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Estimated Cost Of Building Per Square Foot

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In. a recent Dan repart eome. statlstdcs are given covering the cost, per square foot, of buildings oí! different classes In New York öity. The figures possess interest amdi value, says "Realty," amdi yöt t'hey must be taken wüth some (rrajns of alkwance. Ia the firgt place tihey are averages, and average statfetios are apt to be mfeleaüing unless allowances are niaidie. Then the figures are based w estiina'tied ratiher than actual cost, and the estálmates we re tiiose gi'ven the buildú'ng inspeetion department, which are almost iinvariably lo-w. The reckroniing sIlows that frame clvellünig.i oí the choaper, two-story class, average in 0015b $3.71 per sq. floot of grouttd covered or $1.83 per square foot of floor space. Briick dtwelMings of three sto-ries average $3.65 per square foo-t of floor, coumtimg HOitliJng fo-r the cellar ; five-story lioiuses cost exactly thO same ; amd faar-story onies, avraging the iew examiples Joiuoid, ciost a triifle less. Flats of fiive and b4k stories average oinly $2.03 pr square ioot of floor; flats with two stores umd'ei'neatlbcost $2.83 ; "st'Oires amd liiTts," tJnat is, ord'itoaa-y mtemcantile buildings, give $3.12 per squaire foot o.f floor, where the ïhe buüdi'ng, is noit over Bis stories Iiife'h. A six-s'tiOiry botel oost $3.33 per squiara fooit of floor, andi a twelve-stioiry wareilioiuee a litttle less tliian $3. Office buildings oí the "sky-scrnper'' sort are miiohmore expcusSve, ome nineteen stories high costing $116.82, aniti 011e of twenty-one storLes $123.31 per square root of ground. covered, or $6.14 and $5.37 respectively, per foicfc of floor space. It is now thought Satan tokl i:ve apples were good for her complexión. - New Orleana Picayune.


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