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TïlüCKandSïORAGE Ktorage of Household Goods Pianos Books, Stoves, etc, in rooms or space. PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD 0OODS CAKïlFTJLLY MOVKD All kinds of heavy and light Draying, F8EISHT WORK. PRGEL DELIVERY. G. E. GODFREY, Phnne 82. Office 48 N. Fourth Ave. 1 ÉÉliiÉI ; $The Only Direct Route! f'roiü All Polnts In f MÍCHI8AN AND CANADA Tol Modern Sleeping Carsl I BJj Bk J on Night Trains. LllflMn ly FIMDLAY,: BAYTON, ; iOiHlTlanilö=: iwmunus. 13 Sb:; For rates and full information, address 'l D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agí., Í P son & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. t W JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agt.. á A 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Agent, ' V Carew Building, Cinciuuati, Ohio. ' IF YOÜ WANT Jl I THE - BEST SARDEN in your neighborhood this season PLANT PUR FAMOUS all of which.are described and illustrated in our beautiful and entirely New Catalogue for 1896. Anew feature this season is the Free delivery of Seeds at Catalogue prices to any Post Office. This " New Catalogue " we will mail on receipt of a 2-cent stamp, or to those who will state where they sawthis advertisement, the Catalogue will be mailed Free ! PETER HENDERSON & GO. L 35 & 37 Cortlandt St. , Kew York. 120 DOLLARS !&U PERM0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and lionorably, -without capital, during your spare hours. Any maa, woman, boy, or girl can do the work handily, without cxperience. Talking unnecessary. Nothing like it for moneymakingeveroffered before. Ourworkers alvvays prosper. No time wasted in Icarning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first liour. You can make a trial without expeuse to yourself. We start you, furnish overythiug needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you' are in need of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a documeut giving you all the particulars. TRUE&CO., Box 400, JjSysta, Malne. i Scicnüfio American MkM. TRADE MARKS, mS= DESICN PATENT8, COPYRIQHTS, etc Tor Information anfl free Handbook write to MUM.' & CO., 361 Bhoadway, New York. Oldest bureau for seciirlnpr patcnts in America. Every pni' nt taken out by uk is brouf?ht beforft the public by a uotlce given free ol charge In tba f tuïïüüt mmm Irgcst clrculation of any prientiflo paper In ths ■wofid. hpio-iii ;,. lüuatrated. No iútelUuenl man Rho,' 1 ., llt lK weeklT sïSOOa . - . yi;v-& co., - City, IN AND WQMEN SwS 'ns the roNiRfxviLLK Mfo ;r Mti"'Tr Et. I.. mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send 12 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mention this paper. Sales-Agents Wanted Ma,ie to m,, and Keiiilj 3Indc Clothint" liy Knmplr. The very iowest prlces for best elothing. LU eral commissions re paid, and energetic oHciting aeents can make frora one to three thousand dollars yearlv. Storekeepers can supply themselves without carrylni; stock. Apply. WANAMAKER & BROWN, I'HILADKIiPHIA. NOTICE TO CeEDITOES. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss. Notlce lshereby (tlven. that by an order of Hip Probate Court for tle County of Washtenaw, made on the (ith day 01' May A. D 1897 six inoiitlis froin that dale were allowed for creditors to present there claims agalnst the estáte of James M. Wlllcoxson, late of eald Couaty, deceased, anil that all creditors of suiil deceased are reqnired to present their claims to said probate court, at the Probate Office In the city of Arm Arbor. forexamlnatlon and allowance, on or before the 6th day of.N'ovoiniiiT iR-xt, niid tbatsuch claims wíl! bo lieard before sal d court mi the est li day of August and on the 6th day of .VovPmber next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaoh of Bald days Dated, Ann Arbor, May Otli, A. D. 1897 ff. Wikt Newkirk, Judge oi Probate.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier