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The Great Commercial Agencies Of

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me country say bustoees Is íonprm iur. Thte WÖI elfcit amafher liowl jroan.the, eatonxl'ty waöera wt have been gwom in. fo-r four yetara. , Thie XkOftíS. S'tatea to 1896 was the largeet producer i'n the worii of gold, iw. copper ana iroa. Great BritLm till late na ta coal. tra ttoe gap ss napidly dosingTto chorus of croakers deinaaud immefltate prospenKy at hosrh-water mark. Ttoey are afraüdi to wavt bcaoise they know Sb lias ajiways conie iwuder repulbliban. legisla tibn. Camlaida wus and eonbrols onefsrth. of tb railwav mileaso iiU the Dcm.iiuiion and loses on lb atoouit $500,000 a yeiair. Thre is juo' populist demaaii in Canada tiO buy up ;amid i-uii the otluar naie-tentli. FLa-iJda expeets tio market nearly a, mJUiou boxes of onanges nest year. The tnees tibat have Bpnuog troom the n0Ote Oí ttoe frozsn trees ave tlirlty an-J renbairkaWy iröe froan iitsect pest b. . UuJued öuateis has been at peaoe foi a longer periW fhaaii ever re i'tö histary, a ■■ . writ■;. , i spirit to f.iis . . Iu any eaa ■. :■ is a p i u reasvair. The bairrost of iee ia closiing in. MaiiïS aud tihe sWpuiiant ol watennelons bas begaai Ju Fioridia. Unole Sam'.s dvum baat daaa aob cirele, the artlh, but he has a iait slát oí laad lu. enne lump. Xm;ween tlue popnliBte and iéeanoerats seems to be a tioóng oí itSie past. PopuÜHt leadteirs are evelywhere expressáng thelr disgust wlti tlie uuoei-tiaiu attitude of the demotrats on. all uatáonal issues. Xot i.uly are large ruam'bers oí demócrata . tii ■ te where tiiere is a cainaien thía fall, reiufiins to accede to vhe üteiDaiui for tli6 support of the Cfoicago platform aaii ita doctrines, :biat a la:g- aumber oí dam'Ocrats ax Ooiugress are abaoodjomimg th ireeti-adfc tihieary and supporbiing a liigh jncitiection. 5IÍ.-.S Finadcee Alger, daughiter of Gn. R. A. Alger, secrebary üí war, üs oiígiaged to Marry Ooarles B. Pike, CWoagio lawyer, wlio is pro-mi'iienlb in eocfety and a gradmate of Harvard cías of '93. Mt. Pilke lirros at 2101 Praürie ave.- Detroit Tribune. AVhat aext ? G-em. Algeir's daughlter to mari"y niotihüig but an out annï out Oood straágíit Amerioao citizen? "ft'hiat can the General be thinking atwult ? The assortmeat of pukes and Locds muet be rumming low. Xo, t'bat id nat ït ; but tfra G'emoral is tiiHmsflf eud Anieribani, ftns)b and last. The oampilimeint kin daughtcr p-ays tóm is bey.ond prióe. Gem. Alger can ■w-ell be pr.craid of hiis Amerioan daugliter. These youmg people have the öest -wásliies oí thiB Amerioan people. - H'Owell Herald. Ttere. are quite a 1 ot feUoWe ratói in all e oí the country expeetíng to have pDosperfty ladled out to+hiern im a affiror 9pooa. It ian't wwrk bbey ane taofcltag ajter- only piopi-T'i'ty.- Miüimk :er E;iterThe iVw freo tóadters lef t to tlhe democraUía party, are iu a stat oí dtei rees over the fa-ct thiat ane-thiyd oí tho soutaiiem v.orbo Ha Congress has been cast for liigh p ratee titn in tliü cwisïdleiratioai of tlio t-ariíl bilí. Xt üs aawtjh-er case iu whlch "the blow alinoist kiflled fatiheir." Al' primltecl matter ia pressed íood for thiought.- A. A. Cawrier. But tlio Oour.ier failed, to state that there has been. mo inspector appointed íor this particular jood product ; anU the result is olfceía as dfeasfcrous as that 01 ppessed roeat.- StockbrMge Sun. Thiat is well ex-pressexi-. Tile Jajlth of the Amerioau people Ín thO wtedo-m' o-f McKiiüey vvill not be lesseuied; wlhien has plans wMi reifereoice to OuSbia are made pulbIde. He ís giviiig tii sailbject closO and earuiesifc attentjon, and ]is action Tvhen rnatured, wEill gnaiiïy :ïtizeais of th Uniited Stla.tes aiird frílands of ■Oaba. The asseU'ti'Jii tina a siíver stanüajrd wrjuld ianpTOve oar commercial relat.:í!;iH wttlh parta oí the tFiorïd ivtih waa mad írequently duiding last iall's campaiga Jias receüTed a vet-y black eye by the receuit statemeBíts oí President Pieroia oí Peru, and hJfei Japaiaasa officials. Both iil and Pera, as is wiefrl kajwn, witlhia th ptast iew íunths ad 'i11 3 tlhie gold standard) ajid curí.oitisly tiliie cttiieí reasuu. assigaed by outfcüals íor this actiom i the i'act Öhiat the fluctuiatïJuis of bíIvov ;is a Sbaaidard mD'aey wurked great d;Kulv;inuiK'é t j tiiam in theJIr oomaeTcila.l reíaítao'ns wDahi oöher p-arte oí the -wü'-M. ïli:u eanibarrassmem't oii übs l'epub!v caa leaders in bhe Wö intheiir efa nepuiblcóaia tarjö biil öaronigh ttoat body, whtch th.O3r paffty iÏjiös mob control, IS siowm1 by a recent statement Sn tiie Waahilngton "Post," wtiioh inöiicated ttoat the ïepiiWfoaiLs are tma nuMn'oeffs Shiort of a nil.ij.ii'iiy ia the Jesiate. The iiwnt ia as floilows : Repu'blioainá 43 Deni-vijits - 34 IJ'OXlllte'tS ... - 7 Silver Ki-publácajis - - 5 Vacarucy (Oregon) - - - 1 TobaJ - 90 Neoessa.ry Joir a ma.jorjty - -iö The Ilillsdtalo Leadeü" oriiWclseB vhe OonTtaar fcxr a receat article to ■vihich tha railroud' corporations were erjticised ïoir tlheir actioa in being so persistemtjy pmgaacïous instead of meeting quiestüone tJiat arise ia a conciliatioTy maimier. Th& Oourlsr never 'has liad amy sympat.'hy wíth the class of people ilio are alwaya cryiig'ddwo evevythiliig and everybody. 15 nías no sympaCliy wiltih the cry agaitost the railroiadö wfaen. it comes [ncm ttuat cl-a3 of people, ba when the coiuseirvative classes cratif.ise Mhiat thiey belüeve to be a wrong polifcy adopted. by tihe raiiLroads, tn C'O'uir.ter beUleives that iit mighit be well for thesfa cOTporatéjone to stop and looi; about tlhem, and1 inquife oí themselveiS if they are takMig tiie best courge for tbeir own iimtereste. In a great measure tlhe toterests of the people aad: the inuterests of corporatiioms axe idtenitical. Each, l&pends ■apon, tlhe Otbor for Buocess, and aeJther sbould become so blimd or shortsihtfedi as t!0' des-e materia-lly iaJüro the ottoer. A polifey that tends to deepn prejudibe is nn-b a wfee piolity, and tlhe Oourier beliteves thiat sacli a poliley wtiti pursued tftiB pab't W'itott-r at Lamsimg. Thie conviction is li;rep Seated, in t,his vieinily ut least, Maat tilia bi-each betw-een the people and these co-rpoqatitonfi ;- wider thiau ïc was beioe the legielature mtet, and ilhut oagb!fe aot to be. The people are uisually quick to i-ecognize an equi'table ani BliradgSiitio.-wara.pol. l'cy. aad are alwaya diesiirtous of a ooúBetnra'UfVe couiBe tha,t wiill be just to all. And iï the g-reat raorpocaüorts aro wtoe ttxay wiill i'eoogiüze this fue; . ,in;i act ace Ji-daingly, and by su diiaann and render inefiecti-ive tteir eniemies. Yuta can -eason wjüli tlh pieople, the same au with an inidivüd'nial, but top comipel Kubmission by tlhe tuse oí a te not always uccessful. The Cuaaiibr fully emidorsethis quotattpa frotn the Leadier : "The so-omer we geit over the idea that the proper th,ang to d!o ia to lamgli every tjjme a lazy, stí.tless devH insulte so:me industrious, prosperous fellow -whio through honesit eiifort has succeeded iu laying by a dollar for a railny day, tAo batter vt 'wïll be for the peace, p-rosperfty; and safety of tho conatry." "The Bairmnd Gradnate1 Manirime," pubiMied a tatole Btoowing ilhat ■ilnri:nK tbia last 28 yaans tibia Tiïiïty lnas reoöived ras'i (ziixx umiMlng m $7,839,708.38. Adrtöng to tihfe tihe Malsus of I - and bucüxj ■ witole foote up to $9,209,708.38, ot au aenage of $328,91S a y. -ar. Ir xtw be B to Harvard oouufctaius "n tihie sanie proportiOTi duriug tUe jiext twenty-fiive yeare, tibe tostatatiOBi wiU hiold proper}' in. exaess of $20,000,000. Fnom tlie school rooms of the country ttois nionth tliene comee aa army of youmg man and wonien to taike up life's work. "Wbetter that work be as sniccessful as these, graduates anti;4patie or not. Uhe comfortiligl bo'ug;ht oomes to us tliat our poorho'uiÑes an'í peaal iftiatijtuti'ons aro not O'ccuiP'iiíil wiitili perso'nis nlio havo even ii fair edluoatiia'ii. The riglit kind of an. ediuoaitiion is a pre-vemtative of orjime. Sucli an edueaitiotL ia not nltjnely acquiired in schaal, yet Oorad stuideiníts come from homes wihiTO this su.rrouiutitmgis are not all tilia i co'uld be dies;red, and tiluey maámtiain in after liie tlhe hioiaOTable posiBlaiL t hey hield in V(he school.- Jonesviille Independent. Tlve sbrewd1 bsi,niess men of oiher natjans are not lifcely to sustaln tihB aseertjoin whádh tilie free traiders are mabimg ttint thr wül be retaliatiSan agailnst the Unifted States on accoun't of our new tariif by an exculeüou of our goods from foreügn. couüitnjes Japan, -wluiwli ha3 been espec&ally p'O'i'nibed oufe as lïkely to takO a step O'i tlDiis ki'md, bas sald ub 313,000,000 yens' w-ffi'toi of goods ia the last ten y&are, and boMhlt fro'm' us oiily 7S,000,0000 yens1 wottt. Her SiiMancAems a.nd statesmen are not lilkely to take a step wlti'tílii would close tilu miarbets ai tli!Ê cO'uaitry ten the prad'ucts of har owii people wben tlliiCHio markets are fO'ur tijnes as great as wháeh ourown gooüs SUfiply Iin tlhat country. ■L,db mie teil y-oa, my oount.rymen, tliat resmscitatioa Wlill not be promo'. öd by reo-im'ánaitio'ii. Thie distress oí th,e presenil wïïl not be relieved) by a d&stirust oí tlue future. A patriot amakes a botter citizen ttuan a pessiEDÜst. Aniiï we have gat to be pati.ciit. Muoh as we want to move o'u o off thtö old house, we) oanaiot do Lt t;ite new house, is flnished. A tiartifí law hiadf naaöfe ís of mol practical -uisO exoeipt ta iimdlicate thiab ia a lLiítle wihiifle a Vluo-le tiariff law will lie úyae. an,:l L't is mlaktog progress. Ib ís reaclhtlag ihn ?iül wten the end ciome-s ïve vriH hiave buBllness cotaKje and iiudustoiial activity. Ivet us keep steaidy hiands aand steady hieartis. Thie cO'aiita-y is noit pO'ling backward, bat Jorward. AnuePScan eaeTgy ïuas n,3't been ttesta-oyed by the s'iio'i-ms of tlie past. It wiü yet t:;.nm(pih tflit'O'Ugh witie and bsiisficíenit lögisliatiiO'n." - Pres. McKialey at PhlüaaelpMa, Juuue 2, 1897. Five years ago a mam nam&Ll Vcdgt sto-k'. a rid'e oai a raüroad in, Colorado. Kecewbly be became a Ohffisrtlan, and was amibbein, wLthi l-emorse to suych. an extianb that he s&nfc a ■ivrLtten co'niPesaiiOin to thie compiaay, inclüBiing $1.56, being hisi faxe aö tthe ,.t,i oï tbireecaiitis a mUe. iateriest ad'died. Aa a mabter oí íaet, tihe Jare at( that time was fuur oenits a mile and t'hie campany has sent che man a demanid iöc 52 cents In additiiou


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