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Fiowlervá'.le eeletaates caí 6d, tlhe saine as we Öj. Mi-s. S. A. WolcoiH lúas leffb SinavDa far ELlerwiale, D-ak. Begífetec of Dcedis Groorge Coofc was the iiest o frileiaJU at Dxter o-er Sundaj. Some fivo oí' eíx acciileats jiiappeiir eH tío bicyclO rW&ra to ome eveningafc Saliine recemitly. Thio Obseiver observes the scíhiool liousa ílag tlicre is but a tattei'ecl remnant. Celo'-'y growers are ínow in tibie mWst ■of pllanllhig, and ttue eairtái. is saW to be iln. fiiuis cand'Ki n. Mílio J. Saveeit, oí YpsdilaJi'tJ town anid M3as Majry E. Tliampsoii, wre maTnïed on AVrodnosday last. Miüían ptiysiciaas will be requireü to report a.ll conltag-Lo us vifeeases to tlhe healtJi oificer hereafter. Thie Bi'JIJ'g-uwater band wlll eele"bra'te tina -it'a oa the. 3 il, at .Toslyu Iake. naar Bi'idfeevráter station. Judfee H. AV. Xew-kivk delivered an add'ress beSlore the alumsiii assocititfflon at Saline la-st Fridtiy evening. Janetie A. Anwld, wifO of thie late Cluesrter P'arsons, di.ed nt her home ia Salive, June 21, agad'76 yeajrs. TIlü edSiíior oí th MiMani Leader has tnaskets of strawberrües, roses and pansies gijven him. Il iá a lucky Smiitih. TJi,eo-e were bu íavo graduateá Brom th,3 Dexter Hisjli Saliool, tliis year, irías Pearl DeWihfc and Olías. Jüc5La.i-dson. TJie b3rhiday oí tbe younsj som of Mr. aird Mrs. H. H. Fulolier of JI lam, WÜU always oome aromnd' on lika lGt'h of Jutae. J. Tred AYdbb oï Ypiülaat, deJiveréd tfiie addregs befare tdie GaVJn Hfeh. Sdhiool Alumni! Association lae Frféay evtjniiing. , i The eonioert giren, by tihe Dester baoitJ on Siaturday evening was wel ottenöed, and netted $24, por ttoa band boys. &o'od for tihom. Potato bugs as lajrge as ömall robIns ane reported to ïe soai'Lnig aroumd Holly.- XortlLYLlle Keeord. Too m'iicJi buig juice evidenfcly. A lady, by ner miarriage last week, baoaims Blessed - Mi's .Wiiliiam Blessed. Blessed, are the peace makers for ttbey dluall have qufet.- Adrián Press. A poion' uaiïbr'ella meawieir at Ctuelsea was sem'ti ta jiil foi 20 düys pteyltag foot ball witili tlie villa'a m.-ir.-lhial, and stüil Tiii.ey cali that a spartiiig towai- Süockbcidge Sun. C. H. Stia.niiiai'd, taie new to-be poatmaster, has leasedl t,!ne buiding n-ow occupted by ttne Aimerfcan. cxpress office anid ■vlüien he takes cliai'ge oi the postorfice wlil in.ove it tibes:.- Dexter Leader. N"o wonder tïmiss are hard tv hen the people seem tatliiluik the priater or busitass man can a year or t'wo foc hia pay. Garelessiaess aaid' oi'edüt are tihö l'uiiu oï thi!s country.- Biiterpriise. Mts. El4aja öumldörtendi dslivea-ed llie oommencement adidiie-s befoi'e the gradtoa'háiig class 'of thra Dextar High School Frjdiay uüijht, anil it was a vevy filme effort, grea,tly pradued by th.ose -ivliio heard ft. G-ay CLark of MÜaa weo'b out to speai1 ïvogs aad retormed wibhi 'iis ILfctle bPOtïier iiapaled oa ulue sp&ar, through the haad. Tliey rarely to froggiiïg aroumd lliliaa without gattiinig sometlhing.- Adukni Press. Frank P&tanei oí Bridgewater must faLse 6Ome wlnopp:mg big sfcrawberries if tlhiose h-e twought us are a sample Ome measui-ed' 7 1-2 iacfces io cïrcuraferance. - Say ! AVe know a íellow whid's mouüh. we'di Hke, to stop tip wit!i oae. Fi-ed Cook oí BaJae, bas baem &rrested o a tihe clxarge of ewktdöng Lii'tz, a farmer, out oi $100. Lutz cLai.nis Oowk appea.voil1 to Iifim as au officer, cluarged him wibh solling diseased meab aad deaianded $100 as a setilcmeat. Ctoak got $500 baü nud was bouiad ove:'. Pe'ter Socbs aad Edwin Gli'mpse liíifl a legal seb-t'o at BaUnis, last ■week, S'acks Beekimg the recovery of momey allefeed' to have been due from Glimjpse la buy oeí a staader suft. Ttue Juiry taak a glimipe oï the iuotian and knocked tlhia eocks ofi the pLaiiiTtdïf ia exac-tly. ten .minutes..- Adriain Press. At tlhe StoutheiTi Washtenaw Farmers' Club meebuig, whieb was held oa TVedinesday the 16tih, at the pleaeanlt biome of Mr. and Mr. E. 0. Allen Bridfeefwater, B. G. Englísto was reelectöü presWemt, Mrs. Eva Bpapard, eeoretaa-y ; "W. E. Peape, treasurer. Arrangemein'ts were mad'e tra have the meetings heM hwelafter in, alphabetical ordier. Jas. Waters was líidífafe atoug t;he liigliiWay reoeuvfcly and' iiu crotssitag a llbtlo ditdli heai'd su maïsO in the wnter. Jumping froni fris carriaga to investígate, h.e saw a fiali, etruck it 'wi.tfli a sfctok and feook tt frotnii the waber. It was a lairige bass.- Maiidhester Ettterpnise. Years ago we loariïecl öo to ïcraftt any fishi story l'oM by tbe Bat-öPprise. The editor Is Eaterpmte-ing, to be sure, bu.t truthïul tio extireme lüniit. At tlie receat emjoyla.'ble ajinual nieetiimg of the Alumni Associlatiom oí flhe MandhesteT Hclg'h School, the followáng oificers Avere cJiosen for tilie year : Pres.- T. F. Moiraai ; vice pree. - Cla.i-eoice Berger ; ree. sec'y - Elizatoetih Farrell ; coc. sec'y- C. W. Case ; tffeas.- G. A. SoriK ; oTator H. D. Wd)Uir3a'ell ; p.oit- Elkab-eth liawsaa ; essayist - Maittfe Ca'.piiitei"; Jüstoikui,- Webster Martin ; toastmiaster- A. F. Fneeumii. Lymfl'n Galpia oC Superior met vKli a paiinful acci'd'e'nt receaitly in using ■a sp.rayer iu hite , are'hard. The maoliiine wüiith was liaadjed wttfa a bolvtAaa of bluO vita-ol and' linie, refused to woirk aoid ita. tfyiikig to niake it -moirk Mr. CralpiJu receiiveicll tihte cootents of thie nozzla jni hM face. He was taken to Plytoouthi whre iiis face was ölressed by a pliy sitian. The silght oí oae eye is diestroyed and tluere is liittle hoes oï savirug' the otter. Bobt. Bnviin, for tfiie past fiiteeu; years fareiaan oí the .Birkertt Mig. Co's pulp mili at .Hwdaoai, ís moviüg Ufe ïamily; to Pinektrey tMa week, wttueme he has leaseü 'die ilauiUng milis ■owined by. Mr. Birlatítt. Mr Erwilii is a iteöb class miller arad; wtis í jïmerly emptoyed ia tlie Ama Arbor oüy mJJlte. He is a genitleman,, au ail aiio.umd good Sello w ad ttte fannera amd, CíLtizeas oí Pinckaey are to bc coiiigTiU.ukUcd l'iiiat theii' mi'iling inteests are to, be in eudli oodi hands. - Dextier Leadler. A few d(-iys sjiioe I. A. Ci'Uciendcu Iluü quiilte an experitemce in eoimlng líame froin Ypsilaats. It Beertis tihat ila a csTtAin fieWI ílhjere were four AUilte calvos past'uriug, and as Dw'-lilti taiue along the ïield the ■bogsys nau to.ward tlie euce at a raptó cllnaso wliiicU iiightoued hls team and as tihey jumiiped, muha neokyoke s'ürap lnake, wbildlii lettlie tongne' of the buggy ïall, and' Mr. C. was tjien at tdie niwcy ai good luck. The itarmage tia harmess and biiggy willl amoiunt to $25.- Salkie Observer. AVulrter Ooa Wüs tina capiaidi Tueslay nigtot at a liittle past tem o'clock ■niien Iris dog iniortucd Jikn tliat somietliiiuy was wroaig abo-uit the y&rtd, anü on traLng ouit wüttu ciab tu, be enoountwied a íntl grcwn adger wtfth. claws neaAiy two incluis n lcngtih,. W alter wijth his well aimeü blow, brake tüuO jaw of We íierce ernemíy; and sa críppled ib ttot lio was abte to kAU ib witbouit beiug Injared Umseli Saline Obseryer. Now wasn'tf i)t a wolíverine iustead oí a bad&er ? tülíb jb aoiö TVísooqsfia. 1(1 is saM: tlhia-t iff rofud d-ast or dry diüt-t Is sfcno-ngljr impTeg-mated witto kenoseue aml gprinkted on squasti; and melón plante, tone buig d!o not touch tihem. A rnau ■flno ti'fed! ib says : "At tibe very íilnst sprilnkle, after every Ml bad been. visilted and every bug í'outedi, I teft tfiiO plaat, Juiböanrè, but foartog tlliíat I bad) killed iny plants -iviltlli ÍU'O olí. But ttoe pro'Vedj that tear to be gO'innidless. I thiitoki the absoient dust lnolds tune oill and only tlhe odor esaapes. I used i)t by luandïuls an tlho leaves and; aro un d the stoms a.iMl wftiilite 'Ue odiar of kerosene ecniM be perccived, íuot a m.g, stxlped


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