Real Estate Transfers

John 1!. Corliss to Mary Ward, Ann Arbor _ $ 200 Isabeüa ColHna to Ira Lynoh, Ypsilanti 400 Jolm F. Buok et al. to August Binder and wite, Pittsfield, 2,000 Louisa A. Chubb et al, to Edwin E. Patterson, JSIorthiield, 1 James McCanu and wife to Ulysses S. Kuisley, Ypsiiauti 600 Abraham Meyer to David Meyer, Lodi, 1 Elizabeth K. Weimer to Mary Kern at al., Ann Arbor, 1 John Iramer and wife, by sheriff, to James Lowery, executor, Bridgewater, 4135 Clara L. Shute et al. to Samuel Post, Ypsiiauti, 1,000 Wm. P. Campbell, by administrator, to James Campbell, Mancbester, 1,710 Cliarles S. Corey and wife to Mary A. Corey, Ypsilanti, 1 Stephen Smith et al. to Frederick Kapp Northfleld, 1,300 Ann Arbor K. R. Co. to Eugene Uulligan, Northfleld, 1 Patrick Gallagher and wife to George Zeeb, Jr., and ïrederiek Zeeb.Northlleld, 2,000 Peninsular Savlngs Bank. Detroit, to John V. Sheehau, Aun Arbor, 1 Carrie Kose et al. to Andrcw J. Sawyer, Ann Arbor, G50 Charles W. Wagner and wifetoLewis H. and C. K. Sweetland, Lodi ___ 1,400 Cordelia J. Leach to C. J. Downer, Lima 1,500 James W. Robison and wife to O. M. Martin, Ann Arbor, 300. Eugene B. Hall, and wife 10 Olivia B. Hall, Ann Arbor, 700
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
John B. Corliss
Mary Ward
Isabella Collins
Ira Lynch
John F. Buck
August Binder
Louisa A. Chubb
Edwin E. Patterson
James McCann
Ulysses S. Knisley
Abraham Meyer
David Meyer
Elizabeth K. Weimer
Mary Kern
John Immer
James Lowery
Clara L. Shute
Samuel Post
William P. Campbell
James Campbell
Charles S. Corey
Mary A. Corey
Stephen Smith
Frederick Kapp
Eugene Gulligan
Patrick Gallagher
George Zeeb Jr.
Frederick Zeeb
John V. Sheehan
Carrie Rose
Andrew J. Sawyer
Charles W. Wagner
Lewis H. Sweetland
Cordelia J. Leach
C. J. Downer
James W. Robison
O. M. Martin
Eugene B. Hall
Olivia B. Hall