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The ice "wagons are lo&ded t'hese Öays. Even a freezinig look i3 gratefully receiivad these torriid days. Tuno tille ia" ttue Ainii street sewer tB T)eilnig dlüstciibu ti?tl alfang tte fitreets In Hhie ailstiric.t. O. M. M-íU'MIm's aiabulanoe liad íwd oalla M'Oodlay, patiënte to and fi'om the h'Ospiital. Jmat) tlihiik of it if you. ca-n, ! T!uy ;i amow 'söomu at leaAvi'Ite '■" tihe mionniiig of JaV ! ! Tiue regeuïte at tJieir las meetimg, pnoviöed for the ooinStruction of a sun oom at thie Uraiversiity hospital. The courti homse lawa ju rapidly gettding back iato sïiape after beimg "saf doiwni on so bard on Saturday. airs. Julia Habtfie Hall, of Pexter, fajas been granted an original wiidow's peniion, tlhirougni W. K. Chüd's agenoy. A aocfial wffl bs gl'ven by tJie ladliies of BetiMiehiem churcli om the olmvrcli lawn, on Piflfljay; evenlog July 10. EefresJi'mients serredl It was to tibie o"erlt!t f t!i,& big orowd Sativrday ttoat thiere was lilttie or no trouble. Oiily two arreste had to be made d;i.v:,rj,' tlie entire tBay. Nexb Siwi'd)ay evacüBg the unión serTices will be held at tbe Presbyterlian elnvreh, Rev. Mr. Pbrrai of the Churdli 01 ChrJBt preaching the sermón.- IMo'iiidiay was t'he lesjal i-oliday lotiho baii'ka and vha p'jóboííice. The banks cloaeii Saturdiay nou'a and d'.U nol open agailn uut;ill Tuösdiay mocniing. Wm. N. Lifter is now oncitledl to tJlc tiitle Cjanty OotomlssiomeJ1 of Schools, foir AYasIiitfavaw A igiocid tang ttMe bat it te attach3d to a gio od mu n . Itoe stuwer on' Mo-ndiiy was uot reliü'hud! by picnJIoeirB Of h a y nu kers, but was a. BiO'.t33 tlhiog iöir ïruit raÜseiTB, gardteuers anil Earmers geaiei'ally. It was needled. TliL ohöil" boys of St. Anidrew's Epibcoipal ehiui'ch, will take a week's out;iing a't AVhïtmiCKr'e Liake diuring the ÜSrwt week of AuguSt, P'pof. K. H. Kemipf haviing cühia-rge of tbem. Univensity got a low bid' On lts electrical apparatus. Th. one aecep'tied la for two 75 l-. W. generators aria two 120 ii. p. enginea witJh. the ArnoM ci&mnectJng system, for $5,000. Tlae suin oame clown öO' iiiccb Satiur-' day, Suaidiay and Monday, that goosebarriïes w.ere fa'irly cojked whi'le liangiiag upo-n tilie Uustoee. Th sun uiaide OTieiryifahüng Ui t;hO oY vegetaIKiDhh out of doors wilt. Wm. TuiOiney, of th.j.s city, anti Mise Hila E. WhibtJator of Iexter village. "wei'e ma-rnied la 'Aiij city on W-edlmescbay tost, Juiie 30, and afier a aluoi'fc biTl'iïal trfp thiey wül takO up tfiïeii' nesïdliiDiie ki i.liis city. A'iwl nov ha is g-i-eeited as Judge Diufy. Bat i't daasni't saeou t3 tuin jL'hn'.s lucuil, wtacbb lian aiwaye been aoted üor being exceLMlimgly level. He has a few extra gray haiivs, perhaps, buti tllK'j' oame early ila htö case. TtoiX' was coui3cj:lfcsmb:e ïi)3cussi u as ui whiait t,!uj wO'Pdö "Uiniited! "We StiauVi;," on Th3 ovar Main st. iuear tllie F. & II. bank meaoit. The quite general conclusión was tliait it ■reSftri'edi to boto. si'Js oí lía-ioi st. Jannes A Robisoin tito pr.vat eeereha.ry oí MayoT AVin. C. Maybury of DetwoH. ís a f armar Wasihitenawian, aad semanal yeara was deputy ooanty clerkl uncleír bbs íiathiar Hcn. Johin J. Ko!bison, now oL Sbaron. Al; pupila totieresfcadi iii ma.king up back work or tiakhug adivvwiced. woa'k in llia Hilgh Scluool dtarkig tli'e suonoinr, are requetsted' to meet at tihe High Scluool baiiding in Room. No. 6, nexb Tliarsday, Jufliy 8, afro a. w. ■Wliieoi tibe Rapublíbain. (kollege Loa&u,e meetel ün Detnoüt JuJy 14 aud 15, tihe U. of 51. Repubi'ta.n, Cliiib will preseiib t!ha name vi A. L. DavCfe for h.e presüdloncy tlhiereoí. Mr. ÜtiviB ifs presWisiiib O' t'h Uuhiersity Cl;ub, and keeps ooiist-aiítly fopgitog ten tlie frorit. TV-e hope lúe wlü succeecl. Two- or t hree- 'holiklays drtnjg a üiull, luoö week, makes. it iiardi pdckling for a newspnper gcribbler to fiirnilslhi tlhe usual local arad editorial matter for hiiis paper. The hot wea'tihjer alone te excuse cniough. The motor liiie carrlaiï 1,000 pa8enlgei's batweea Ann Ai-b anti Ypsi laiïtL Satucday, taking as high as 111 on onio trJIp la tbs big m.i". It Is etfaeitea that at least 1,000 Ypellaiïtjams Avere up heire to help us ctílebra'tie.. If thi&ne was e"e!" a Buiaday, on u week day, last Monxiay was ito day. The stores were nearly all clo.sed, á.nd tihe man w.lio appoare,d en the etireet soom got out of eiigtib oí tilio abmioirinial couspícuoiusiness lie nesaiifced. Ex-Ju'dg G-ib.-jon eays it seeans perfectiy natural tulim to be a private dL'tizoa more, ttaat lue Ut, aiwl tduat be dioesa't iael bad' oue bit Miat aiiiot'.luer Wiül have bo aséame the ofbeu extremely unpleasant clutLes oí una juistioe's offic-6. Ou" nuammoíh iadui-'íúiixl parade lor tihe 4 tih of Juiy cielebratioa has bi-oug.hlt out maay noivel scliemee in, tihe lina of adwrt&slng, but one oí t!he most libaral is tliö Aun Arbor Music Co 's plan of g'Lvi'ug away siheet irtUiSic ïrom tih.&ir ftoat. iM-isa Fl'orenc Sterre Lt, wl has no successfully nianaged! tha Utopia MilIjimeiy parlors for thepaat few yeara, 'hla,s gold out lier business ïO' Miss S fcei-iiTjadh wlio lias been wi-th Jlise Bell, ia tlhe opera house blocfc, for tbe pa-st year or ruiore. Tlie last) of the Ypstaaiiti .ith of July contingent d'iicb mot get away irom here Satumday nújlib iinítúil lialf past oae o'clock, auíll tillan Lb took thë big coach aiíd öwio otihier cars to fake Item all, ama tiiey we"e packed to pret'ty tihick at ihat. The NortlhHldte ladïes.giavie a very enjoyable piernie aö tbia iland Monday afternoo-n and evieaing. Musie was furnistifict by filie Nortfiialdle Manr d'olin Club. Bésales foaving a good time the ladfes made &ome mo-aey Ito" oew eliurcli buiildling. Karl E. H arriman wfil celebratie tlke 4th of Jwly 3i-d, ait h!;s Aaa tVrIjo:" liome, sober up oier Sumday, aad on tike 5 th assurne a posïti.on on the Btaüt of tlia ItroCt Journal, wlnirh was greatly laobmg in. racity- an3 Mr. H;uTi,maii was ïued'ed.- Adrián Press. Ou Fred AVeifcuterg'ö 4tSi of July íloat was tihe iinBoriptiion : "Ho'use b.A'.L wjiile you wair." A gentleman vr'ho orbserved iit said : "That's right. I aja building a hiouse and ]ia""c wiaibed niow sew.ial moaitlus, and it iooiks aa ïf I Hluünuld luaMs to wait several iiïonii'h-i mare." E. Eve'.e't't Howe, tlue youiig Mlchiigau niovelCsti, lnas bslgiun üie wrlHüg 01 a ïiew novél. HJs hias been for ■moniltoi enigiagad in tfatihering a-nü arra'iiigüiig lihe matenial ior it. It die-als ■Wïlfll MtahiUwn Ufe, anid) those WhfO íiuto lieat'd tHi'e iïi'Sb ohapter say it -la of intense interest. - La;nsing EepuMiïoato. towji is napidly tiaking on tiue loneso'nie aiim of a deserted ciity. Tke h3b weathrar bas perma.neotlyürifvein eveiry perron ooit to ülis lakes or to some nesort, wbo could afford to go. _ By amotter waak tlvee, wiiil ie wihoie blocks wiMh no reflüdents "bwt th,e psople left tj wateb and caris for tlha property. It '.U saJd tihia-t Marshal Sweet oowed a whjDle gsuag ai rowdy stuidentB füaá to-winífos wlio ciomírikiedi to '-do Jiiiiii vp'' Ms a.t.tejupt tJ Oníocee tho laws. "Zené" htid hfls pofkets .uil o,ï ecfld lead so a,:-i"cuiig-ed. as to cuate a qndlck triip tato tto anatu'my oí any orne w:no a titem(pe ü fca ;!nte.íeire wètlh, hita. Ttct celelr'alt;,oia anc( picnic at White miare Lake 011 Jfouday was a brü,;'iiíamt success Ín oviery way. St. Xliij'niía.s otf ttulfi ci y can well leel pnatttj oí it. tiiij oivitáon was üiiuliuiii, riie ieoplo were happy, aiul eTteryÖttag abj:uc it was in keeping wii'k tttae day aad t'he place. Fr. Kelly's cihairch fuñid is ahead several Uuiiid'i'ed dioüars by tlne enterprise.


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Ann Arbor Courier