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Ma iiigli school commenceniien'i t.i-mn-.Tow Tfaursfllay. Gewse 1' re stom haa been appodüted posJtmiaster at Grass Laks. ,i Snn.I.iy w.iiU bo observed as Chi'ld'ren's Diay at Sci'o Center. Chas Saley, of B-rSdgewater, oomme,ace'il h haylng lasib week, even. ü lit (Wil ra-ia. Chías. W. Pullen the aew piosttoasi;:' at Milan w 11 relieve p. M. Gauntlètt July l'st. Remraiber the diolic;s ei LnFayetrte giran&e al Öhe Iiïma fcown hall Frid'ay Juno 1S. AVin. BurtJeSB llias purehsed B J-2taorse power gas engkue few use at 'M olrvaiii" at Manchester. The Maccabees of Dexter aad Ghelsefl i-' ■'! ls ' 10 unúüe i'1' a memorial jain tliis yeajr. Tlue llamciliester sclioo-ls ftlumni asBOc1ia,tton hotds itis 21st aiwiual i-eanion om FJRlöay Jxune 18. Once agato miy farmer friena, cut TiWOtse s:ools of rys froro your fibWfe ai u -ii.Mi. It wai pay yoa ta.ito it, Th? vedtea oí St. James öhuTï er. meets Tuescüay and Friiday evetti'Bga ai eatíhi week, lierea?ter. Th salea at W. E. LijydjnV, Webster, of bloodod 6tock iootEd up at $5,400. In waa a great success. Mifes Altee Gomaa luas returneü üome to Clrelsea ii'om New York. a-ii'3 lis ccgianlzüng a class In Srawlng and pailn'. Ti.wu Oerfe Perkiais, oí aas paid out. $121.75 to bouaty eince April lat, oa wo-odchucks and crows. A ïipe toaaat waa tett at t.his office last FiiMay, givwa by Mrs. Warren LafLer, o'ï Taaxie e township. That's flrst.- M4tóm Leader. The Leadfer waats w know vhy Bexter caa ao't ba connectetU wJitá tlie omteldte -sv.orld by a bieyele patfe? Siimply the d'ucats, tihat's all. Th Otuelsiea city fa.tbers liave passed aa ordinianc-a foiWaaiog bicycles on V.: .■'. .. ' ■ - ' iiiakimg it a to "scorchi" on th3 vMlage sm-fcs. Ilev. Oa.rl G. Zeóffler, oí Sylvan Center, lïas aecepbed a cali ia tbe Mapal Xjiniam Tabenincle, in Detroit, aud exp-ects t.o leave üo-r t'hiat place in two o" tluree weeks. G-aargc Tan Gile.9on oí Bridgewater, co-moaiericed Mooiday last at aiooiii, to plow 15 aeras ïor beans, and at n:O.o-n AVednesdlay had it ploiwed, nolled and rea,dy to maxk. He liad f: v-j teams ait wo-rk. Bev. T. G. Potter ia to deliver the ■baocalau'rate address befóre "ihe gnad'uiatimlg class of ttoe lexter High Schioatt,' at.tíi& M. B. cbu.rch, oa tsunclay evenüaig, Jane 20. The co-mmencemenlt exerctóes wiíl be held o-a FriiJay, June 25. ArjK Cmno Itóud a DOW die froon bloat AVeÚineáday. . The heavy dew cauiseicl the cto-ver to ba veryi wet ie the morniing, and wishJm 20 minutes alter ttoe eow w tarmsd iiurt.o! pasture stue was öisiad.- BirMgewater cor. Mamclhieeter ESniterpriee. Tii ii' oo'urfc affirm&d the lower coui"fca l,'fi.xi ia the Ciifford Shaw Buit wüh the townanip oL Sattine, and. the $3,000 judgmant torlth the co'its w-lil be spread upo-n r:ix poll a.r.l coilected by tax next winter. - Saline Observer. Dr Samuel F. Ooap-ih, oí Sallaoe, : ■ ummënded by Öongressman Spalding as a m.'in!) . dl tüe pension examining board for his tfuiity, v8 Dr. E. F. Pyïe, of iüh Urn. Tiie o-fchwr two m.e.mbep'S of the board, Dr. Jöhm Iviapp, of tli'i aïiy, and ï.-. F. K. Oweo oí Yn(3&faaitii will remata unchangeü. Tliie far.mers ar-e, at work O'a the roa ds. la some dis trieos tluey have done good work, wihüe in obbers it seems as tünoug-h H wauMI be. better U tttuey itx'i l3ic ttoenu alonie.-HMajnv cíiieSter Enterprise For instance, one road tlhe -riter was oa a short time ago, tihe int.ellectu,al road builders bad) sexapad tüm gravel careiully off to ths sLdle oï t,he. roadiway, and ;'M' i ':i witfc blaak 6 'il and sod. The alunwii of tiho hü-ii school l a reunión Juno 25, 1897. A program c BsUrtüng of au adlivss by Juklge H. W. Newfclrk amd musical eleetiioinis wíH bs jüveo a ühne school hall. Thia wdll be folto-weö by a 'bamquiet to tlh alumni and gueats at tlie apena AU wlio are lnTeresbed m ou.r scihi0ol are cordially Lnvilted to tflue. exercilses at the school luall.- Saline Observer. John Cobbell, who lived on the Saliine road, about 2 1-2 miles Bouth from Ann Arbor, died on Tuesday Juno 8th, of heart trouble. He was a member of the 14tli battery Mich. IAxlit ArtfiJJery. He leaves a ■wife bul no chiildren. ín eecuring a widow's pension for his wife, Pension Agent Ciliada of -fchie city, has been oblityed to send to Bngltuid ior cüurcJi records provrng niarriage. Amiong the eoüítesrtan.ta far prLzes a.' OUvet coilege coanmenceniemít yesterday, was Edward A. Bloiamifield, Dtxwr, -wüüue eubjOÍ w;i-s -Abraliam Uinaoto." At Kaiaimaaoo colleigs, on tille sanie. ay, 1í;!,Iiki:d Ghaarwiood, of CheLaaa, was ame oí Che oonitestants Uor ulue Sherwood declamaoory prize. Ai tíhie reeeiait mee ti4; oú 'tlie State Fru:t Gpowters" AflBOciatioa at HolUiU'd. reporta wre read írom varuu íruüt ceiiutars la tto uiüate, anl thO prospect üeveloped iö noo ftatteniug for a good crop oí applea paara or peaciiies. ïlie lake ahoe belt makes ;.he best ehow-log, ba't tha average oí iihe enjtisi'e state is estïinatedi at ab'Out ouire-hialí of tflio usuial ctop "ivh'lch may ba fuirtllier iecreased ili tihe unusual co]d weatiliai" co'ntiniu&s. The name oi Oiias. H. Stannard wat' sent tiO' ta.; p-realtlanit last "week Tliursday, for app oiintinent as postnuaster at Dextec. "OiiaxlVi" is aaü aas bL'L'ii íoc j-eai's ono oí thehustltog repuWfleana o; liiat visllage. He hu wicrfced early and late for the s-uccess oi tha p:U'[y, aml "chee in coüsiflerabk justicie in his ap-p-oincmeait. ïf party serviae coamts iflittieee matters -and iit ci-'i-taiuly oaiit to- ttiere na.i been ao niisbake made. Hou. A. Campbell, w-iiD Bacceeiiea li m.ikilnfe a speec'hi afc lialtau lasrt V, öinesday, upn occasüon of vihe pj naeer mieebtaift duld not imcceed iu exptalmilnig ïiis attibujdi in the legislature tic Ü'oiq satiisiacöOQ of ttoe peopie present, even ii i: was satisïactO'ry t.o liilnnsalf. At laas ïhe -wriiter sacln to bz a iact.ípom' the vociifefous appLauiSe given Mr.s. 'Varnor who ioilowedi hdan an;l who scotéd 'that augast body in a few iceen wc.:1 ils.


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Ann Arbor Courier