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CURREXT HISTORY. Buffel, N. ï.: Garretsow., Oox &Co., pub: ces ; Alifned Sidinsy Jiohmao'n, editar. Quarterly, $1.50 a year ; Single oo"py 40 cents ; aam,ple copy 10 et-tiilts ; sp'eckrteiQ pages {ree. TMs mageuzlUie iia tibie pianieier in au Important olaisa of litera ture whidh has anisan "iin recant. years. Il was t:hö first periadtaaJ diesigmied wltflu h, view to reeorklïnig tiiio wortil'.s hJBtary in. a farm canivienátent for refeicnce, to ba usesful to Btudent3 af our tlüDies mot only iia tlhis ülay but in later yeaars. "Wiitla tlua presamt aumber (lst qr., 1897) lit onibera thio ofehrtih yenr af its neccmdl vrïth every evidence of titnat regatrd fo-r accuracy and of view ■wMcli liavo o-jtiaiblLslieil an-l lont1; mainitiaiined lts veputatioii as tihe mast complete hamdlbook publLsli■ed of tftiie hjlstaryj of own tilmies. Tb o pirescait niumibar is thie largest e"Ver issuad, haviing 27G paiges off readiing mJatter, 70 partrailts, a.nd 2 map.?. Ths apöDJtog arliifcLe is a, review of the rcig-n, dhiaina;ter, aiïd influeece oí Q u-een VJjBtarHa. Tlie Crisis in Soiutiheni Eunape talcas up tlulrty iay:i, "svitfti speoüal mia,p, aad reviews tttue o:i'if3a atad fnll inhornational bearings of ttbe Cnetaa aod Graeeo-Turkili föncmble. All thie Beat of the wortd oamieis in ïor ïtts due öhiane, tihe subject-s of so'ima of tihO most impo"tant artlioles beilng as Jollo-ws : ThO Artiitoatioin Treaty ; Oubaitt Beroit ; Cwrency ReJoirin ; So-utttt Afnican SituatiiOT ; Tanüfi in tlhO UnitdJ States aad in Oanada ; Venezue-lan Questiiom ; Oráenbal situatio-n ; President McKLnley's iin-augtwiaitiom, witih po-rtriaite aind Mograpliües of the n-wv cabinet ; Statastks of S-o-uthiern pTOgress, geld pro-duc't'ion, mierchant mariluep, etc; Mississiippi floio-ds and oitibeir disastei's ; reviews of iea;d5lng new Boio-ks ; Ad full biograp'hical Bkefccüies of pronument peo-ple who have d'ted and a1 th'O'usand and one otlier tMngs 'ive all wamt tio know atoom t. Li. Huog Clhamg's seoretary has reoentiy wnijt.ten. to The Century Co. expmessiing the pleasuire tdie Viceroy' ia takins in General Horace Porter'e artiiieles "Oampaig'ninig witti Grant," appeai-ijig in The Centiary. SU Pethilckj tihO secretiary, says : "Híb Exoellenicy has bad read. to General Plorber's articles on General Gram't, anid has been'greatly interested ia studyilnig tlhe cjba.Pacteir of his great fritenti darásig tlh greatest of his campados for the preserATati-oe oi tne tJint.oti. It IS a rare privilege t read o'f sucih de&ds relat-ed so' eloqaeatly by ooa who bonorably paxtiiciipiatied i-a them." "Look here, AEneas," saïa Dor. Johnson, me&timg tihO hiena of the lost city of Troy, "what's tihe uee of keepüig tih.e looa'tiaa tf Ti-oy. a secret any langer ?'' "No mse" sa'id AEanoas. "Thiem whiene the deuee te the sp-oit?" 'Tweaiityjeight miles east by souih f: om ScliiMsctady.1' &aiJ AEneas, ■wi-'.ii


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Ann Arbor Courier