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It Seems To Be Settled That When

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Thomas B. Reed is speaker mimoi-ity d'o not rum tihie House evn ,i tlhiey are all leaders. Oiifj resalí oí tine c nol BP toS Jltis öeen a r&miarkalbly toe erop ■[ rye. Sometliing i3 always ta&ppetkLng to discourage tíue eroafcens. Thie vote f ot a proteetlíve tarilf! in ti;„ Seroate 13 eone&fcrabiy laTger than Uu? vate. ït is ome of thfi ' :1-sThe :. ir af blue protectiioniat idea in thii-s cjcLinicry nï iv !)_■ judgedi Erom t.ii,ï tmexpectedly large maj ilty it üi cJiniuandius; in tJie sena te, Tamiuany ma y todfoi s Iver, Tut te oerpous about invitiug Brjran to speak in Nw Xoek. '-Tii' orator of tüie Platte tos mot been a votemi'akt":- ii. liiat vkinity. Xlie new Spanj=to ca-búieit muy at ist oansSiJer au ofleir of loediaUon ■by tihie Uiuted States wor-tliy or somcthïng m:pe than a haughrty look and a few cursoTy reuuarks. publican paíty is eegagedin rtnl, 3 iilaifjrm promiees as Bast as i; oajngert ac thia work. Thlfi is wue o severa! reasoíis wliy the repTibüeans wül liave Chra b3si clia.uce to 1900. A wheat erop of -10,000,000 bushïl.s is expected ml Kansas, and1 tüie quesüop natonrally ai'Lses if tiha farmei-.-, 9 ate woaM i-eally. prefer to sell it f ar Bryaa int-ead of McKi-nley dlollars. -V it a sjlLvary sauad money demoerai attended tlie süve-rite state contion In Iveniucky, andtJie ïard names tkai were appüedl to thie abse'iit oldí-ahjued demoenats would créate a sacsv oí liomot" u BLUingsgiate. Bj1 olie aid oí tlie X ;-ay, a looig tube, a,nd a sscret preparatioa intrcdiuoed iiithe stamach, tliat organ eiu nüw be thorough-ly explored by "tJio eye of tbe sargeota. Tlie feeliiings o; a dy.-pptk; may be imagined -iviea lie ílads all this apparatus added t hii maladiy. .i eunimerciaj miiseum 19 to be biiiílt i.n tíhe city oí Oa.raca3, Venezuela. The buiadilag wlll be an imposüag one on a leadiitag street. and ite purpose te to öhoiw Utiiitedi States goode to the best advantage to1 the Veaezuelans. The repiort that Gen. Weyler is a Lileral Shows that so:metibies there fe lees íl a name thaa ev&n Juliet supposed. "What the name of tilia 7" aemanded Jiahn, Elandolpb. of a waïber io. a restaurant, pointing toa beverage whibh tlie waVter had 'brougiht liilm, "If this be tea bring me eoffeo an,d ii Jt be ooffee briüg me tea." IT Weyler be a Ltlberal, and; in goiod standing on hia side, all the dieeen Spanüards mniat baloing to the otfaer party.


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Ann Arbor Courier