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CAN' CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Ttue majarlty oí sufferers from Ast!hma 'and kimdred eomplatats, after tryiing doctors and nujiníbertess remedie advertised as posi'blve cures without avail, have eome to the conclusión bhiat there is 00 cure for tbis mot dfetressiing disease, and t!toese same persons widl be the more itn doubt and ekeptieal when they learn througb tlaiö columns of the presa tJiat Ir. Rudolpli ScMffmiaiün, tlie recognized apUhicwity wiio has treated more case o! trtieso diseases ttan any living doctor, has aonieved success by perfecting a remedy wMcih not only glves lmmeüiate relief In the worst cases, but hias posiltively cured tlhousaads oí sulíerers wh were consíidered incurable. These Hvere jusb as skeptiieal as soma of our readers now are. Dr. Schillmanm's remedy no dioubtpossesses the merit whiiloh is claimed for lt or he would njot auth,orize thia paper to aonoiiTice that (he is n(Ot only willing to give free tO each person bufferinj fpom AstOima, Hay TTever oi "BrondhiLtte lp tihis city, one liberal "free brea] box" of h.iis Curo, bub urgently requests all sufíerers to cali at Goodyëar.'s Drug Store. Aun Arbor, wttlhin tiie next three day9 and receive a package absolutely free of charge, kmowmg tíuat tn making the claim he díoes for his Cure, a strong doubt miay arise In the minds oí inany, and ttoat a personal test, as be offers to all, will be mcure comTtncing, and pnoTe its merlts, tban the publishlng of thousands of testimoniáis from peraons vrho hiave befsn permnnently cured by tlie use of his Asthma Cure. "Dr. Sttoiiffmann's Asthma Cure." ai lt Ís called, has been sold by drusrgrist of tliis clty ever-since lt -was flrst lntroduced, alth,oua:li mnny persons may never have heard of lt, and, lt Js wlth a view to reaolitno: thee that he makes th'js offer. Thls Ís cerbaluly a moft generouis and faic offer, and all who iare Bufferllng froim, any of the aboye complaints Fíhould rememT)er fhe date aínd place wtiere the dltrDbution wlll be made, and aval! themselvea of the same. Persons llvimg out af tihls city -who deslre to test the effüeacy of thte most wondertul remedy tvÍüI receive a package free by wrlirimg to Dr. Behiffminnn, 380 Ro sabel stTeet, St. Paul, Mlnn., pro■rtdlmg thelr letter Is recelved before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can be obtained aftr that date. LESS THAN ONE GENT EJCN 1 RARE CHANCE SglSIVkT"5 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement Just made wlth The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save some money for every reader who takes advantage of this opportiinity. We undertake to furnish THE Al ARBOR CüURIER AND THE TWICS-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR íor S1.5O. The lÚH-üá Fres Press Is the Best Possible KnKHItate for a Daily Paper. Publlsbed on Tocgdaj and Friiluv Hornlngs in time to catch tlie Early Tiains. All tlie Lntost Xcns ui to tlie time of troinif to prfss. Complete Markei Reporta in each isssue. All wlio cannot ge) a Daily should Subscribe for this Idel Newspaper The Free Press is ollerins Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscrlbers. and you can eoslly save the cost of both papers by taking advantage of THE MANY BARGAINS OFFEBK. WRITE THEJI FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No Othcr Way ('an ïoii (iet As Jluch For So Llttle Money. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DEUY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order t,o asslst tlie thousands of nncmployed raen in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at -12 vjustom House Place, has establlshed a Free Lalior Bureau, and is prepared to fnrtiish men to farmers and others in all parts of the cnuutry without expense to either. Employers applving should state deflnitely as to the kind of work, wages to be paid, and if raiiway Care wül be advanced. Address, LABOK ÜUKKAU, WoilKIK(i.irET'.S HOME, „ , 42 Custnm House Place, Til. Harrison 243. Chicago, 111 Barrel Salt at Wholesale and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN & CO., 44 SOL'TH MAIN STREET 52-3ml7


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