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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FKVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Tbe majoirity of eufferers from AsVhmía ianil kindred eomplaimts, after tjying doctors and numíberless remedie advertieed as posltive cures witlhout avaü, have coiné to tihe conclusión tshiat there lis no cure íor tliie moet díistressimg disease, and t!hse sama persons will be büe more im doubt aad skeptical wuen tiliey leam throiugb tne columns af fahe press that Dr. Rudolph ecSx'iiffmanii, the recognized aptluorUy wtoo has treated more case of thesis diseases tlham any living doe "bar, kas adhieved euccess by perfecting a remody whitoh nat only glves lmmediiate relief In ttte worst cases, but hias posiitiYely cured tfliousands of sulf&rers whio were eonsádered Incurable, These vere juist as skeptical as soms of our readers now are. Dr. Schillmanm's remedy no doubt possesses tih meri-t whioh ia claiined for it or ha Trould njo't authorize fchis paper to amnoiiuce tnat Ihe is n,ot only willing to glve f ree t,o eacli person sufferinj inom AstJlima, Hay Tever of BrondhdtlB In tihis city, eme liberal "fre trial biox" of Wis Gare!, but urgently requests all sufferers t cali at öoodyöar's Drug Stj'ore, Aan Arbor, wiitaiJa tiie next three days and receive a package abaolutely free of rjiarge, kmowing tdnat tin making the claim be dioes for his CuTe, a Btrans doubt miay artee in 'Mue mlndis oi ïnany, and tliat a personal test, aa he offers to all, will be mcure coovimcing, and prove lts merl'ts, tian the publlshlng of thouisands of testimoniáis from persons -wh'O have been permanently cured by the use or hiis Asthma Cu'r. "Dr. Schiiiffmann's Asthma Cure," aa Jt is ca lied, has been sold by dmgrgist of thfa olty everstnce it -was first introduced, althouh mnny persons may never have heard or it, and it is -wlth a view t'o renchtno: the'e that h manes tniis offer. This is certainly a mo?t generoms and fa'Jr offer, and all who are Btifferïng froto, any of the above complaltnfes ehould remember the date and place Vhere the ditrllbiition wlll be made, and avail themselves of the same. Persona ltvtng ooit of tJils city who deslre to test the effSeacy of thls most wonderful remedy vïïl recelve a package f rea by wrïttag Dr. Bchiffmnn, 330 Kosnbel street, St. Paul, Mimn., proTidtng thelr letter Is recelred before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can b obtaloed af ter that date. "- -- - - - .ta. .- _ _-_ LESS TUIN ONE GENT EiOH APART RHANRF FOR subscribers nariL uimnul. old and new. 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangementjustmade with The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save some morjey for every reader who takes advan tage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE ANN ARBQR CüURIER AXD THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Pree Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. Ui? Tán-M Free Press Is the Best Fossible Substituto for a Dally Paper. Publislied on Tnpsday and 1'riday Jlornings ia tme to catcli the Karly Trains. All the Latest Xens np to the time et golng to press. Complete Market Keports in each Isssue. All who cannot get a Daily should Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press Is offermg Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscribers, aud you tSkiirvaSr! cost oi both paper9 by THE MANY BARGAINS OFFEBED. WRITE THEJI FOK A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way (au Tou (iet As Mucli For S l.iillo Honej. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In ordpr to assist the thousands of unemp oyed men in Chic.ifio, tlie Workingmen s Home, at 42 uustom House Place, iVSrS tab"s(hed, a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furmsh men to farmers and otners in all parts oí the country without expense to eitlier. Kinployers applving sliould state deñuitely as tó the Mol ot fn?p k',,Yakes,to be paid, and if rail way rare will beadvanced. Address, Labor Bureau, Workingmen's Home , „ , 42 Custnm House Place, Tel. Harrison 213. Chicago, 111 Barrel Salt at WholesBle and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN & CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STEKET 52-3ml7


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