier for"bLdidiilnig thieiir employés from smoking id'uring woirkilnig booirs. "We intend that aur fo'rce snall serve as a model for tempéreme e ia all thiings," remarkeid ttue secretary, as he laid down tne pen and repl&ced the cifear betweeu Ms teeth.- Adrián Press. Ttue se -eiijiiis of Ims oonnection with the Uiniiversity by Prof. Levi T. Griffe, i3 ï-egrefcted by all tttose who ■were assooiat&d with or whio knew 'bim. He is a oonscieiitiOius gentlemian, umderstands the law tlnorouglily and 13 an luonor to any instttutiou ■with whicii he ia oonmiectel. He leaves the UaLvef.sity liere -vith the kind'est of feelinig existiiig toward lij.m. The SuiKltiy ínter Ocean contaims a out of a new resildlence beiliig built by Dr. X. J. SuMvoo, ooi Micttigau ave., lm tituab city. 16 is to be thu-ce Kt.or.jes, 28x76 of buff Bedford stone, lied in quarter saw&d oa.k, and 'have all moideni eonvoniences, to cost 918,000. ïlie miany cld frteods ei the Dr. here. will be gladl tol learu OJ li is suocess warrauitStag so elegant ;i lnomie. Mayor EDtecock, Aid. C. H. Cady, Cap. C. II. Mauly and CJÍty Clerk Mills -weulti to Liansilng last Ttairsd'ay uiornlnjg, and suceeeded iu getOiag au euabli'iig aot tdunough tne ir:-'. at ure to allo'w tto ciity to bornd Itseüf in the sum of $i0,000 toi pavo üte sibreets. It was quJck worfe, anl Repneseibtattivie Sawyer and Sen■Bltov Oampibell buckled! Lu an;l pusiied "die thüng alMig with a vian. Siïttöay led!ng Aficemsdion Day it was otiserved by Ann Arbor Commandcry K. T., tiie membe-rs of whicii, ïïfty ïn nuanber repaLreil to Forest HUI c-enielory ,and lield tlie usual Memorial services for that day. Tlie 'g-raves oí all Sur KuiiJlits were dcoora'tcd wïth flowns, a;nl ;u tlue grave of the late Juügo HOInaam .1. Beakes, Rev. Dr. Gardam-, of Ypsilau'ti, gave a very ianpresslTa axMresa from the worös : "lx)-, I am wïtih you to the. end.'' Gome and hear what the Conigregatiioiiialiisi.s have to teil a-bouit earninig fhöii1 dollars for tilue Experience bocial. N"exb week ThiurstUay evenimg Juae lOth is the time, amidi the Oonigregaitional church the place. The laxliles are nwb tbe omly ones interestöd' as thiosO ivlio attaud wiill ascertaiin. The Suniday Sötooiol autograph quilt, on which tlie child'reni have made fiity dollars, wfll be exhibited. Remember t'he date, June lOtlh. Ice oreani' and cake. Ohaliistian EberbacJi, wha is ome oí OW most respec'tad ettiaeos, and a unan who always takea a sensible view of -thSnlgs, is muking aa effoi't to secure mioore umtformiJty ia laylng fthe cross walks of tJio otty. Not only unifoTmiity bu't a botter form. Many of these crotssíings are too rolling, and the guttor alongsido oí them too flaep, so thab dinitvteg ovei" them Is aai uuploasant thing, tiol say notthSog of whoeliing oivoi" them1 .whiclï is still wo'rse. As thiere are eeveral new omes beüng construefced, now Is the tiiime t find ooit whioh is the best and make them all to oorrespond. An attempt has beein. mad(e by Ed. Lyona wiho Ifl in jail ciliargod' with beoog Itm.pUcia.tedE ia tin eRiahiairds mur'der, to eeoure brmidsunisn buit lifc luis n'ot been suco-essfal as yet. The amionmït oí baill requjrwl i-i $0,000. There was a maetiilng oí represen(thtüres of thie varíous alumoí aseo oilatiDona at tiie önivierBtty last eventag to oomödJcter tttiie adrisability of ■l:i:lati!lng all tSue aluanmi associajnnjs of tibe onáÍTOrBtty ;i;il maklDg ono stT'Ong socltet.y. Tlie optoions expiiessed ïaviored the iüOa. There is toi be a oomcert at Ilarris Hall, oa Tluarsday eiveping .Tune 17, lor tftue benefit of tlue vested. ciiolf oí 6t. Andrews ehiurch. The boys wan to raise Oaiauglij nian-ey to pay fo-r aa o-uting at same of tlliie lakee, and whien any of them cali upon you to purchase a ticket, encourage fhem by buying one or more. Ib is a good cauise. Thie eleotipn of a captaJn jot Co. A, II. X Oh, wdttl takei placa at t'h Armory tonth't. Fr om presenit iadications lt looks as Ambrose C. Back, of tih vary best eolöliems ia tili first regimejut, wouM te ehiosem for tho poeijtdjaa It would bO öElffieult f ar the campamy to better -tibat chotee any. Prof. J. B. T:i)i left lan'i wítih. the junior civil engineers, 20 in all, !w a surveyilng tour in the north; em part af the state. They vníl try actual canyj Ufe at Cai-p Lake, mear Traverse City. Tli-ey vial be j 'gome fouï weeks amd rece Uve practdv( cal ilasti-uctibn ia tli-e branches of naSlvo&'á woirk, tria-ng-ulat.iioii and hy( dnogriaphife surveyitog. Tbey will wo'rk ün, squiaids oí t'turee. Ex-Prcseeutding Attoirney Eandall won two oases iin thO supreme court last week. takea up from, tlie Momiroe citcuitt. The first. case was onititled Drewyour vs. Merrill, an aetóKa on ■tho case for deteatfcaib oí property taken out on a wrib of reptóviln. Decisión of the lower court reversed. The öfcher was an ejeotmemt case Josep'h Hiltan plaínitifí and .appellaat vs. Azuba Dunnplhry, defendiant. Over which Mr. Randlall feels prety tuappy. For a lang perïod Postmaster Beakes, Anin Arbar, hias worked, and sohemieil and studiïed, UU in danger of "beïng as bald as a Juazelnut, ta ddBoover wbo was dioiing the postoHiCe stealiing. The sfcamip cleirk has coafessed. The auöharitjies have hkn. His joibi far Uhe postmaster anti tho public foicnt up $400. licw-al : If you are going' to steal, d'on't gat found om-t.- Adnian Press. A stiiü betfcer m'Owal Is : If yau are goflBug to eteal - dlomi't. Geoi'gj JahïisoH, i !ie champton Hght weiglüt boxer oí Michigan, is a ncpherw oi Old Jack Ixmey oï Anu Arbo". Jack hiiaseLf iB a haiuly man on. t'he "box.'" HOe always gets down in tsms to cöllect tüic fare, and thoavg-k 3ie hits bolo'w the belt, ït'S nare that anyoaa calis "feral" on him. Jack is a Senegambian hackman. - Aullan Press. Tliere's where you're w{i. Jack ia no tíeiLegasubian. He is an Ghioan by biirtih, a Miehigamdw by adoptúou, a Waahitenawiiaai by environment, and an Ann Ai'bo-ráitO by chotoe. Tlïe fcllowiing artistic write up of our mayos-, is takea ïrorn fch Grass Lake News : "Mayor Hifeoock oí Aim A tyor, am'biiúious to become a scorcher, bougtot a wheel. He Btarted out for the fïrat time at "Twiligih.t luid ev-enilig boll,' as Tennyson wo'uld eay, but was back luome la twenty iiviíiau 1 1 ■ - . Be ratuTned bruised, 'bumipcü and battred. Hüöaext step was to buy court piaster by the yard, vliiU was appli'üd' by a profe-ssioaial bul posier. But eepi'te this setback, Hilsoock is jjpobably the best mayor in Michigan, ont&idte of Graas Tjate." ÍMtss Jessiea V. Peniay, oï this city, was maiTied' on Wednesday, May 19, at tihie home oí har sister, Mrs. Prof. lounge, at Bei-keley, Cal., to Mr. LewIS U. Ha.rries, of Yallejo. Th;O cerejuumy was perfarmeöl by liev. K. Ettöhle, of St. Paui's church, Oakland. The groom is a inenibea" oi the Beta Theta Pi fnatemiiiy, ama tha docoranatïons wne in pink and blue, tha ooiars of thiat tratenatty. ThO bride is a gradúate o tbie UiïivOrsity oi Igan, and a member of thO Kappa Kappa Gamma soroirdjty. The ■briide was given away by hier motlher, ■Mrs. C. W. Penny. The couple wijl reside in. Vallejo, where tlhe groom luolds tbc positionj of city attomey.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier