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The Comers And Goers

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l'ia?. Springer starteü Momday for Mi.lwau.kee, Wis. August Die'terlo of Detroirt, epen the 4 tli ia town. "MSse Ijllian Tjinpkins is ths guest tf friends in Chicago. Mïgs Oarrie Binüer is visittog frjeaids at Jackson. Miss 'Ytevie öomiwell left Taursöay !c; bar taur of Burope. Plioí. Asaph Hall, .Ir., 33 at Hartor Pc-"tat for a few days. "Miss Jennie Mclntyre ís ironie trom "Marine Caty and Detroit. Mr. ankl M. Riba A. Beal are iai "DetMojt for several day's stay. Eaxl Giasser, of Toledo-, was a guest of frienös in tilie city, orror the 4tli. Mire. G. W. lláley aad daugJiter riorenoe, have g'one to Port Huron. Otis Van Tassell oí Detroit, was In tllie city over &unid'ay and lionday. G. JOjcmaiaaB, of E. Ann st., is spenö'ing tlhe week relatives ini De■Oroüt. "N'aillian Keiüi al Deacfcec is the guest of Ann Albor reía r a feTV weeks. "Louis J. Líaseme.:", of tüie Daüj' Times', was :.:i Deteoit yesterduy on Dushiess. M -s Mjirtie Liir of Wuyiw, Sfi tlie guest of 't 1il Miss. 's li-jiile&de of Jefierson st. 'Jíre. Julia íi. MacJi and dauglutei' are ta reaöfta a: iStus Alpha P'hi inouse liext yeai-. A. A. Maath oí. Defcroit st., te emtertaining Dr. and Mrs. Lan, ol Oom6ng, JN'. Y. "Mrs. Mariúadale an4 fainilly, of Geddes ave., liave raburoed to Hïlsdale permaneiit'ly. B. J. Ojnrad anidi íaonjly aav gone tü t hei-' siimmer home Ijes Ohetmaux islands. 'Mi1, nir.d, Mrs. Geonge PuJciipüiier and iamily of Toledo, ve"ö ia tfte city vier tibe -Itii. G. R. Eelley lia-s rente! tlne Joha íMooíe liiumostuaul, and wSU move tberetio Aug. lst. Geoi'ge J. Haller was wilt Lo Moi roe Siaitimlay to do epeciü.1 work lor i:iie Detrojt Xnïbmae. , Di'. WÍÜ 8. toiamia Is hiome irom Geoa-giia. He will go U Ohito to looate peiTnaoeoily soom. Yvvú W. Simlz, w;ie and iajuLIy, of Detroit, aire guests oï tlieLr parents ia this city; fo-r a time. [Misa Eatella Kieler lias i-eturned li o me to Detroit, after visitiaig with MdBS Bmma Weinmami. J'dh:ii Fiiliev wbo had teeoi xlie guest ■oí Wm Bjggs tor a time, returned tome to Detoott Satadiay. lilrs. Dr. D. A. McLiacUaii of DeftrO'Jt, tías beea tito guest of Anu ArTkh" friaiids for a few dlays. TV. H. Do'Rr&nce Jr., and vive, %vbo liavo been vfetivting thieir párente, have returnied t'o Bakerbon, Otóo. Ed-ward and Artlliur 8t. Jota wbo Jïav(! bean guests of tiheiir mrothei" on Gedöes ave., hiave roturoed tiO' Toledo. Mts. H. J. Robeson wihic Kan beem wiíh. hr rnoider Mrs. Jolwi !Moore íor sene nal monfhis, teavee ior ]etroilt tliLs week. Mr. aincl Mr. J'Olin HearMey, of To Ideo, formier Aun Artoor people, bave ■been g-uASta at Xfases Seaboit's ü'ur5ing tibio wee.k. lliss Alies Snyider will reanain for ano t híer year as instructor ia athr leties at the w o mans gymnasium at $900 salary. iMilss LouJse GriffitÜL of Jacksoa, has been a guest Öu,rluig t.he week of Oapt. C. II. M-anly awd famMy oí Uie NortlLSáde. Dr. ZianmernNin, on Dan and otters, have gome on a trip to tJie Georgtan Bay. IJlr. a.nkl Mns. X. JaoJbs of Chicago, who have bsei vSMfting Mts. L. But'ou of E. Ann st., have. retumed home. Mire. Xetitiie Cotíhraai of Toledo, O., aind C. H. Ludl.nv a ml witte, of Dettro-Jt wot with Mm. John Moore over Suacüay. Mt. and Mïs. Jeremá:ili, Watóh of FouniCaii; st.,enreitaiuo',l Mtesea Myrtle, Jo.?e]Hliiiiïe and May Purcll, of Toledo, over tlue Ath. l'lare S. Du.raml af Detroit, bas been Ing Aun Atibar (ríemete during the past few öjays. He M-as fon-merly ín t:he exprese office here. Mr.--. Frank Paul a.ntl MÍBS Louise Paul, of Montu'eal, luaTis been guests dni'iing eoiiuneiitcmoiil1 week of Mrs. I E. I Hj-de, of D3vi-io,n st. Mrs. J. Q. A. Befisóionls leit Satufl for au extensiva txiip np fans aooomp;anieI by her son, granéis M. Sestóojïs, of Cohimbus, O. lM':-. amd Mre. JoImi V. lhoelian and fö-niAly leib fhis morniflig for their cotöage at Zakey Lake wiiere they tv-rui ajeniá a week ar sa. ISJSr. emd Mis. X. J. Kyvr ave toi-eaii ou tJie 24ah kist., ior Lin-erpool, and Üiiriag ttoeir abseuiüe in Eur-ope will ■vlsfb their old homia ia Denmark. Rev. M. Heidmepei-, of DeWitit, a i'onner pastor oí th3 Germán Sí. E. clrai-eli here, has been the guest of Rev. Speekman diuring 'th'3 week. Chas. F. Gruuer and R. F. Ga-uss, oí tlia lsc National Baak., went to .Put-in-Bay Mojiday, esapedi tlie ia tense lieat and tavdi a jolly good time, Ooi. Geo. W. WCffliSlow and: fa mil y ïhüLVo beein. eatertiaini'ng Dr. J. G. Ivlndsley ol H-iig-liLand, wiw was a memlier of the first U. of II. medital cLass. Mire. Hainmah. Hasbirooik, aaughtr Ada, aind gra-nidda.ugtofcer Gladys James, of MianShall, are guests oí Moses Sealb'ttlt and famjiy om N.1 5tdi avenue . H'Oward Coffiti of tbs P. 0. carritr farce, bis gone 'oo West MtlttoBj O., aceomipaiifed by li!b motihrar Msra. Sarah Ooufiim, óf HKil st., for a vleit wilth jrSeanda. llev. aind Jirs. Maxwell, Mjtse iiason ad!n ttiBB Bdwardsi ol Ba-ttLefooro, Vt., aire wfttli Mr. anl .U'. O. B. ButtertteSd for a few day.s Tliuy oaane west to attíiLd a redágJDus cottvent.joii ila Detroit. Mxb. John Mur:v expeoite io feare Aun Albor to-morrow, gailag wdlUi 'lier d-aug-liter Mrg. Lujlu Mclveaa, 10 Giang-er, Ottüo, for a stay oï soms ■weeks. Alter teavüng ihere Mre. Moore win go to BM-oit ;o'r permanent reaSaeace. Aivit-k A. Peareoia, edlty ed4toj oí tihe Daily Times, lea"TO8 to'-m-oirow ínorailng MJiitre;Ll, from wiiïra ne wKl saill Sor a few montlis' tsrijp; tlirough Tka bast wjalbea of all the piablic, aiiii hits baoOhex workere in paftiJeula-r, go wïcii hini. May he liaAie a happy jj.anwy aji,l safe,


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Ann Arbor Courier