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Mifis Eïflfe Lawrence of tlie Y. W. 0. A. has gome to Colorado. Blilss Etlta Allen is in ths northeï'n part of the state, vïsitiing iriends. A 75-foot cíhiiminey has been complcted by tfae Faerester Brewlng Oo. J. Tv. Foierester tund iarnfiily have gome to Pwrfrago Iake for tiliie summer. Sneak and pOTclh, tbieves are qui'te numiewus. . Don-'t leave your hammjock out at nigiit. Samiuel Crombiie has purcluased the llatenest of hite partm&r Mr. Stone, iu "fchie oentinal diruggtore. Miss Eunioe X,am)bl8 bid ia lh.3 Traey iai-m at th.9 L,. S. R. B. juactijoia.FTy. d'ay, Oia mortgaga sale. IMIíbs GrTiace Ruüedise af gt. Lo-uik, MP., la ■wil'h, Mr. Wm. Robimsoni of Oas stb., io;r th,s summer. Dr. Boome expeöte to move into the resMienoe on Poreat ave, recently Tacateü by J. B. Oolvaa. Mre. Mary Spencer has gane, to Oai-tO'rudale, Pa., to remaáui ámrilng the summer ■wïtJi har bou. Pnof. Peíase amidi family Jnave gone to tlueir cottage on Xake Huroa near GoediriLc.h, öa,ruada, for tlhe eammer. Mrs. Emdlly ■Wilkinson died on Friüay nilO'iiniilng last at the home of her fliaugíiíter, who liives south of Dantorn. Wmi F. Oolwell, formeirly of thóis cilty, was miairrtedl on t.hie 16tih inst., to Mlilss Jalila F. Knedhit, at DeerJüeld, 111. Mïss Manua Osbanid' iluvited ín a iramber of ïriemdB Friüay evening to meet h,e.r guest Mlfes Florence Maxam, of Portland. Amionig the lates pupils at the Cleary College ils Miss HaniiTn-OTLd, a silster of tllue Sup't oí Pablía Iostructilon, of Laasing. M'r. and Mrs. J. N. Ho'Wlaud are entc'i'tuiiniiiy; tlneir daiaghter and husbanfl, Pnof. and Mrs. L. C. McLoutlh, of Clevelamdi, Ohiio1. ■Chriistian Teafél, oí tihifi city, öied suüdenly Saturday afterniO'Oin, and was bu'rfed M'Oindiay afternoon ünder tho auspiioes cxf the Ai'beiter vereim. Prof. B. L. D'Ooge luas beem aeked io assist ia tlie revisión of thO Allen and Greemaugh edüitioiis al classics ana wffll sponld pa-rt yf the a timmer in Cambrildg?, - YpaUanHiau. Amoog tlhe candMates for Postnuas'ter Bogardms' sihoes whea he Blialí gl'"ü up tthie tlirea yeaj-s f rom li'cnv, are MessTS. J. B. AVortley, Oap't H. S. BouteÜe and Beni W. KW. Othei-s will materinlize later oa. The Tifcnes is fcryiug to ralse $500 to build a 6-foot bieycle psMu froni fhis cty to1 the jiwictiion. of ths e'ectric liine witli tlie L. S. R'y, which aovara tibe worst part oí tüie road to Anai Arbor. Success to taiO enterprifce. On. Frdday last Chas. Wilkilnsom eceined noWoe oí the death' of )iia .mot ter, and. a few hours after, his yoning soa Eoy cama near losilaig his eyeslfebt by he explOaioa of a &aa of po;wdler h.8 was playiifag 4tih. of July wíjth. Bad F-riday. G. W. LiOugliriUge lias just finislied a hfiíwl'sonie monu'inent, wliiiicJi Btands fiivo fect hSgihi. The stome was taken out on tli oíd Hall latín f three miles soutih. of towo. It hias tak&ni a füie füuisQi, antí. is oí a maroon choclate color, vá)Ui several vailas of flinih and uiüca ru.nmi!ng thironigh it.- Oornmercilal. The tilglilb tolver ia tihe se&oni watd ÏLas been taken dlown, andi ïb {ound to "be in, giooá comdSitdon. Ib wiLl be re-elected wStb sligliit modffiications, and wO uttdenstand tba Nviltíhin 6ix weeks all th toweps wiJl be repaired íwid in apena tiicm. Th,is wiü gratiiy everybody excepb two ot three possiibly. - Ypsilantiíin. A new $2,000 steel' bridge is tp. be eredted o 'ver tlie Hurón ríver oa the road leadüng to tlhie Yp'Silanti Papel' Ooi's millls, aad to Supei'ior townslhip. Of tlhiis anuommt the Paper ÖO'. pays abouit $1,500, the towmship $500, and tttie farmers oa the roadi dónate tttie stonie foT the abutments. It is expadted tJiat it wlll be eoiupleted ty OcbO'ber 1. There were tiwoi fiires here Sumday. At aboii't 2:30 a. mi, tlie Jionse of Dr. Win. Mastersoia was found on be or fiire and Mrs. Masterson and aiiss Yicí'OTia Jomes, wIloi were sleepaig up stiaia's, hiadi to jurnp from tiie Windows to savo tthei.r Uves. The Dr. wns at Xioii'ïs,vi.lle, Ky. Xotlhing was saved, but eveiTtliiüng was ! sure.d. Th,e secoad. iïre was at Judge Ba'bhLtt's barn, but did little damagc. iMlifes Ad'a Parker b h,o,me iro-m Ihiuth ; Milis Mollib Wise from Bagiaaw ; Mrs. A. J. Leettóh. fi"om Juraal ; Hrs. Jemniie Pack from lier tfci't witïi friemds in Belleville ; Misa Jdtna Ba-rnum from lier sciiool afc 'ackson ; M!üss Ceiilna Carbonneau ; rom Grand1 RapWs ; George Parfcer i from CMUitoothe, O.; Miss G-race i ftlooe from aa extended stay at Elglh 111.; Mise Tillie BColmes from öamada. Mayor Harding Is rapidly eO'mpletimig arranlgements foir tilia ftshing party -wihich leaves here, July 3, for a severai -nieeks' om-töng at Osooda, Mhineso;tia. He ïuae milder oonstructiion sevePal chieste ïoir thie use of the expe■diltiorn, -wiiioli are to caTry supplies t.he likls f whien opea, fonn a te'We. Thie mayar also has a madeí baït box foT grasshioppors, '.viiich lie expeote to taka wijth, lidkn. - Commercial. He silïoul'd delay goSng untii tbi& eeletoatibinj at Ann Ar"bioir.


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Ann Arbor Courier