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He wlio his owu success would see Must work and make it ; Let those who erave prosperity Get up and take it. - Chicago News. A new telepihone, No. 135, a-t Iavia & Seabolt's. The strect pa.ving ordinance passed ty tibe doumcil ba,s been appiwe'cl by Mayor Hiscnck. A torga mew pordli ÍS boimg laiiilt upon tte froait oí tlue Beta Tlieba Pi fratteriwty lious. Thio hot weather o lst weefe eveo ifflade tbie dogs uiad. Jiioob TrauUvei'ii has moved his íamiüy t,o tfljás city fnom Dexter. Thie Arlington ba,rber sluop la ow tha property of Jotoi T. Fordliune. Oompainy A are p-raatLeing occasiona31y wirt'h mew Blielter teat drill. CPixir. Leiuitweiin is to teach. Gorniau to the public schools of Ciacinnati mexb yeai". Somie of our boanding jwuses are still nunmiog to acoammodiate th-e suininei" school. Th,e l'ce dlealers had a hard tima of i'b th,o ítrst oí the eeiaso'a, but they appear to be all riglht aow. Tbc regjtótratioin for the Unlversity Summer Sölioiol reaohes upwards of 200 atl tibe present writtog. Now comes that sage old citizen, Whose ioibles we all know, To teil just how hot it was To-day a year ago. Ittchiard ICrapf of tfhis city has been granted an original pension, and Mre; Sarah. L. Abbott, a widow's pension. Iho thermometer was 103 Uast Saturday afternoooi on E. Washington st., and 70 Sundiay mwrning. ïhis is co fish, gtoiry. There is a eollectiom of pictqixesi in ail, waber oolar and pastei on exhibitiioa afc the art rooms in the Savimigs Bank block. Last Sunday at the Peeslbyteriau chiwch Mr. Marsdíeni a native oí Alaska, playedi a ooniat wiltt Mis Caldwell aa orgamiBt. Celia H'oag has camnienceidí a sudt sJanidier agaiirtab Jdlin Hagen, and wan-ts $1,000 daniages from Min to PepaJr her reputation. Desei'tüoin and nonsmpporc arO the laUegatiom set uip in tlha bilí íiled by lírs. Faiinnila White agaiust áeo1 husbanscl J'O'hn P. Whilfce, íor iliv-O'roe. The míen ■wo'rkimg o,n tihe tsewers ■worfc fu-om 0 to 11 o"clock a. m., an(d llroin. 2 to 7 p. m., tihjna escapiínjg ttie ilniteoïse beat oí the md'ddle oí the day. A dog 'clhat iis mgly enougt to pite ohiSid'rcn ov g-rowai people. either, íor that, inattor, lias m buisiiiess to Uve, ltüweVfi valuablo aa aniAnal ?ie may be. , TliiC Amii Arbur DtMn'Otrii.t wlll lieieafter bo p-U'bliHhieid (rom vlie Jaily Times office. Well, niie Jftally Tinius hias íor a loiiig íiniie wamiíed a (weekly. , The Suniday News-Tribuue gives Hcnry Pacquette, oí Anu Arbor, us ono oí th.s daat.lis from heat the day beíoore. Ib must h.ave beea a mistake. The l-a-dáes oí t)he .Gepmian M. E. church wiill gl-O a social on the cíhurcli lawn, o.n iMd(ay evenilng, July 16th. Po.r tba bsne-íit oí the clh'ui'ch. Iíamry Meyer, wha í in tiue employ oí Daan, & Oo.,, lis to bo maiined this evcning, to iíiss Rose. Bnauin, of LíOidi. The nian'y friendis of the, ctrn-ple ■vdish. theiu mucili jay. Joha Barry of thils cilty, had a ílock oí six can-Lar pi-aojis roleasedi at Ypsilamti t'ho othe" dlay, and they Bew ■lo illiei" homia liare ia1 jast tweaty miimties, so tllie TimB assei'ts. At filie un'iou services eist Sauday cve-ii'ing ab the Presljyterian diurch. Rov. Mi-. Po'rrefft, o CIli-ísc ohurch, gave a very instniotive and eloquent öisootirse to a large auddemce. The rata oí taxationi. for tto ciity taxee, wliicih arO dius ajid p-aya'ble fioni July 15 to Ang. 15, are $0.(35 ou $1,000 assessed vialuati.on. Thla id so me 71 cents more íihiam lastí year. Mr. Z. T. Lewis, tae man wthio w-as ai-roited at Ypailaati som woeks -ajju aiiil tia.líeui to urbana, OWo, for ex"bomsive forgeiries, lias been eenUeinioed' to oight y-ears Imprisoninent. H wto go't patiriloitikially hilai'ioue pa tune 4th. cf July, and tfoe next unorujing had the big tea-di, did no't display patírioitiam at all, but dietauclnery oí tihe miost lioggiSh type. Itefresihmieinits wdttl be served by the Í. M. C. A. peo'ple on tth,e stea.mer Sapptuo ou the St. Plats excursüou to-jmorrow. It will be a ítíce excuu'sdion and imosib Overybody is going Pioni "tlio Meu'Oinilnee Heirald! we miotltoe tliab Frank Seabolt, Baglncer '1)7, soa of ifa-rtaa M. Üeabolt of 'idus city, "hiaa securedl a p.osition rtli tliO Meruonilaee Elcctrical and Miiíianícal Wortos, uiwler Mr. Tidenuiii. Mr. Seaboib Onjtera the works t'O boooniie a nwiateir of kra profeesion. He is a. njeplLelw of Dr. Crregory-:" . ■ ; I've a secret In rny heart, Swect Marie. I would lain to tlie impart, Hweet Marie. I would wiwh to sny to thee That it's hot enougn for me. And dou't ask agiun, by ane, Bweet Marie. Joseph E. Gage hias smed t'he tnvnfeliip of PlbtelieM for $5,000 Lanvages becausO of the evere injuried' he reeeïved on the 8tih of Juiae, u'ieing as h,o aaserte, fnom a iJefectiirO high'way. SaM cae of ou-r brighb young ladies ta a man no'tea for his ma&tieirly imacti'vity, "if I luid iio'thIinig mio're to do than you, I wouldii't Stanid aro'und and [yriimble about th.e ídot weatiher.'' The Hu-non i-iver mystery at Gedidiea pTioved Do be am Old.piece of oarpet wit!h. a red nag om it, t: wliicli some flesby filfch from the slauglitei1 house, had beaome attached. Anothier semsatio'R explodied. Thr; anmounoemEiit, that Clay Gi'esne had beoa appoi'nited "Audiibor of Clams," at St. ClaiT Flat, was a mfetake. Hie appoi-ntment is that of wet nurse in th govenxment fislh hatchery. - Ann Aiibor Democrat. The njght wind kissed har brow sevenal tdimieiS. Her ywuintg man jiotfc&d tihe perfo-noianioe and, was jealo'uis. The resulttnig ooolnees hias beea mtjnely removed daríng t.he week by the torrid. atmiasiphere, however. It is stóted that tihje Presbyteriau parliElh houee, knicvn as McMUlan HaU will mot be open-ad fhils year owing to a laok of fundís. Thia is toi be regrett&d. S'aekefct Hall, adjojaálng, wil] be occupted by tthe University Y. M. C. A. The ladiiea of the Ladiies' Library As&oci'atio'n will give a moonlight party on the lawn of ïfre. J. E. Beal ■on S. Fifbh av., Friday eveüing, J'U-ly 1G. Ices, ice cream', lemomade aad cake wi'll be eerved. You are cordi'ally invibed. Do rtot leave yomr bfcycle iia the !iot ui, even fo-r a brief time. There i8 sorpetihing peculiar a bout tllie fact that tllio sim will rnob injmre, the tire while ib is ia motion, but ti ib stands still ib takes only a íew miiButies tra ruta it. Kev. Dr. Sunjderland gave ttoe Y. P. C. U. people lia national convcut'ion at Detroit last Tlirarsday, a hot sennioa on tlnat hot üaj tupon "Youth and thO Stiate,' espedo-Lly rebuklag líhose wiuo p-u'b oa tïie ldvOry of God tn which tt sarve the devil? If Míe nij-w law passad by. the last leg isla buiro was enltarced aad. all men ■roere p rosee uted viha used "oibsceae, profane ot iasulting oo the breéis" tlicre would be lesa oí a cnaw'd ou the streeits nlgihta thaai theiie are ab the presenit tune. Ama Albor i alwayB a liifatle anead Oí ifc.s twiia sister dowa streajn. For ínstance, on Frídiay las;, whlch was the hottest day oí the year, the thermomerter tiheire aaly í-egist-eredi 98 degfees while here ab the observado ry 102 diegrees were reached. Il must be remenitered tliat ilfc takes seven flays to eollate tJie news repast xiiat a weekly paper giives its re-aders, and that sme of tJie. iitems d iiob always fiib th,e day oí publication, especially tihoee about the weather. Thie reader wiill have o use hitó mernoi-y a Itttle someitimee. cellar has beea excavated aad work en the wall of 'Oh e iiöw additdon 't'o tlhie Oook House is now in progrese. Ib is to be 53x62 feet iui eize and! four storiesi hilgih. The tower Btories WlU be usied Sor stores aad upper rooms f tune hotel. These new .noomis will be ïuniiisihisd haiidsomely and have all the mocte-n improveanunt.s. There ivas ooosidwable asto'nisliment Monday among our eitjzens whert ib wa.i aiiuounaed' ihat M'ra. Bliza E. Oousiiis, oí tíh,e iirm of Couslnu & Hall, florisös, tod .appli&d) for a divo roe f rom lier husband, Thomas P. Erogan1, wIloiu ghia mui-ried eome fwo yeana previons ia WiodBOT, Ont. The ru'aMiage bas baem kepfc a cloie seoriet. Mts. Oousins is generally tiiown aiwl greatly ïiespecited. by our eiiiztïnis. lience t,li surprise of a clandestine ïuarriage.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier