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1776. 1897

1776. 1897 image
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The comuiittee of fifty, or at least a goodly portion of that committee, met at the office of County Clerk SclHih, at tlie court house on Moiiday evening. J. J. Goodyear was cbairman and Geo. H. Pond, secretary. The meeting appointed the following sub committées for tlie.Fourth of July celebration: Executive committee- Walter C.Mack, chairman; John Lindenschmitt, Titus F. ilutze!, E. V. Hangsterfer, Michael Staebler, Fred Huutoon, Dean Seabolt, Tlieo. Kever, A. C. Schumaeher, Sid W. Millard, J. F. Schuil and H. J. Brown. Finance committee- J. J. Goodyear, Moses Seabolt, Glen V. Mills, Fred Schmid, Frank Ortman, George Spathelf, jr. Com. on Decoration - John E. Travis, Wm. Herz, Fred W. Weinberg, Chas. F. Staebler, Chas. H. Major, P. J. Lehman, W. H. Butler.. Com. on Invitation - Capt. Chas II. Manly, Capt. Ross Granger, Capt. Ambrose Pack, Maj. Sid W. Millard, Col. H. S. Dean, Gen. Arthur Brown, Lient. Geo. Apfel, Ex-Mayor S. W. Beakes. Com. on Printing- Chas. A. Ward. Tom W. Mingay, Geo. J. Halier, jr., J. E. Beal, S. A. Moran, L. J. Lisenier, Eugene Helber. lteceptionCom. - Mayor Chas. E. Hiscock, Ex-Mayor Warren E. Walker, Ex-Mayor Wm. G. Doty, Dr. Fleming Carrow, Prof M. E. Cooley, Dr. John Kapp, Dr. W. F. Breakey.J. D. Kyan, Wm. Judson, E. F. Mills, Ralph McAllaster, B. St. James, Wm. Goodyear, Chas. S. Millen. Power was given Mayor Hiscock to cali to his aid auy citizen he might desire to serve with him on tb is committee. The matter of securirig amusements was left entirely with tlie executive committee. It was alsp resolved that the chairman of the executive eoniinittee be instructed to cali a meeting of all the committées for Thursday evening, at 7 :30 sharp, at the county clerk's office in the court house. A resolution was also passed making the chairman of each committee a member of the executive committee. This sets things moving. Several of the committées held meetings after the general meeting was over, and mapped out plans for immediate action. The time is short, only four weeks f rom next Saturday, and it behooves all the active men of the city to take hold and push this tlling along with all their might. All tlie mitlitary uompaniee that can be secured will be invited to help make the day a big uno. A brigade of horses ; a división of bicycles ; a parade several inilea long, and the finest display of lire works ever seen in the city are already assured. Ann Arbor has not celebrated for manv ye'ars now, and she proposes to have a celebration that will, by its brilliancy, attract the people from all over this part of tlie state Let the Eagle screan, !


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier