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The rush out oï torwn Ü9 fullyom Thie new Stiat eTelepduooie Exciumge expetfts to open up hiere wLtbiln, a shiO'rt tinne. JohiQ Cuiattinig oí AVebstei", has secvwed an iiierease of pension, thirougli W. K. CMld's agancy. City BngJineen' Geor.'ge F. Key estiiamia.ties the coot of tíhe lateral seweii on W. Liberty st. at $2,090.13. The tJiii-ea coirnierecl) fight. over tlie l0;rt'offiice at AVhitimofe Late 2ia& bee selitletl by the appoiratimeiDt oí H. P. Dcdge. 'Tls now the sweet girl gradúate, Her face in charraing frown, Works two hours on her essay, and Just ten hours on her gown. - Louisville (Jourier-Journal. The S. C. A. Bcirotorelhjip tal Sociology has bas beea aw&irded tot J. K. Mardon, nuedic '98, who jB an Arm entura student. W F, Itelifuss bas put La a tel&phowe at üls ooilid atoa-iage, No 55. Mns. M. E. Wilsoia Was alsoi pub in, a 'plioine, No. 25. Th hoia'i" of the SunxUay OTeming1 Börviliae Jta, Sb. AnfcBneiwfs ctarchi uring titae siuniner, begtoiiiing with nexti Sumlday, wiül ba 6:30 o'elock. Frank S. Simons, a ïneni'ber af, Wie 11, class oí ' 98, will taka Mr. Pearsori's place on tlie Daily Times, while b is absent in Europa tliis summier . TiO-mOTrwv being B't. Jolim's Day, the MasO'nio Temple at Deta'Hïit wül te foiTniaUy ö'ediioated. Ib will be an. imp'üirtaait affair for tllie fraternity of Detroit. The sutijeet af tiho Rer. Heiwy T;itloftk's sennon in Sb. AndScwi's ehurcli next Sanday uiuü-ikííik wíffl ba "The Wiark of the College amdl UnS.'versd'tj? Sötltlemieirts." I.ast Sunöiay. was tili fi'rs Hunday ïuce Marolx 28tüi, tliat it has jiub raïaeö'. Ntoiw t'hiat the &pell Se biiokea we siiiil', jn-ubably bjaTse pleaeanb SthIv d(aj-5) ior a lorjig áhiiiL'. 'ïh.e nuca.aest peTBiomj we ïiavc liearö oi wp to dJ:it,e i!iv-D.i in Aan Arbon". - Dexter Lea'tler. A"lno; ij jie V A rerwaTTl OI $5 is oífei'edí far h,iim. Wibjy; loot men'tóo'n has name ? The a'tinioispiliiero was mot ii-o.sty Moindlay and Tuasday moinkigs, but it w'as noifc very torrM, eilther. Thö 'breezes miusb have passed a glacier so:nuew!hei'O on fheiar way here. Iu niearly; every ciiftiy oí the sbate t!hii pi'uaiug kni'ie is bedng appliedi tw ojffitoi'al salaries aoidi a saving to. the peo'ple eïfecited. Here ito Ann Arboit!he tiilni'es are so exoeedl'ngly protíperoius that the ooauoïl ha seem iit ■ta raiiise sailairites. The S'imxlay ScJiP'0'1 tff toe Congrer gattiLonal cJiurcli wi'll ginie a basket pionib at Oascade Glen. nest Saturidiay. All oonniectedl wLtÏL the, chuirch ■ör Sumiday Scihööl are iavi't'edi to joib the eiwvd at the church by 10 o'clocl Saiui'illay momiaig. Dexter -yMl no have a, ith of July oeiebiratóoffl. thia yeai'. Thé enthuelasm wiil all be save'dl fot" Germán Day, August 12 tb.- Leadyi'. Oome (Jowa heire íot tho -Ibh, and we %-iiil goi ui) yoiu." way Sar 'ths 12tSi. Isai't t4iat tlie rfeiit thiing tw dKn? ChiUd'i'em havo been born and got jaarTiïea swice Ypsilaniti's last fourtili f Joily oaleb'fa'tdloiii. Thiere'll be a (blow tiiere tiluïs yeaj" tiLat will rlp tiluo feathiera out of the American eagle. - Adrlian Press. ThaVs where you Sliob off the wrong Ann Arbor is thie placa S'up't Wm. E. EiOíbiíisoD, of tiha Detnoijt soliools, a fonmer Aaiu Arboi bioy ,a.nid waa a!b ooiO t'ilme a teacher ■itoj tlhe ïiigli school building here. The Deöno'ijt papers say tthat tJae Board: os Educatiion of 1Sha.t city propose to make a c'lianige Ui'ia year, aadl that amio'ng tha U. oí M. meo appliioants Jor t.ha placö are Siapt. Wh,i!tiney oí Sagtaaw, Daiiiid McKenizie ai Muskeg-o], aral Proi. B. A. Lytanan. Alf. Jayaies receiifved! a leíiter {rom Capt. So1lu.1i of Auna Aiboi-, ïnvitiiig ttte Jiajiolhester band to aibbend the 4Üh, of July celebratiöiii, at Ann Arbor. As we iiave mo band uonv liia. omghti to take t;lne Briidgewateir band.- Einjterprasc. Smre. ThoJt's ju6't wbaib we wainit1. All the baïuda in tho oo'unty Ann AiiDtoir ppoposes to luavO ail the aiiiusiie. thisre is iu thiia sectloo oii that great tlay. M. C. Wood-Allen steps with pilde. His lofty airs dlspel the gloom : Let his great name he published wide- He has thc llrst sweet peas in bloom. The puiblie schools oí the city close tO'-day. The Y. P. S. O. E.,, of the Oomgrei gutiiorsal ctarcli will serve ice cream and cake Moniday evetóng- the night of tihe Bejiüoir promenade, June 28, oa the citairch law.a. Bay CTuty nías cut d)o.wn the salaries o i hier city oíficials va tbafc a savirig oí over $7,000 per year has been effecteU. HJere the salaries are raiBèd. Bay öity is poio-r. We are ricih, yiou see. Iowa Uofrversity liad llbrary tni'i'lidliinig, at Iowa öïty, struck by lightaing and almost entirely destroyed an the 19tlh. Total lose foote up at $100,000, focltiditng many valuablo boaks. All of tshie people oí thAS counity and tlhe oíd soldiers ib particular, wül be gladl ix löama tfliat Dr. W. F. Breakey has been appoibted! to liiB oïd place on the bo,aï of pension examöneirs for Washiteiiiaw county. Aawi Arbior wiil celébrate íhie 4th The fat lemionoae and. red -w-Oman wtel be there ia all tbeir glory.- Plymöufh Mail. Lifce-svise thie ii'-"e cracker, the t'orpedto: ginger pop and ginger bread. Say ! OomO up herO amd' liaie. a g-wod tjiae fO'r once ia your Uie. AVhiatda yoai say ? As it is nat tihie iateaitüon of our pecple to hiave any celebc-ation, our sister oity, A-nin Arbior, extended us a mwst cordial laviitation to visit tihiem anid belp to oarry out tlie plans of a real oíd faStatanied celeibratdora. - Salime Observar. That's tibe sort o f talk thiat pleases vs. Out of respect for tibie great timd saibliime sc.ii&iice o1; inig-ation, Ann Artnor will celébrate on VioO 3d.- Grase Lake Newp. Amd i.n Hbe :.nterest iof tlhat questiou kt ii asseBrtedl that Grass Lake wi.ll seuid ite mayor down to study thie effect oí diraüiiage on ■vardouis systems - ''ais own in particlar. Thie TVashnetO'n. Buiilidling Oo., of Amai Arbwr, Wed arbüdes oí incorporation -wilKih tlie Seonetiary of State duriing tlhe week, capiital stock being plaoed at $15,000. The compaay has purdhased whlat s kiuown as the W'.is.i.'.n-iKvn BLaok, afc tlie ïiorthwest oo':-nier oí Pouxtai, and Wasliúigticrn, street. A yotmg la.dy oí Ann ArboT lias mie witk a atrange oecuiTeaice. Vox som tdme past hier voiiice bias lioeu ! ■ inging ti a mare wüiJlspov. Lasit weeii stoe hiad twp of lier wisdom tcoth extracted whlïle u-nder the iniflmence o-f c:hl0'rafo"m, and1 to ber great suit-prase ehO regiailaed1 her SuU (ina mihi-al voïce by 'úhe oiperat.VMii. The Salvatilon afmy w4il ciommence tent maetings aext Satiwu.iy The openiiag servicie and all day Sumdny will be cionducted by Majo:- and Mire. Peöbles, assLsterfi by Ensign Ooie, Gapt. Sprake aaid' thie. local corps. . Thie tent will bei erected on tihe hiay market aiad everytoody ts sp;ecially invite-d to tlue opening, services. Thie falliO'mLiig offioers have beeo eiecteii by A. A. emcainpinenfc I. O. O. F., to serve for thia einsuiiig yeiar : C. P.- W. J. WJüfleu! H. P.- C. E. Godfi-ej-, S. W.-H. P. Co'ok, J. W.- E, E. S'taebler, Scffirbe- Herman Krapf, Treasui-er-J. Fergusom, Repi-esemtatiive to' Gnaud IjO'dge- Geo. H. MAUer. Installation, Prtdiay eventng, July 2d. AVm. Bobbijïs, of Augufiltti, hnd hft Wan. struek by Hg'hltiiííig June 15, amd sl'iglhitiy danmaged Tb Iiouise. oi Thio's. Keamey, of Noctáitetó, waa dhnnaged by fïre on Sunday, .Tunu 20. Thie hoiase of Moawie Flooö, rexter toiWBtóhip, was srtiruek by lïglitning on tihe 18tJi. D&mage about $10. AU imsunecll m tihe Wasliteaaw Mutual Ins. Oo. Prof. Loltet of t.he Umivervsity, in-, ocula-ted tw-o sets oí feuiuie'ai pig i tuberculosis aawl found that tibióse exposed to the Roentgen raya sBOTvad nía signs of diisease, wliiile in tlhie ottor tuberculosis íollowed. W'hiat a pl'ty to eaeri.fice thiose Innocent guJlnaa pigs, Wlhiem ínembers of tihe tógiSJature were withiinsuch easy ■reach !- Adrián Prese. After lookJlng tlhie groamdl over, jt seemiad! bes t.o give up the tlemotistínation hiere, and to 3oin Ann Arbor dtcL miaking hier celebra tion o. greater onie. XexU year t'he matter wijl agiain be takea uip, amd) carriedl out imuc.h m'O'.-e tluoroulghly tbam ilt could1 te tthis year.- Ypsilauiti Oommei'cial. next year Ann Arbor will h.clp pmh your eelebra.tiicni along. United avo eau lnako tthStaga jingle. It tó stated tlüat $60,000,000 was tllie prit.e offeired for tlhe patentl orj a new piiooesa otf maküig etieel. ingots, and refused. Geo. F. ICey, oïty surveyior of Aun Arbor, owns a fourtib, intei-e&t iai tttie pno&ess. George, come one side. Now about tihat - cltoso Uie door, pleiase- tiliat quarter interest- it you can get $15,000,000, say yes, quitk, and be inad at yourselï bei .:m't say i;t quickeir.- Adriini'. Press. In rain for buit, from mom Uil late, lic digs n ben afler sport he roves; Hut vvhen be makes a garden patoh The flshing worms emerge In il roves! -Washington Star. Read whiit Coingiresemanj Spaldóng to say aJbcmift liawair, om blue -ü p.ago oL thiia papr. Th soutih tibtcnw wóihnv at Edward Duiffy'a store was - ■ Ha yesterday noon hy a ruaiarway team. The H-arugiari Manmerctor and the WiaSlirtcnaw TkaeB Kanld arO to glve au excursión to Toleido Sunday James W. Robiöon wl'H ímirnüsii ho.rses flor the enture encampment of. the M, N. G., at Islaaa Lake tlii year. New i.i the time tihe Y. MV C. A. boys need yoiir $100. Can't you hielp them along on that building iliot? Arohiie WUkiasoin of Ohelsea, has been appoónted diepulty oiil inspecroor ïor tihijs üfetiriot, in place of James L. Gilberto Estiher, thie ltttle four years old of Mr. arad Mrs. Geo. H. liiaieir, of Ged'de ave., died Uhfe morahi'g, of oí tlLe bowels. The worbeirs whio are determüned Wüat the Y. M. O. Á. sha-U ha . a buüUdfimg -sibe were miadO luaippy Moiiday by thie present oí $100 fronn iírí Iuiey D. (i. Parker. The memorijal exercisea by the I. O. O. F. Ji-aterniJty at ühis varióos cenneeaiiie of t;he city, SwLdiay, were very beaxiitiiiful aad of exc:eedi'ng great imiterest tío those wtho attendedi t-hem. A jolly tirolly party vras tfllven by iltae Delta Sigma Xu frateiraity toi Yps'il'anti MoMctoy evtsniiug, tlh. youngsters beiing undiar ttne co'miHaiid oï Mr. and Mre. D. Zltaunerman and Mr. and Mts. J. E. Travis Chmlstiaitt Heu'sel, wlno lilved in Scio to-n-nsbip úi'sá Toeaday mornJtog, aged 72 yeaxs. He leaves a wffie and four ch'ildren, tws soas and two danghters. Fancral Berriiaes wHl be lield to-miorrow, at 10 a. m. The members of Oompaiiy A, M. Nj G., paed Wie iospeotiion oí Inspecto"-'Genenal Oase, Garcüner of tte TJ. S. A., Majo? Honveïl and' CapU Haydön, yesterday and last ereniiig, and carne out wiibhi e 1 ■ flydmg, anö great oreBEt tra ttusór gotad nMne The city's ovöt'draft at iüie bank, on 1ihe Sist day of May, wae $7,77L';r 43. B'imoe tilien t!ieir-e lias been paiü tal uO the city from Ötta tax f mul 7,489.34. This still leaves tho city in diebt. Pot the fiirst time 1n, yeavs tlue ei'ty wüll to pay intorest at tiue bank. Anld j'et there Is no effob at oeoniomy. MJiS Mand McOmbar died on Bvm(lay nig-hit lust, ait thie homa oí her miothier on E. Jefiessom st., aged 33 s, 5 montlhs. The funeral wfi DieM Tuesday aftiarmoon at ! ydock, írom tlhie hiouflO, Rev. T". McElroy oí the M. E. elaurch, couidtoctillng the Thie d'eceasert was well kn'Own to iha oiay. had rniany frfends, and her death will be regretted by others titan hier iimmediate family. She "ns a si'ster of oiur esbeeanedl townsnian Fred T. MoOmber, wtuo wlltih Ixis sorroiwtog motihier, have the deep sympatihy of the:';" friendis. Thie picniilc to be held at Whïtmore Lak e on Honda y July 5, ioir tlhe beaierfit of Aun, Arbor's new Ca-tiholit. tílmrch, piro.mLses t be a monster afta.ip. All tibe neilgtilbotriing parisflies hiave been invilted and all will turn aut. All tiue ïeat of thie eoaimtry is lnei'eby iii.viited. DionMi stiay at home lest yöu be alone.. Special reduced rates nuay be hia)d oía all raUroads. Tlve jaü-e 'ia "VVh.Umiore Lake. and; retuiii fro-rn Ann Arbor wllil ba ouly 25 cents ; H'ow'ell to Jjake arid rafcunn cmly 30 cents. Oorrespoiidlingly low raties fro.m otlier poiinlts. An excelleait p.rogra.mi s prepared'. Mr. T. J. McDouald, ome o,J Ohto's great orators, will be t'lie prLnoPpal speaker. Heiury Oonloa is also. on f ar a Shoü speeclht Ji.iu Harktos anld Dean SealMlt will Introidiuce same epecíalties. "Jim" lis alway.s a cure Joü? iaidígesitioii. Goiad sLngiinig by Miss Pnances Caspary, BroiniQ St. James, Prank McIu)tyre, Jlo&epta Kelly and oltliere. (Slave yO'ur moiney' tar a good square rmeal comsisltinig of roas, beeí, chicken poú pie, poWí anid beans1, &pring lamb, (bread, couinitxy buittcr, t?n oír coflee, piatoe, etc., all for 25 cénits. Faiiher Goldlnick will bs toh-staaster. Eve-rybady will be made welcome. Benember thie d'ate, July 5.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier