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LESS TMK ONE GENT E1CH RARE CHANCE S?g lüï5""8 156 FOr $1.50 An arrangement just made with The Detroit Free Press malies it possible for us to save some money for every reader who takes advantage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE ÁNN ARBOR COURIER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK ietrott Free Press Botli ONE YEAR for S1.5O. The Twi:H-ltó h to Is the Best Possih!c Substituto for a Daily Paper. rublisheil on Tupsrtay and Friday Dlorningg ia time to eatch the Karly Trains. All the Tatest News up to the time of golng to presg. Complete Market Reports in each isssiie. AH who cannot get Daily shoulil Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press 1s offering Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscrlbers, and you (■mi easily save the cost of both papers by takiiij; advantage of THE MANY BARGAINS OFFEEED. WRITE THE1I FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No Othcr W.iy an Tou (jet As JIuch For So I.ittle Sloney. SUBSCRIBE NQW. DO NOT DELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to asslst the thousands of unemployed meu In Chicago, tlie AVorkingmen's Home, at 12 uustom House Place, has establislied a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnisli men tr farmer and otliers in all paris of the country without expinse to either. Employers applying should state definitely as to the kind of worli, wages to be pald, and if railway fare will be advanced. Address, Labor Bureau, Workingmkn's Home, 42 Custnm House Place, TjI. Harriaon 243. Chicago, 111. Barrel Salt at Wholesale and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN & CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STKEET. 52-3ml7


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Ann Arbor Courier