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Coming Session Of The A. A. A. S.

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Tiie 46tíi meeting of the American Assocúiaticm lor th,8 Advancement of ace is tio ba. held ia Detroit, Aug. '.) In 14 inclusive. The sessiOins wlll be helldi in the audlttorium of the Central H'gh School. Amcrng tïie Aan Artor people inteirestedl are : Prof. Asaph Hall, Jr., general fecretary ; Prof, W. W. Beenxan vic p.reMdent of Section A, Mathematies amd; As■cronoimy ; Prof. Paul C. freer, sec'retary of sectton. C, Ohennüstry ; Prof. F. C. Newcombe, secrebary af Section G, Dotany. Amo.iiig t,hê past prOsitlents ia the nam. of Albert B. Presoott, o,f this city. Among ih.a membeirs of ttoe local comnnitJtce fo.r tha Detroit meetiag ;re tiho íollo.wing ñames of Ann Arbor people : Pres. Jannes B. Angell, Proí. Hemry C. Adamis, Dr. Oscar TeSeur, Prof. W. W. Bamiaai, Prof. E. X). Camtptiell, Prof. M. E Cooley, Prof. H. S. Cailhart, Prof. H. X. Chute, Pro:. Joseph B. Davis, Ooi. Hen,ry S. Dean, Pro;. Paul C. Freer, Dr. Henneage Gibbes, Pro;. W. C. Lo.nibarcl, D:-. J. P. McMurriah, Dr. Bliza P. Jlo.-iher, Pro.:. Fred C. Xe-wcombe, Piioi A. B., Prof. J. E Rirglhard, Dr. V. C. Vaughan, Prof. Dean C. Worcesteir, Prof. Alexander Zewdt. H:oin. Tihomas M'. Oooley is a member af the commiütee on invitatioa ; PiW. H. S. Carharb eand Pro.f. M1. 1} Colodey are me-mbers of tihe Executive Proi. Cahart, Prof. Freer, Prar. Hall, Jr., Prof. Heory C. Meechean and Pnof. W. H. Petitee, are members of tlhe general commitb'ee ; J-. Angelí, Alexis C. Angelí, Jutlge Cootey, Pi-of., Proi. (Hall, Jr., Proi;. F. W. Kelsey. Prof, Newcomb, Prof. Reighard, Prof. W. S. Perry and Dr. Vaughiaai are members oí tuna Recept io.u Oominïttee ; Pnof. Freer is o.n. tiie Finianoe Oommlttee ; Mrs. Jas. B. Angall, Mrs. A. C. Angelí, llrs. M. L. D'Oogo, Mrs, F. W. Kelsey, D. Eí.iza M. Mouter, Jliss IJa.rg-aret WeMttnan and Mrs. i ■Ei. G. Wiiroroghby. u"e metnb&ra of the I liadües' Bee&p'tioa C'jmmittes. Th,o "hotel beadiquarters' 'will be ! at. tïiia CadEllac. A rate oï" cae and) oui-thírdi íare bas been given by all the railro'adls. Tiiiei'e are a nuniber oi excursions in cowtemp'latian, andi the people of Dötro-it wïll sss to. it titnxb the AssociatiO'ii i.s propsrly oareil tor.


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