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LUMBER ! LUMBER i LUMBER 1 li vou contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LÜMBEB YARD ! Coruer Fourth and Depoo Sts., and get oo figures for all kinds of LUMBER We Manufacture Our Own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRiCES Í3. Gtve us acall and we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertlon. Telephoue Connectious with office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop P R T TT M B f T Í! the6 ues' S'omtne' Si I 1 V Ml l covery of America tt U 9 ■ U III ■ U ■ the present time. w:r COLÜMBIi For special terms apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Flkhart, 3JB RITP'tt Knterprisinit dealer to talie Íes m L g I toe agency for the KlfiSl j CELEBRATEDMcKINLEY " '■■■■■■■■' editlonoi Ten Cent Musie. :i-:cii!'ntal(classicaland popuiar), and Mandolín i tíuitar Muslc aspeclalty Wny pay more than lis' Umil an atiency is lociited here weuiJ! ■ the public from or Chicaeo in;';' Catn■■ Pree. Moue? refuudefl i uiusie is not ■ MoKINtl BIO CO.. oómley. Crcs.. 307.... :hicano W. W. NICHOLS. DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opi Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Administered. It Is'agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating effects follow.while teeth are extrac'ed without ptin. TRUCKandSTORAaE Storage of Household Goods Pianos Books, Stoyes, etc, in rooms or space. PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS CAREFXJLLY MOVED All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK. PROEL DELIVERY. C E. GODFREY, Phone 82. Office 48 N. Fourth Ave. # -(- KW TODETROITJ i The Only Direct Route From All Polnts In t MICHIGAN AND CANADA TO 5 Modern Sleeping Cari IRÍA P onNightTrains. BaBIflni f PARLOR CARS CIHIH AV DAYTON, CüiOINNiTlamlQs ImiunUL lüSa For rates and full infoniiation, address ? D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., f fi sou & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. # JOHN EASTABLE, District Passenger Agt., S 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. , I. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Ageut, 6 Carew Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. 9 OF YOU WINT Jï THE I - BEST GARDEN in your neighborhood this season PLANT OUR FAMOUS all of which are described and illustrated in our beautiful and entirely New Catalogue for 1896. A new feature this season is the Free delivery of Seeds at Catalogue prices to any Post Office. This " New Cata logue " we will mail on receipt of a 2-cent stamp, or to those who will state vvhere they saw this advertisement,the Catalogue will be mailcd Fres I PETER HENDERSON & GO, mm 35 & 37 Cortlandt St. , Kew York. qJ 120 DOLLARs BV PER M0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Notbing like it for moneymaking ever offered bef ore. Our workers ahvays prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself . We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, ana waut to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE&CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. Scientifio American SG BESICM PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS otc For Information and freo Hamllxjok -vvrito to Í1U.N.N & CO., S6I BliOADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for secHring patt:nts in America. Every pnt;nt taken out by us is brought befora the public by a notice given freo oí charge in tho f úmüík mmau Largest circularon of any f clentlflc paper ín th worlil. Splepdldiy Illustrated, No iutelligent Kan should 1 it i. Wooklv, Si.'S.ÓOa Ptipt.i ;. v York cáty. INlf iMEN sstSte ing the CoNinF.xnr.Li5 Mfg. (Jo.. Mavvtiik. R. I.,mfgra. of Normandie Plnshes. Send 12 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mention this paper. Sales-Agents Wanted t0I aie to m,,,, and Besdj Made ClothiiiB lij Sample. The very lowest prices for best clothing. Liberal commissions are paid, and energetlc sollciting agents can make from one to three thousand dollars yearly. Storekeepers can supply themselves without earrylng stock. Apply, WANAMAKER & BROWN, PHILADELPHIj. Tourist's Sleeping Cars to California Bvery day In the year Tourist SleepImgiCara are run throngh from Chicago to Caailforniia via the Chicago, Union Pacific & Western Linie (Chicago 'A Northwestern, Union Paciile and Southern Pacific K'ys.) OnDy $6 for completely equlpped doublé berth from Chicago to the Padilc coaBt. Fof tlcketa and fuli Information apply to agente of connectlng Unes, or addreM W. B Kntekem, O. P. & T. A., Chicago & Northwestern R'y, Chicago.


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