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The Comers And Goers

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""Adam Dicterio is enrtertabiine Geo. Diietorfe, of Hawell. Mts. MatttO iiewinaii h-as r eturned ïrom Mt. Pleasaöt. Frank C. Amw amid; iamily have goní soutfhi for thie sunniner. Mrs. Fred WeiiJttttEUl af Manchester, is -Miisiltiing friead'S ia tbe ctv. Dr. A. S. Wrathitt bos goiie to Manitom Park, öolo., for tJlue summer. Mr. amd Mrs. Saauuel McLaxeii aro at Stoawbeary Lake íofr a ten day's ■pacatïau. MtaB. Alfred oí Findlay, 0., ■was ïu taaie city a few d'ays dnMing tlio vrcék past. Jowrthiaji Sprague leit Monday for a trip t;hiioug]i the niortliern part of the state. Mrs. Bd. D-arnow, of Ohicagro, was a guest of frLeniids heire durimg the June Festival. Miss Fjlcanar Demmom lias gone td Ooilora-do Springs to visit her sister Mrs. Xinde. Mr. amd Mrs. G. Joisenliiians and öia.Tife'ht-ers speiat Sunday vriStti tiTes in York. Ttue OottlgSate Scvrosis are to gtve a receptiom FrMay exenïng, in honor of Mts. Angelí. Depurty E. E. Com. W. AV. Weflemeyer, was luorae frota laasüig over SatuTdaj' and Sunday. Mtes Inz Stöckilag eutertamed Dr. B. A. Sizer and hiö Bister Miss Anna, diïriing tttó past week. (Mïsees Addie and Mattie Ladd lft for Detroit Moinld!ay, wliieire they wUl remn.ïni foir the suinmer. Dr. El.iiza Mosto' wftl occupy tho liouse on Voltaria s't., balonglng to Mire. O. B. Hall, nes yeair. Dr. Bradka ïetb for Buffalo, N. Y. last evenünlg, to attond an eye and ear specfiaMfcts' comienitáoin. iMiba Wetnmann, oí E. WfieSiington st., is entertaüning lier ïriend: Miss Bstelle Keeler, of Detroit. Mis. J. L. P. McAllAstör wen to Presidien!, Pa., M'ondiay, called there fay. tihe iiHns9 oí a broitter. Albcrt aad Geargo Mumia, of Detnoiiit, Hvere goftstg of ttueilr sister Mtb. Bico A. Beial, oieir Sunidtiy. 'Miss Genevieve Oanawell accompaniee a party froim Ypeiilanti oo a toóiT oí Earope thiiis Bummer. The Nu Sigma. Nu f ratennáty ■vill occupy Mrs. RattLbotte's house, on N. Diív'iiM'0'a st., tihie coming yeax. Mts. Waltcr Moore, of Ohéoago, ís wiith lier miother, Mrs. B. Fodey, at 03 E. Hunon st., Sar tto summer. Dr. D. K. deWrfeliifc wftuo Dr. Oarrows asaista'nit aast year, is back ïrom a yea.r's stady ia G-errnany. Edlrm'iwl Sbanivou oí Tara, Ont., vrho liaa been atteadimg the dental departjnent, returmed. lrorne Monday. Ir. and Mrs. Henry B. Dculstey, of Detpcviifc st., left Monfday moming for Farg.0, N. Dak., to viüstft their boq Alvisn. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Gitosom reJoitoe 0'Tie.r tbe adveoït of an hei'i". Ho oamo to tlieiir liomO last Wedtnesday momiing. Bltes Ella M. Bejuaet.t oxpects to Ieave ou July lst, to altead' tlie Gliinüstiian Ermioavof Gomverrtjion at San Frianciteoo, Oal. Mïse Florence Foley, of Chdca-go, ■w-Hl be th guest of her grancltmíotlier Mrs. M. E. Foley., OÏ 55 0eroiiit ut., for Hhíe summeir. íMilss Fanmy Ooiak, liib 96, or Corunnia,, is visiting ia tlhie city for tlie fwieek, a gnest of lira. Xu TV. Mullá)eon, ol S. State st. Amiong tbe summer Miaífcors to our city wili be Eugeae Pair and íamily of KttoxYiiltle, Team. He is a tornier Ami Arb ■ (Miss AiWbfö A. Pbiul, of tèjB ] I School, lfaws on TlmirsilUy oí niext week, for QatifoTnía, to be absetït a. few weeks. Prof. Oarl Lemtweto wtll aain iiavo ge of tiue öanaaiQ lamguage and Jut-era ture courses at B;iy View summei' iw5Lvo; Dr. Jolm Biisbam who !iold3 the öhiair of I'JuStosophy in Pol'auw UniA-ersity, WÜU niake Anii Artoor Ws Sionue jfor tli3 summer. Hon. J. T. Jaoofbs lcït Tiiesday eiioin íor Los AngíteS. Cali, to - it tote soa Otas. J., apa to look a so me buatoesa toterests tQw E. II. MaJdhj of Kg Rapkis, and som Frank, have been epenrifag Beverai ttays ia tlie city. Fwunk exptcts to enter tü üiiiversálty next yeax. Borne of tlie young friíenxls oí Boy Safee lrelped hiim celeb'.-aifce lus 21sb birttfitlay ii Tuesilay evenimg at liis liio'me. A good time was irajoyed by all. Rev. Far. Kelly eiütertoiiied1 tortag tho June festival Rev. Fre. Btapletwn o{ Jackson, Ilyaai, oMIowell, Ken-. mefl'y of Ypsiitanti, Galdrók of Xortlifiield, and Fleming of Dexter. Mr. Calcarme SeyLer anid ( Miss Cenia, are to' removeí to Deitwoflt for peivmaniemit residence. They tvíjI; reside witik Mrs. -Seyler's sou Julius. Tlney. go' ia August'. Ijouis J. Liesemeír, oif tlie rvaiiy Tiimes, wait to Toledo yesterdiay, St fe faüdmated, to see the great and only Senator Mark Haiina, but Lb jnay liare beea purely on business. Pnaf. and Mire, de Poní !íave a ■party to 25 yo'un people of the SdHool oí Mius&i "Wedniesday. oieniíns last, to Frieze Memoirtal Hall. Music and dianoíng íollowed ttoe recept-im. ICarl E. Harrimao wJOl go W Ietnoiit direotly, after our 4fcU oí July celebnatiloin, cominencing lils dtutiea oa thie Journal. The Journal te (fortúnate in securuig sucii tlmber as Ivarl. Thie followiimg B. of V's atttenided the state encamlpmeat at Flíint last ■w,eek : E. C. amd W. H. Knapf, Collins Stevens, Ja.mies and Pei-ry Saunders. Jota Oox, Fraaufe OarliiingliDuse, George Ooats and E. Bocstel . O. T. Qriawy, fOTmierly of ttoe Kalamazo'O Telei3-r,ap:b Daily sitaff, was lu. the oüty Fr4toy, oaMs way to Detroit' to remaüa witlh ttoe Jtroit Journal lor tüie summier. He was a guest of Tna rik C. Iia.rker whlite liere. Id is wifeh, far mare ordinary pleasure ttaa we cam aruniaunce tbat AWick A. PeaJWffl, the tborouglily excelleat cSity edWoir of the Daily Tionies is to ha-w tlia pltiasure of a ■firúp to Eunape. He üs to lcavel. bere July 81 saJi fi'om Moiibreial July 10, a.nd wül do tllie eiities of London, Taris, Berlín, Rome, Mr. Fearsoii's good fortume is not the envy of any af his associ'ates, but thcy -wxiuld' all like to keep tam oompauy.


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