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The Comers And Goers

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David Hennáng is in He city again. C. Fred Gauss is vjsütlng ïriendfi In PontiSac. Mrs. N. II. Sohia'rt lea-vea to-toy for!iam!la. .Mies Ca.rri8 Britten is lionuO trom Jacksota. Tie Böta Th&ta Pi have a banquet ou hia-nid to-n-lighit Mr. ató Mm B. E. ■ (b,o me f mi Toledo. Br. H. J. Burke was to Dfttroüt pu Ibustoiees Öaifeurday.. Geange Hayler was tkp. irom Van -Went, O., over Kuiaday. B3d. iia.i-a, tot, '99, te to; speod h,s vaoa.t,33(ii ia Saginas. Mr. a,ad M. Juisüin, BuOife no'w re6ÍÚ6 at) N. 87 E. Huraa t. Cüty. TreaaoJW Seyler and vfce were to. South. Ly:ou ovr Suuday. Bnwe Otoudler lïb'45, a guLSt at the Beta Taeta PI kJuOge Kinne went ro lionroe Mondiay, to Hall ooarü ior Dbio day. MT. and Urn F. A. Tóaker havo been ia Jaoksoui for a íew day.,, jlids EteUe Keeler ai Detu-oU, is a guest o:i fL'teate tore ior ttu week. Mto Lwlu Wllttíe Has Ueeiu Wiüi früencls ia Des? diiiriius te week. PW. B. A. HïuBdiaae is preside" pí tito Nattomial Owincdi of tb E. ' ,Ma Beafe Dmurter of Toledo, is Tteiltáng ftionds tore, w a íew diays. August Dteterte WW, travm í0r EÜSO.H, Moore & Oo., of etroi)f. Th Soroaja gaw a bwa party ÏTSIday. e-venins in Homar of Mr. Augell. Eussell Ltord, H. B. 8 eaao io W3 iwwnlel at K teven Point. Wís. Miss Florence Sterns was tibe goest of frienda at Dsxter Sunday. aad Monda jr. Prof. L. D. AVtoesleaves f MÜwaukee, Vb., Moadaj--, to attoid thiei N. E. A. Hton. Penry F. Powers, of Cadüllac, was ia ie city tl test of the weetPo'i-d R. O'be, ar Miifai-d, la dus at bis unale's, W. K. CJhild'B, tlñs rmeek. A'. Hlíiat ntóelbs Sn Bhvaukoe siext Maoctay. H leíales for tihi&re Baturday. Míos A. G-oddard oí IaavOr, Oolo., te vteiting lM-r sister Ireae, at W. G. Dot y'-. iít. J. Stamger is 6BÍrba,iining Misa Paullne Hiaeck of Eik-hart, larl., ïor a tinne. Mrs H. O. Adamte ís Onltertaïntag Miss McMccaa, oí Port Hurón ior tüe -weck. Atftonoey Frank E. Jones bas been ïn Clhiiioaigo on business Jurlng he past week. ■M.ÜSS AmÜ3 Merrjanan, o; Manistee, fe ttoe guesö of friendis ia tlie city for c omttnenoemeat . The Alipi:na PM BOctefcy. wi'.l hola ■theïr annual banquiet and reun'Wn at Granger's Thursdiay. Mrs .Prazer, mee Henning, soa ancl 'd'augürter, ar Gluaagc, are in the ciltyi Tor "commeaoemeat. Hoa. E. X. Dünlgtey, wüfe amd son ■af Kalamlazoo, have beoa Anm Ai"bor TisÜtars ttijs week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. PMttifce haw adopted a üttle girt baby. Fortunaibe ïs tüat líttle babe IJites Mattde Sheetoan, of Detiroit, Ü9 a gueaK of bier oousto. Miss Mattj!e Sla'ter, of Thonipison et. iSiitsB Ma-Tion FramkUm, of Cbillicofche, Oblo, ia vieiüng Miss Heten: W'ooÖro-w of &. DJwlsiaa eti., lor )a, few days. , . , f , Piidf. A. Levi ia to sperwl the aiimmo? in lilreuice and Jutlg-e J'Ofon H. Grant, of Manilstèe, beoSlng cammenceinent. Harry Watts ila hiOnne for a few diays fi-om Kansas CÏÏty, Mo. Mw. C. G. DarlLng is enter tnining Mts. Iviickey, of Bhmore, Ohio. Harry Kn'ig'lit of Alpeiua, li't. '95, Is in t'Ue city far cominencemeat. Mt. :mil Mrs. Geoirge Greea, of Howoll, a.i-o gu-csts of Ann Arbor frteodB. Dr. P. B. Roise is aberöaJnang1, Trof. Loiufis Xlill and fainily of Golden, Col. Mre. E. "Wells, af Bay Oáty, lms been back to Aam Atbar ior ïilis past few days viiSiting ald frieods. Iarry Groad, oí Toledo, medie '96, ■mli o toas bean a yaax ia Gennany, ls in towai Tiiíitiug oíd frien;ls. IDss Sbewart. oí Mfflaa, te tina goest oí lier couslU, Mútes Lo-lia Kellr, n Proli. Cliute's, fo'r ttue week. [iiss aíollie Sca.nlaii wlll talca la the cxourí.1'011 to GaÖfHoroia, leaTing to-ilay for t.lia Paaüfic coast. Mr. and Mrs. Thios. A. Bcsrl leave Batarday for Seafltle, AVa-li.. :iili1 íot OaJiíoi-alia, on tlhe C. E. trip. Mns. Maiy Soort Oarter gaw a Uiwn party Frfday eTienJng at tb old Uomestead on Waaoitenaw ave. Oliver C. G. Lultz, ot tJio F. & MBank, liias oee to Rielwnond1, todi, for a two week's vacatloit Jlisses Alioe Hallad'aj: and Auna Ree vies visited in Anra Arboe iromv.Friöay tiiü Sundiay.- Catoton Local. Aïbert C. ScOuwnacluer gouO to fSfae Isliaiuid to attenA a me&tlhg oí tina Söaftö Board of Ph.armaoy.' Hian. A. J. Saiwrai' taai Prof. J. C. KmowWon oLuogh.t a. lot of itoh at CavanaiugdJ, Lake ttue afcher Uay ! I 1 1 Wmj. N. Biwwn aa,a famüiy leaw to a íew dayis fotr theïr Bumineri 3ioine acricuss ttoe bay opposijte Okl MJBsioa. IM4 CSanrte L. Iickea of tih lst WKUsa sctoool, left Satarday. for lier bom-e in Eioineo, to epend' Uer vacatloa. TMiie jOTimger roembera of the Uuversifty facnlty wTO Oiitertaiiiedi by PresJaeait aoid Mi Angelí Sa'turday e vuiiing. . M&r. and Mrs. E. C. H toman, of Batltle Crfeek. were guests of Mrs. C. Trilpp, oí E. Hurón. bB., Saturdny . SundJay. Mt. and Mrs. Bsrmetlb and daugbtei', of Jackson, weiw gaeata of Mts. C. Triipp, for tbe Beimsat-DO'ugtos iiuiH.aui-. Kon. James McNbmaia, a jüiuiev Dexter boy, uow xlie hustlüg pofitnmster at Alpeaa, was in th.3 city yeste"dy. Mr. a.nd Mrs. G-eo. L. Vaadajvarker were oalled to New Hudison, Früday, by tlia deatïï of MtB. V's mother, Mrs. Bawers. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. MJOTttw and soa "Waia-rd, oï E. Aan öb. leit Maüay for Oomcord to vii't. Mr M's pa renta for tne week. Br. Alïoe G. Snyder, laadio '99 - siStatít to Dr. Mosüier, lias Lomi to Ghau'tmiqua, where eh wffil teaci iia tibe su'mmer saíno ol. iMias Mtaa M. Txy bias l8a npjnotated preceptivas of üine Vassar ecliíalols. Botli Vassar amid Míos Dotv ai'o to bo coiugratulated. MbSB Anana Da y Eiobiuson, of 'uhtd BUgt Solnool iaoulty lias gone o Cüevela.üd, 0., for tibia eummer. lhe a Stop'pling a.t 750 Fainmoiumt bt. Mise G-ertracte Divinia tas E08 M Syeamitxfre, Hl-, tö TÚBlt fer gi-'anidïather. Upan veturailing sb.O csrill go to Burope ior stad'y amd recreatton. A í-eoeptijaii Uhiat was Jiiglily eajojyed was given, by Suip'b andi Mts. . B. Perry to t-híe gradaiatiJag cla-s o f tana H. S., on Tiuuirsd'a.y evemilng frasrt. i Jlrs. C. J. Hiilmij;' of BegSo&w, i9 tibe guest of lier tootlier F. Scdiaií1ei-, ttae week. SSie i? iiere to see heil' aa gnadluiate írom, i'ao üailr ', tó-mioiTow. D:. Itoy. S. atteoided a isessioin oí the Ameiriocua Homeopatlh3b Elya ainid Bar Society ao Buiiafo, X. Y., laz-st weék, arad waal made au 'dff Joer for next j-aar. l'riiji;. rr...l. L. Keeiler and ramiily afe viiiiüiiiti ïrieads Inore (ar a few tfcayS. The PooC. hae baaa retaiiaed t.(l at tlis Atona X'mal Sainoal lor an atiher yiear at an iwoasod salary. MÍ38 Oa-tibapïiie Minor, X New Orloaas, La,., js a jasSÖ foc t!h.e weeli al ilr.s. Jamas B. Angelí. Mfes M:tur r was al vfitae presildetufc af th board of lady; mapnaigers oí iíus Oolusm'büan ExpiosUtiJanv Mr. and Mrs. Martók o{ Chiicago, are Tisitlng híer miatiher, Mrs. Btonns, oí Ulna Nortilislde. Tbey axe íüj the ci!ty to 'wiifaij8ss thje gradniatüonj of their son B. S. H. ftfaxtiim) from tihe lïteraxy departiaeait, to-morrow. Mr?. 11. J. Netoan muI son Kale%fc ■oí Cii :i.-i. ar ín, the city for the week. Pro:. R. H. Kemp f ÍS Ín DUrolt) fttteiMing illte stat?. Mujs'Jc Teacdie-r's Associattiion. Mïb. W. I). Ailunis, wihiai Juaa be-en visiitiiiiig frlendfi Ín Jlackacm, has re'tairiiecl homií. Tror. Ha7 O. Ad'uns has Becured a yaaff'a leave oí absence whiiolu be ■wEli spenct ia Eiunope. MUs Oairr Ferry telt yesbeudiay 8or C'aÜform'Ja, witeíe slh wlil r&main a year or more. Prof. K. O. Ausdjiii, principal of the Salino BdtaDtei is aitending the OniVeralrtür tinUs wiaek. Dr. W. B. HJiasÖWO, leau of tbe H'omeop College, te home from Buifalo, N. Y., a.ná Hüiram, Olii.b. Dr. A. C. Xibliols aiul diiugUter Ooranelúa leav to-ntglhit for a eouplO of ilay's fasüiinig at Islamd. Lake. M!js Belle Sperry lefb Mond'ay evending fo;r jSTew "ïoirk. f ram' wluerO elie saile to-tïay f ar Barope for tho siummer. Mme. M. P. G-cxüt 01 Thi-ea Eivers, Is thi& guest of ilrs. X. H. aiwl ■damfftuters, o{ E. Huirom et., fo-r tiie Avee-k. 1 'oí. J A. . BUttafiT gos t.i Leipsig Geiiiia.n. , 011 Aug. -G, :o- a year's ertudy. Hte KimKy wWl accomj pany liim. JIrs. Jennie Bobarts, oí Oh'Joago, is ■expeetecl liere witíwu a few d&ys, tío srpeaid sonia weeks witli h&r eister Mi-s Mate A. Clark, o X. Maiía st. Misa Emanía Wihit !ïaas to W.ico, Texas, aa dá-'eetar of this pilanio úepartiaeiit oí t)he schiool ot musíia ion tluit oity, aii'd Miiss Beitluel Wetniwre as díreobor oí the vocal departm'eiït. Bath. Umlwsity Bcliool pí JIusilc graduales. Pnctt. D. W. &pipJjer aaee for JI:'lv;iukcei AVfe., lrjdlay to attead Ulie maetiing of tilua Jlatdö'iual Bd'uca■Aav's Assocüatiíoiii, tluat roseta there. Mr. Sprdager is elluaiimiuan of 'olio exec'ii'tive oommittee in tlis öusiuess sectíiíxa. Jírs. Spiringer aad miother leave oa tllie saire dlay fwr a suniraier's sfaay in Xw Y) "le. MeLellan G. Mogk and lias Eister JIïss Tillie G. Mogk, left Tuesday ou tko O. E. excinrs33ii íar OaJálíornia. .Me. thüaks oí looattag tUere pnnaaiien,tily. If bis shoa-M1 Uo iic would t)e Aun Arbo.r's loss, far te te one o f tta füaisst yoiaas nu3Ji tüuat Ann baaste of. He has beenii wilth lv. Girmner for eteveni yaaxs, and wlü be greatiy nn'issaii noc coily by liim but bui by M3 lnoats or fplaaife here.


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