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Ex-governor Altgeld, Of Illinois

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wfoase skin. is appanently eomewha ttoicker tiran that oï Mr. Brya.n a-n niaumces tiiat he Is geding to Xew York ta anate oa the FomirtJIn of July even tthloiugh he knoHvs tliiat he will bo ■be ■meloomxe. "I w&ll go," he eakl anl let my lyatirio'tism buJbble ou: ■whieftber tluey likO ít W not." Ome of thie numerous evUdemces o presperity siinoe tihe iiuauganation of the mew adiaiioistinatiion aiul proepectiive of a ptO'tective tarífí law is tihie animo ancemeno f rom New Bmglaml tiluat tbe cotto'ii milis ■n-hilcli have been accustomed uadei tüie Wïlisoa law to close diirlng1 the summier season, wJU ttnis year run ste-adully wiltliou't refernee to tianes of season. The Jabitee held Ja Ijomdon, in celc(bnatflO'n of Queea Vifctoriia's 60tili ;iuniversary as Quieea of Eagland, was ppo-bably as brtllilainit a Uiisplay as Eugliajid haa ever seen. The Queen was everywluere reoeiived' wïtih. shouts anld cüieeivs, and apipea;-s to be the ■Mol of ber peiople. lí'he Ivas been au exceptijon to tina variious mcun■a)rclh of EiogDamJ, and has been a good qu-een. Yest was once a leader in, bis party. He assiüted to l&ad It away Snoim fte democratie stands arda aiad landmarks, and WOW ït is wa'adieming in all sjrts oí bogs and bnafces, at Oias tiilmO fltouaüderiing in th.e mud oí popuJIilsm aaid wext ïvalkïng in tte diangsrous ways of re.puiblLca:mii.-m. He hielpe.d his party into troutfle, buit) h is po'wetrtess tot help i!t out." - Froni New Orioans "Pioayuine", (Deauocratic). Thio acquJBiiti'O'ii oí the Hawaiian IslaaKiB ruay meaji, eometiuims; for the Ameritan people. The protaMlities are fiuat it nie-aiM a gi'eat deal more for Claus Spreekelfl and' hite co-adJunctis W:hn have tlie productLvei power of ia ■nheir graep.- Ami Arbor Iem'Ocrati 1Í tCuxt ia sa, re siwuiti) like to ask ouf irtend, is Deiaoorat, why Claus Spreokles hlas pei-sisbently aiid bitterly jcraglït tlie aoquiisitiou oí those Islanda by tlie United S bates ? "It is nffb generally knowTi," says t(he Phiiladtelphia Beoord, "that the iUuiitiod Stlates miints taakO money for 'atiher natflooas as well as for ooix own. The milnit ia this city, which has Just fimis(hied mlaking $500,000 in five-dollar gold piieces tor Costa Eica, ïvae tiegTMi -vrork On 300,000 süver flollars ïot g'an rtomúnfeo. The designa on tlhie cotas are oüten Ideas of the govenranenltis which Beiid1 the orders, and are go-ö up ia sudh, a way ,as to raake imMlatiionis as diaioiult as possilble JJor tihie oouolteirfeifter. The co.ih ís shápped in bags Vo New Tok, where ilti is oarried! to lts diestiaation, on the regular ïilae steaimera. The report gilvein by tlhe m-fnlt aa t,o tune amommt of pireoiiovis mietal used ia nerer ques■bjomed by the foreiinieirs." fc m m t ii ii i ii i i. Au easrtern paper eays '.Ihat a re cnil (vnnnifiHTineiifc speech, was 01 the .iiibjoet, "WJuence Poes the Ho man Soul Dei'üve. tlhiO' Reaxarkalble Power oí Inveöfcifag Kxti'-iiai Circmni tantes vritU tho JJurtÜ Hue oí It Ümi Feelimlg-s ?" The only oppoeSbRm in vhe Senate ta ühe Hawviiiian a.unexation proposkti-ioai comes froin members of the demoumtie party, wlijQse presideoits, ome aïtei' a,H'O'tLiie'r down to Cleveland, reöomme'nKl'e'il the annexatóoii of these BislatildB. Thio deniooratdc doctirime t.hiat ïeductilon of tiariiff rats would, by. Btimulating the impiOTtatioms increase custioms recei(ptB, lnas proven an aibsotate íalsitiy un'fter tllue WÜao'n law, whtoh feil $87,862.249 behtml llie JIcKilaliy law in i)t.s ïi--st. 33 moutte, oorrupia;riing tihose mooitihs with the oonrespoiudlilng period of ttoe McKkiley law. Cases agaiiiist GeO'fgO ■WashdmgtiO'n ♦rppean' hiere aiuid fhere ia the civil "docket reeeaitly umeorthei in tbe co'uirt ho'use at Greensburg, 160)0. No less Wuaa ft lureO claünB weire eatered againsti Wou' durimgi the yeíW 17S7 to oo'inpel tolkn to pay taxes. ThO liumoTOTus clerk, co-mmeoirtüüg om these actjo'ns, ïiemiarked1 : "Gheorge AVashr fiigton, Esq., appearertlh, not to Hke taxes."


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