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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Pr ove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The ma}arl!ty of eafferers from Afltlhmía iand kindred eompíakiits, after tryiing doctora and numíberfess remedie advertlsed as posi'tive cures witünout avail, lliave oomie to t)he conclusión thiat there lis no cure for tliis most dic-tressiiug disoase, and tíñese sama persons will be fhe more im doubt and Bfcepbical wnen tlhey leam throoigh the colunias oí the prees that Dr. Rudolpli ScMffmiann, the recognised aptiuarlty wih'O lias treated more cásea of tbesu diiseases tihan any living doctocur, bas aöhLeved success by períectr ing a remedy whitoli nofc only glvos lmmeöjiate relief la the worst cases, but tuas po'siitlTely curé'd tllioiisands of sutferers wluo were considered Incurable. Tliese Hvere just aa skeptteal as soma of onr readers now are. Dr. S&alllmaim's romedy no d,oalt possesses tli mea-it wMteh 13 claimed íor lt or ha YTOuld njot authonze tïliis paper to anjiotiiice that ixe fe n,ot only willing to give free t,o eacb, person sufferina; fnom Astihma, Hay Tever of BroníMtis in tihis city, one liberal "frea tial b,ox" of ijs Cure, but urgently re'quest all surferers tía cali at Goodycar's Drug Store, Aun Arbor, witlhto tjie next three days and recetve a, packago absolutely free of rjiarge, kmowing tbiat in making tlhe clalm he dloes for bJe Cure, a etrang doubt may aríse ln 'tJhíe mlnds oí inany and itbat a personal test, as he offers to all, wlll be mre coíiTÍnclng, and pnove lts mertts, thian the publlshlng of thou'Sanda of testimoniáis from persoos ■u'ho hiave been pennanently cnred by th.e use of luis Asthma Cure. "Dr. ScMffmann's Asthma Cure," a lt. io called, has been sold by drugglgta of thte olty ererslnce lt waa flrst Íntrodueed, alth.ough many persons may nerer have heard of lt, and; lt Ís -wlth a viie-sv to PeatíhSng the'e tliat he makes thla offer. Thls Ís certalnly a most jgeraerouis and failr offer, and all wfao are fmfferïng froim ainy of th above complaint sihmild remember the date amd place wTiere the dtetrllbuiion vrlïl be made, and avall themselves of the same. Persons living out of tihte city who deelre to test the effücaey of this mast wonderfnl remedy -wiüll recelve a package frea by wrïtimg Dr. Bohlffmiinn, 330 Rosabel stTeet, St. Paul, Mlnn., prorlding thetr letter Is recelved before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can. ba obtataed after that date. LESS THAN ONE GENT EJCH A RARE CHANCE SÏ5 SUS""' 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement just made with The Detroit Free Press makea it possible for us to save some tnoney for every reader who takes advan tage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE M ARBOR COURIER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Botb ONE YEAR for Hu TÉB-ltó Pres tes Is the Best Possible Substitute for s Daily Paper. Published on Tuesdaj and Fridav Moriiings in t:ie to ratelt tlic Karly Trains. All the Latest Vews up to the time of goins to press. Complete Markel licports in cach isssui'. i 11 wlio rannot get a Daily shoulil Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press Is offering Premiums at Special Low Rates to Sniiscrlbers, and vou can caslly save the cost of both papers by taking advantage oí THE SUNY BABGAUÍS OFFERED. WRITK THEM FOK A SAMPLE COPY. In Ko Other Way Can Ton et As Mnch For Sa Little Moiicy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DEliY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to assist the thousands of uuemployed Tnen in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, has establlshed a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnish men to farmers aud others in all parts of the country without expense to either. Employers applvlns should state deflnitely as to the kind of worb, wages to be paid, and lf rail way fare will be advanced. Address, Labok Bükkau, Wobkingmen's Home, 42 Custom House Place, Tel. Harrisou 2J3. Chicago, 111 Barrel Salt at WholesBle and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. dean"& co., 44 SOUTH MAIN STRKET 52-Sml7


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