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Mïlam otoerved lag day wiltttu inucti entltasiasjn. A liitíle giirl a -ÜIbö honie oí Miltom S. navcnpoirt, York. Joba McOover, of Clielsea, hias gone to CteveLajid to wark. Promotion exeroisea afa tJne BCliool liíall, Salime, Thursdiaj-. Paul Kresa oí FreeOioin, lost' botü a hiarse arnid cow recently. Lewiis Geyer is eirecit-iing a new bara 4GxS2 fcet in size, on liis fai'm in Freectom. Tlnai-e will be 1" gradiaatcs irom ■tibe Oi-ohara Uake MiUi'iary Academy t'his yttax. Niök Sant oí BrMgewater had two oí líiis lest hiorsss Btirack by lilghtaiiug Kisi Fi'May;. Fnank Sweeftaaad' w!ba Hrrea jast wetít Oí Obelasa, Ib buiídaog a mew ■banu on Iiúb iann. "lu?i'e i"yO is mi'xed wiltihí wheat; nuiíllc'.-s tell UB tlhiat ti!ie prioe, giveu v?fli ba rye only. Milae Eamma Ahinenii'il&r, ai Chclsea, has gaaf to Chitaago to keep houise foT her bro'tilners tliere. Une Biap't'bt. ohurcti peapla o'f lexter have oirgaaiizedi a Suaday Scliool ab ttw Rirketfc chuccü. A filae partrait oï Past M aster Jota W. Spoor niow adoras tte walls of the Itexter Máscente loidge. Mr. Jacob Koengtet-, wluosa iiome ma mear Rogeos Coirners, afled oa tiae IStJi, aged 31 y&ara. TJue gradluiatimg class at Piwckney numbörs tvo tWa year, but fue cxeroüseB toi-diayi will 1 fi"Mliisses Allta aad Flora Briggs, wlho teach at Beasemiar, _IiaTe retoraed ÏÏome to Oallins f oír tbe summer. The teaetasra fla the Manchester wül be tShO same next year as tlhiüs -svttoh bu twoi exoeptii0Tia. The Mloáart Quartette oí Salüae, Ís a iLummeir. Tío filad a bebter one Su Miiöhïgan wmlö be a diflicultt un(JeTtaKíng. - cH7XveÜseyanHÍ Wm. Wolcott, of MUan braulgíht home 60 fine íish ome öny last week ttoart tluey cauig-ht tlwraselTea. T. S. Ja-mes diii no'fa sell bis stock of bard-mare at Dexter, after all, ajjid ia in business at tibie oldstand, just tibe sanie. i i The Dexter badai wüi gilve a cotioert in fchie park on Batjirdiay; eventag. and 5lae cream, cake and berrfes ■wflil be servieid. ' On Frfdlay ev-eming, Jiuy a, vnw jutóoi-s oí the Chieteea Bohools, wtU pnesenit tllue play oí "The Stolen AVül" at tthe opera1 houesThe people of Dexter have taken great pains witihi their cemetery, anid %t is mow ome af tllie funest kept cemeterites iia tto couinty. ■ Ben. MaftltesOD, möllts IC eow8, and aeiyverod to the Manchester chees flaebory in May 8,500 pomnds of mlMü - Mamc-hester EniteTpre. Ml-s. K. W. Mills of S. Thiayer st., Aimn Arbar, daed at !ier homia last Weitoesday. and the remains were taken t.o Sali'me far 1urial. Ii somc ol tliO iellows %vho are ho'wlimg fOT prosperity would go to ■mark tiiey would get what they loyl fo:', and help otters to get ilt . A'bout 50 membeirg af Id'ga Ko. 323. F. & A. Sf., comiaucted tlhe funeral Oí Joimi GLlmour a,t Wtuifttaker last S umda y - Leader. A DetnoiLt firm beiat tte. farmors of Nkxrtttüvlile out. of $8,000 ,an ahe Eecord say& ib 'uias niot calledi gt-ealing, ttnrt "a slharp busiüness" Tuftt'ion received from foreign pupU3 o.ur schiools duriU!? tlua school year W '96-7, amommitetf to $366.84. Fo,i "95-6, $228 ; '94-5, $114- MSlan Leader. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Scadïto, wtuo have been on tihedr FiOTddlai farm diurding t%e wteter, hav.e returnefl to the tüome oí the-ijr parents in "Webster íoi' tlhe suminer. Of 41 pupils attenidtag tJne Bchoto] at Bofeer's OOTiners, Fröedotüi, t(he past term, 23 stofod sthoiv 90 pear cenntl at tlliio filnia-1 examitoatiioti, and seven ■wieire nat at)i3en!t or tardy. A bóicycle pata is to conncct! IjesILa ana G-nass Labe and oas IB talkec of bcít-wean Oaelsea antl Ann Arbor. Where do to geb off at ?- Dexter Leaclter. At the tturn lm; thO raad Bee? "Wtuen Dmie looks oyier tíue ñames o: tlie gradaa'tes of the vaffaous schools f tibe co'ttaty, anjcli nobe3 tlue aibsence ■of tttia boiyg, the question, aaturally aTüses "'Wtuerö are tule boys?" Wiiy Jo lia thiat aeaTly all oï tttiO smaller etíhiaols gradnuate so few boys ? Banfcl Sacfcett, whí) doled at hia íuome la Dexter cm the 12tb, trom the cdfect Df a paralytUï Btro'be, waq 59 yeairs 'oíd, and liad lived in tilio count.y 39 yeaxs. He wae a member oí Mie iiasonic. fra-ternilty, and a carpeniber by triade. "A beaiittLiul giirl barely escapes a Die icxnig ealanü'by" runs a medicine ad, ia a Hillsdale exciliange. Had slie escapeo wiitih ner clotMmg on, or even in a bicycla suib, shO wouldi ba"re attracted loss attemtiaa.- Adirlan Press. Uncle Gus Peters af Soto, peach g-rcxvuer anid populist, propbesies that neet a buisih,el of paacbee will be gnown in Wasibteaaw, tihis I is th'omg.lit liowever, that Mk". le4:ers? udgnnent was racked same years agtD, by lilis diofeiat coagress.- Adrián Pres. A Xadies Li'tenary Socieityfor Buonë"r'V"(rk7li'asbeen organi-zed' at Brjdeewateir, wDth Mrs. Thos. VanGiieeoa pinesildoit, Mrs. LaMar Brown viice presSdent, Milss lella Bedltaoni sec■etary. Tlho first meetdtag vrflU be beid to-mcHTOw wiitlh Mra. James Benïam. ■ . Willis Baldwhi, once of Milan, went to Ohiicago aad sbaid tüiere 25 yeare wlthiouit carüïnig back. He visifced M"Han last week. AVluen lie left, ttoe ímvmfoii-tlhíewest, tlie editor of the Iveader was a cíxei-rj--s! kid ■svUIl a stoma bruise on "nis heel.- Adpaiti Press. A Htaianger oofmïrng tato tWa place ■MM be at loss Jcw a tikno to looat giomie of ir firms. On nearly every stiredt laay be fautnui signs or awnings beardaig fhie name of some former pxopïdetar wtoo ha.s for Bomo t.ime beem ïoicated1 elseiwitoere or ou.t of business enft.Lrdly.- Salin'S ObserTer. The fanicy pöultry breeöers of NarÖhTÜle, bave orgauifceid1 with a membersbip of 25. Thiey conlbemptete IíiO'IxUje; a paultry exhilW'tioa tiliiere coimius winter.- Plynioiutli MaliH. CertaJinly the woirld' Bhould kniaw abaub tike roosters of Plynroutih.. Tbey are suoh cronvers. Mary L., wffie oí Chas. H. KoaTbacher, edi;.r of too Soutlí Lyonj Excelsiior, tfited oa Tuesd'ay, June 15tli. She toares a buisiban'd and tiwtt oliJSld'ren tio morn tb loss of a lovüng ■ware, a swee.t aad! kilad nwtttrer. O'ur ijroUher bas the sdncere sympathy of 'ios brottoer editora of the sbate ila tós great gytsvw: fcfis. Fanmy F. Snell dSed ut t'he toma of hier son Emery Snell, at Wliitmare Lake, last Weidmesday, June 16, agéd 85 years. Mi. Sneil's wi,fe diied t'he week previous, wbibh fact mukes Eb ery sad( iar thia bereavedi soin and 'hiuba.nd. The two ladiiles were amomg thie mast respiecited: people of itfim place, amd thieiir losa W-H1 be groatly feit. The giiadluatiimig class oí tibe Chelaea HLgb Scbo.ol tbüs is ccwnpos0d, oí eilghtl yiouag ladii'ea, as foUo-ws : Classiioa; Courae- L. Üay Waad, Mian'ie C. SclhiUfln'achier, Miau G. Gerard, Marie H. Bacon, Thik-za (i. WaÜace. BciiedWIic Caurse- Iinma, M. Liglitliall, Elvira, Clark. To-dlay t'iio tlass day exerciises are beiing held at the opera house, a-nid to-miarraw tihe commencerujent esei-cilses take place, at tihe same place. Hom. H. K. Pattengill deliK'ers the adldress, amd Ilarold Jarvia does so-mie af tiiie eingiing. ThO su'mnaei!." saaso'ni ait the lakes is ■bogiiniaüng to open up and overy diay peo'ple are Örivilng tihro'uglL town eiittoer oa íishing exoarsioas oc for a few weeks camipiijnlg. Several Eew 'hausea wiiül b e put up om 1)011111 BasO aimd PloTtaige lakes, and imiproveineiLts aire beíaig naa.da on) tlhie oldi ones. 'Some yea,rs ago it was prediiotod that 15bie lakea would becomie ai famoo siimmer resort, andi tlhia.t too without too ai'd o-f & sea sarpent. The prediction ia beinis rapldly fuliilled.- D'X'tei' Leader. rinekniey Sis talkimig off cedabratlng o a July 3, and aire fcryiing1 tö have tihe S'toekbrdldge and öhelsca base ball teams meet thiere and play a game in the aifcerncwn.- StocktwlUige Brief. Whiere tiid yiou gelti yow aews, Broi; Morgam ? We Iuaio no'b lieiarcl! of suoli a tliiiing.- Pitackney DdspB,tch. Tino peiopla of PCtackmey arwi Sbockbridge botlh., togetiheir wi(th all the otlhe'r people of the cou,nft.y amdi vitiblly ai"e iiïriited i& coirae to Ajin A.rTor July 3d), arud abtend the monster oe!tóbrai0'tt Iiere. The ma-muiPe frorn luoir,sesi a.ud cattl jis worth. aboiat $2 a torn. ; tiliat froau shieep about $3, white hen nuuwu-e i sv-orth aboiuit $6 ar $7 per toa. These values ara basad; upoiu the suppoei tiom tihiat thie liquiil mauuïe ;s eareiully saTOd as well as the solïdw If toie. manrairo lies scabtoredl about tïie open baniyard, subjectea tp constaait lcoo-mjWBitaon anü tihie bleachlmg actiu'u oí ev-iei-y raJto it wljll losO oue (halí oí iibs value. Thei"O are several metihiO'ds oí keepiing m'aMuii'e. ïfc may ba liiauüöd dSirecb trom tto stablesl to the fiield, and t'hli is oaa of ;the suirest ways. Som.e gardsaana pr&fer to compost t. But, -whate-vor you üo, do niolb let it, ba soattered about the yard to bleac'bi away. Savei all imaaura wiiüli oarO ; St is a complete iei"ULlizer. It ooritains all the clouieiits of lartiiUt.y. It ouglit to be abo-u as perlee a plant food as oan ba obbaiinted, because it ia itsetf made fnom plaats.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier