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Ypsianti News Items

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Bel. Stioup has beem ta Jjanfiflng fw llio week. John Jj. Rfckmani lias Becureü an iucreass af pensión M. M. Read is building a cottage at PtoTtage Lake. MaB. Cora A. Baker has beein graat. ed a "vvidow's pension. (Mise Victoria Pialmer hias g-oiae to Ordiard Liake for a fomr weck's stay. Frcü Jiomee, whn íormcrly li-veü lit-rc dfecl oí diipilitlierit in Detroit last vioek. Cleary Oolleige suinmer cliool lieni haa over 100 stuidlents in attenclance. Mrs. D. C. Batclielder, accorapaütefl by Míes Batcbeldea-, are at Whiíte Lake. Kev. aríd Mrs. Garúan} lia ve gomato Bou'ttoharnpton, L. I., for a srfcay of sebera! Aveeks. (Misses Alice anid Latie Densmore left yéaterday íor Biay VSew, to be abseat a moatih. A bui'.gliar biioke into tjj!3 tiAi&i 'Libnary building last Friday nighit but far nothing is missing. 'Mrs. Bo'bert Curtis, of Florence. Bt„ Ü'ied last Thunsday, after an illness extending o've several years. Eliner Brora nías purohased the creamery of Samuel Barnard, and is hoav oonducting tínie business. Geo. E. "Waterman has Bne to Jamestown, K. Y., to atitenid tiha Xational Photographer's Convention. PrI. anld Mrs. McFarlane jiave gojie ■to Lmdlmgition, whei"e he will be eng'aigeü in insti ute nok for íivj ve2kf. The Times bicycle path fuad is gpffwtog handsornely and is now considerably over $300. Pusih. it along. A club oí Tv!ielaiiein wffll no doubt participate in thia Ev-ening News bicyclo carnaval in Date-oit on the 22d tast. It iü expiected thit it will be tluree or fcur weeks bafore the olectric liight tow&rs will bs la opexation Digaita. A jury all'Owed Jo(h.:i H. Wortley 900 Jo:1 fimdimg a pui-cli-aser Mrs. líatü.tKi's housé'at $4,000. He siied 80. On Saíurday Cyríl Tyler nn-d Graves leit íoj a jauíat oí 175 miles oa ttoeír w'uecls, golag to Elkinart, Ind. The c;0':icert of t'he Waahtenaw Times baad was a g-reat succees last ■Weduesday evenáng, and its praisee are hieard oa evory sdcle. One Oí our enterprising ïirins furn'is-hos wisod and power tiO pump it lnlto bfcycle tires, "ree to whaelmen. That's m ■: an ill wind. ' Bert Forguso-n of lat National Bank, luacï the eya-ball Oí hifl ilgiit eye struck wïtlh. a coirk irotru aa ale botrt le, and seviously injured. Tai!, Times says tEiat Jout aldeamea were flound Tising cilty water against t'he rales. Tliey abcwiKl be executed dui-'jiig the usxt Wiimder starm. The coiünicil, by a vote of 7 to 1, has authO'rized the oommi'ttae' oiu iire d;epartnienit, to pu.rclh.asei a new ooieliorse hiose wagon for usa oa the oast aide. Tdie boys oí the vesied c.hoiir ■ of St. Liuke'-s chui'ch hava been gifren a four week's vacatiU'ii, and requeatüd to report for duty the. fia-st Sunday ín August. The wo'rt of öa;n Q ab the Tifiio, Olüio, raoes last week, leait horsemen to belleve tihial í:ie ltttle animal has a speed i lui t oaa win ''ve'y time il allowied to do so. Aftier the 6:30 run each evejiing the motor line sells round vrip tickets to Ann Arbor for 25 cents. T'hiis uuakes a prebty ride for city paaple at a ve'-'y reae nable rate. Mc. A Beyer, ivto recentiy bo-ught the Hemphill and Denike Earms, last week purchaseid an adjoiniing 140 9 fro'm Geoaige Wiard a,nd. will s'ta:rt a stock farm.- Ypfilaiitian. Rev. C. A. Ca.rber, pastor of thñ 2X Baptist cattPoh, will Irold. a basket meetiing i'n the gove jitst above the Itrst paper mili, next tëunday, witb servicios at 10:30 a. m.. andi i! p. m. The orgianization known as t he Yp.íilaavti Driving Club has disbanded, owiing Ifon. S. Post eom-e $1,200 oata&tti'toz remt, it Is Consequently theff will be nio races here this ye-ar. ' j Anotlier musical pr'Oidiyy in Ypsilanti. Thiis time it is a little girl 12 years oí age, named Helen Oolwell, whiO, blindíoliled, can riell cvei'y moto strook om a piani' wheu several are struck in ohord. Spetakiing ot oflid addressee meant tttiás city, most oi which. are missp'elli'ng tai tlhe wo':-d "Ypsalaniti," we oan adld to i-ie liist the nam of sMa'iií'i Ijamliii-," u-nila." whieh we liavo reevi've.'.! soveral Heces Oí mail i"n, AVahnv-Hüi, '0. C- Senii-neh Among the peoplo eaught uJog W&ter agativst Um rules were two aldermen of ttni's city. ít la expected tliat tihey wHl be coiMígnod í.o fue eouthwest corner oí IH-ides, aiwl tibe lióse luirnod on niuin i i leadi or lava. Ji-u-z-z ! S-zzz ! caiiM. ynu hear llhldll SÍ'ZZ ? ,';i!'il R. C i' !l;:n'j,!)ruit iHcd a! hi9 h(j'!iK: m Ypsl'laotl, Moadiay o! las week, o{ coiisumplron. lie enme to ths city; eome th ■.-; yeaia a,?o from Oaro, Tascóla coumIv, and leaves a vrt-le aii'l two ehUdwn.. He was a puiblislher of OO'uraty aílases, was a Masón and at ome lima county cleiTk of TuscO'la couaty. Au Yp.-.Kantifan eniíe-eidi a leading saloon in Ann ATbor Satunday and akcd fo-r a lemonadc. Five bartetodiers wre busy' servitig lager, and fixa ome adxlíressed exclaitoed : ''G-ood Gtod, man, da you tUnk iv can stop to make a lemOTuad ? It 13 all we ca,n db; tío serna beer !" Tbe cusíHomar conisoled hi'meelí with a "high hall." Nb', slr, thr wrttor waa not ta Aon Arbor thiat day.- Sentineli Tbat saV'ímg claus3 at the cmdi ! Io you notdfca it ? Post'niaster Bogardus reporta that ïor tli9 yea-r Onidng Jane 30, there wre 528,639 stamps so-lö, of wíüci 404,019 were 2-cenlt. sitamps, 113,"550 1-cenfb stamps, anid on. The ■office ddd business amouniting ta $14,355.17, oí whioh $3,744.47 was proíit, ania $10,610.70 wemt for expenses. There havie beea 5,075 rruoney wders reoelved, calíims {or $47,893.39, of wWcfo 42 carne front foreign couat-nfes, and 5,950 orders Jiav teen Issued, calling for $29,65G.34; ThePe were 620 special deliveJ-y letters recei'ved anuí 756 seint out, and' 1,109 regnstereü letitena and pactases hiave alsio beem received. Besídes tihe fc:bove i;t might be noted! that there were 9,607 1-can't em'eliopes and 133,679 2-cenid enveliope?, 65,332 pptal ca.rdis, 6,149 mswspapr wrappers. There have beem 8 íons of newspapers senft out and 16,772 Jtw of publicaticns W'eighed in. AniO'.'her case of "dio not know it was lioadied," lias brmight sorrow to n family. Last Thursdiay two soné oí Avtíliur Hewiiit, who lives on. Florence st., nained Waïter and Bot), took xn oíd revolver frombehind a picture ar,.. I wemA to playi'ng witSi it. llob "■;is hanid'liiig the weap;on when it suddeiiJly wemb off. and t ba bullet, a 32-calibeir, eultcired1 1Ü5 bro'ther Wialter's head O'ver tüe right eye, and1 i-umning along ttae ouhside of the skull lod'sed in th.8 ao-Jb tissues near t!he ear. Tu: BaifwieU bemg calld oo'ochid'ad no ti to proie for th. ball at ptresenlt, as lis íhO'ught there was oífcen gi'eafc ha-nn dono ii probing, ñtíá tihat tinte ball woiild mot give the boy an'y pairttoular dúsoom.fort to reiTKiim wh&re it was. It ia straoge these weajwwaBi loaded and ready íor jast s'ucto. cases as this, will be leít wlierO öhildrea can ge: aiti them. Thíb was in a vey c.i'itioa.l comdition. -wlhen la,ít lieard fpom. Caught a Tartar- " The DadJy Times gerts ofí good ■lie on Jofcn Kirk, the proseciutlng ntto'mey af t'his eounty, and t!iey eay lie enjoys joke as well as anyone: "Pi'O'íeootiing Attorney Kirk has the natural wit ancl quick tongue i-lwiracteviötic o' the insto people, and the best atbocineys o( the WasüitenaAv bar lii;ivc had sccinis experiemce wit-h liis laiingf ei this nature. He ran up agalast a witnass yestefday in Justice Joslyn's court, howeve", tliat shot iit back at him in a mannier that no doiubts of lie-r inteaition. The ■witinieisa wa a white voi:n:ui who had nini-rfed a colofed man in AVliitta-ker. Mr. Kirk que.-niontxl her coor cemitag it and acfcn rwiedged the fact. -Dott't yom tfoSak it ratlier an uieuBiial tiihig to do íor a wbdte wouuaní to marry a c íorod man '." aakod the prO'secutiO'r. 'Yes,' she ansiwened, 'but I had a si did ■ocse than 'AVliat lij. Bhe ■dto ?' 'Slhe marrfed a flannel-mouth Irfehmau.' The i5i-90'ecut.or took a tiack oñ his croes-esaminaticm."


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