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The Comers And Goers

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Clias. DOvine is ati Sycamore, IU., rdisïüng ïelatives. H. A. Mowe oillo.v:oj st., is at Lima Oïiio, on busitusss. Edward Parker leit Moaday for northem liksbigan. Miss Grace Grinnell has refcurned liome frona Jackson. Miss Altee Gall is the sasat of friieitfd's at Pindlay, O. Max White lias gone to Uidgeway, Oat., to -Plsit his hiome. Mise Lottie Olark is the guest of lier Tjaren'ts at Jaokson. Chas. Kyer tas gome to Cavanaugh Liake lar a few dayis ovMag. 'líise Come, of th,a P. O. farce took a week's vacatioa last week. Miss Alta Beal is in Deta-oib for a ■wieek or so, Tisitiag relat i ves. lllsses Amanda and Eninia Koeh are at Zukey Lake fOT severai days. P-O Eoe G. Colé aad wKe, oí Iowr, ave lia the city for tbe saminer. Wm. Gerstner and family ]Lave gane to Maybee for a coaplO of weeks. ■ilis Anua McOiriber bas been at Zukey Lake for a coup-le of days. Deputy P. lí., W. W. "Wattsi ]eaves Batuixlay for a trip np to. th,e Soo. Ilosyell Waterman gone to kis oottiaige at Bay ArSe-w foir the euinme-r. Mr. and Sfrs. Jaiin Burg jnave gone to the St. Claür Flats Jor am outing. Mr. aitd Mrs. J. G. Orr are g'uests of Mr. U's pareáis far a few d'ays. Earl Stewart toóle a racatíoa last week vi'sitlng Ohedseo, anii otheir ilaces. . . ■Miss Belle Parken-, oí Bay City, is the gues't oí Mts, Ottleiy, of Geddes íiTe. Mus. E. S. Greenwood lias gane, to B&ulah. and Crysfcal Iake jar a E fitay. ■Waiter T. Seatol't of An-n Ar1or Savlmga Bant, is taking liis vaoatiion. Simón F. Scaairer, of Jexter village, TMas an Aun ArbOT vlsdtor over Siinday Ym. N. Brtown ami Jaini'ly lefb en Frd'dia-y last fpr Elk Rapids, for tJie summer. AmDing the saimmer scíiool attead&xtta is Míss Myrtle Haskins, of Battle Oreek. Mail Canier Earl Ware lí anjoying a tsvo -vveek's vacartiün. He ïishes somöti'mi8. Miss Jennie Seelye went to1 Dexter Saturöay, to viisit wltü frieimds íor a Short time. ■Miss Riitfa. Cushmjan returned Bunday from a few day's outikig at "Whit■m'OTe Uake. Mi'sses Mary and Aana PecJiham have gans to Provldfenoe, E. I. íor the summer. 'ifiss Mary Sulltvan of tlis P. O ïorca oommenced a tiwo week's vacar tíon lloadlay. 'Míes Bertlia Schuanacher is Bpendr ing fliis week at Anm Arbor.- OiieJtsea &tiaii)diard. Torn A. Rockwell hias retunied Jrom MinneapiOlis and ttue national con ventton of Elks. Pnof. and Mrs. Pettee and daugtuter Sytxi'l, have gome to toe Atlantic coast for the summer. Dr. auid Mrs. Presoobt giave alawn party for Presídeat and Mrs. Angelí last Wedmesday. ■Miss Batitie M. Stiaaley left Mon Üay to spand t'he eummeir at her hom In ïferriëttia, Ohio. Evart Scott returnedi to tlue city fnom Oavanaugh liake yesterday to attemd tto scliO'Ol board meeting. Mías Jessre Merrill, wltlbi E. F. Tvlls & Ca., te taklng a wcek's vaeaton. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Effbinaon, of Yourtg-ibuwn, O., are Ann Arbor vistores, M2ss Emana Keerper will visifc l)eroilt to-nuK'i'ow 0:1 tlbi Y. M. C. A. XCVWSjOTlL Mrs. DuoSter and Uang'hters Bessite .nd Wnx, are horos firoin Toledo for lie Bamnn lm. G. DietertO h.aa taken a poiUon wilii the Midhlgaii PhítBtare Co. Mie. JjonemzO D. Tliomas, of B. Mai;n {.. ; eutfertalnlDg liw1 frlemd Miss Baker, of Detroit. Mts. S. W. Clarkson and children havo returned from a lew day'e etay ,t Wtuttmore L Mrs. A. B. Lthroip oí E. Aan s'-., as g-ono to Kansas to i'omaiin during lio vaoattOB seaaon. Mes. Katiharime MoGormlek of E. Vnn b., luis goe to Isew York state o visit Usr old home. Miss Suf ie Oadw-ell of Adrtan, is ing relative, J. O. Watts and ainily, on E. Lfbertj Elmer Jnc.oln., wibo luis beea iihaë at Siilviei" Iake, ï-eip.arts the sport as Tery esliilero.fciüg. Mrs. B. L. Newman, of E. WilUam t.. is entertaining Mis; Agnes Meeliom oí Battle öreek. Actiiig Presiderit BJajry B. Hutclins, hiíie goiia Ub maar Boston, ■Ia,ss., to" th euinmar. Mr. an'd Mrs. Bagene E. Beal cxect to gio to Detroit to-niorrow to emiailn íor a few clays. Piiof. Jaibez Montgomery and famly, left Monday for Ohiattanooga, Temii., for the vac.atdou. P:hi'l, Hall is fllHog ia atl the Ann Alijar Savmigs Bank, wliile tlue boys are taking t;heir vacation. Miss Lucy IC. Cale is absent in Chicago JOT a time. Bine went) to attend a musical conveation. M. S. Oo-rtetrt, manager of thaWettevn Umton, has toeeu a gioaati o{ Milo 3. during the ■vveek. Mr?. Rradley II. TlLOmpsou and dangMber Etiliel left Mouday foT New ïork, on ttueir way to EuropeJ Alian A. Kent has rentod hls house on S. State st., aud bas remiOTed! back ta has farm near Dundeie.v Mra. Geo-i-ge E. Apiel a.mii ebffidren, and Mis. Henry ApSel, lefb tflï morailng íot Duilu'tia, via Dlie Lake route. Mïss S'usa Whedian Itas gone to "o"TOOod, Mass., to reniflün Jor Uhe year iW&ïli her bro;her "VM1 T. Whedon. Cbarlie BBniteld reoeiïBd a terious ia'l to. the Monroe raoea on Monday oi last week, bat is reoo.-v"erïng slowly. .Mr. and Mrs. W. W. WeftaKOrO receíved a vïsit fraun ttvelf nou W. N. Wetmoe, ol Jomesvfile, over Suiidiay. Mrs. Herman Krapf, o DefbrOi't et., iias been eaitej'tainiiig Mrs. Mary J. Coulson of Munl't'h, during the week. Mm W. W. Waart and Bloter Miss Mabel Beniiam, laait FriUay tor u. stiay oí same we&ks at Graadl BapCds. "Win. Gtoodyea.r's íainS.y are in camp at lortage Lake, and Mr. üoodyear a.nd Ex!. Krapf speoit Sanday wivih tliem. Pvev. Hemy W. Horton ï-ecei'ved! a telegram Sunday in.O-ming ïiin oi ihe sei'Soua illness oí Ilís fatilLer, at FlushLmg, L. I. Prof. E. F. Lo'hr rode ï Aan Artoi- irom South. Beöd, Ind., a-nd is vieïtüng hls piarent on Packard st., for a few days. Caïl Braan kas lei't lus ba aks at tlio Ann Arbor S'avings Bank, ani gone tü Xtagara Falls for a two week'á stay. , Prof. Mts. W. S. Perry, tson Walter and danglitei' Mabel, Jcffc last Friday for Les OtLsaeaux Isaltnds, for th.6 summer. Jota. A. Tice, of the Croodyear Iiug Cü., spends 1x18 vaeation the Bt. Clair Flats. A pnetty giood plaee, by the way. Mits Carrie Seylev wna attended the marrïage of te eoiwiiu Miss Josie Seyler at Deur.Jic last week, !ias ret-urnect nonie. Pnoi;. and Mre. Ira Bediow, of Plyjnautih, ar in the city thO gaeste of Blrs. B's moWier Mrg. Irland' ui . Wasíateoraw ave. Bltiil Oanrisr Chas. Meyea- i liunltíng aPüunid for comfort and a cool place tav a couple of weeks,; oa his armiual vacation. Jcüui Parker aad Wa-rd Howfett are 'gioiilng dow-Q th,6 Huroa river to Lake Erie. They are expected home the ïïrst oí next week. Jas. B. Oook, of t.h.6 8t. James Hotel, is enbertainlng hls son George S. Oook, of GMcago, accompaiaieid by Mrs. Oorok and tbeiir MttiO Bon. Mis. G. ,T.wvti:ins an-d 'iauhtc'-'s Alma aiivl MMda, have ; :i.' bo 5 t.o vïsii Mr. J's p cpents Dor tam days more. , ' I' Pmi. Albert J. Yolla.nd, of Grand RapáSs, te ia city, callel toare by tlie cleatih a! lijs motlier. He wBJ re.miatfn Jar ite week. Dr. J. N. Martín (.'ama ne&r betog overeónos by th.3 heat oiied'ay lat week, but íonuuaU'.iy eacapedl any relióos oonsequDC63. Stepïien W. Bariduam o! S. State eft., retumed Mondlay to Atlas, where lie liio'Ms a posítían as a mille", aí■ter a Tilatt wifcli ü-í ïamily.. Miss Mtamie Brabyn, o FHnt, bx was viisíting tJis Misses Vioia and ana Irtdu Lusby o; . Btítn are., left Sor CleTelani'J. O., ThWíday. Wartï Howlett, knv. '97, kasTeatfd an office at .Tackson, and will eomniience tus pracblce of his profession tnerc wïtlhln a iew veeks. Prof. Frereriti D. Sliermaji lit ?87, Jia9 b&en salecfced to take tí'ie ch'ai'i" cï ip'hycnioliogy i'n tlie state jioi'mal college at 0h,kosli, Wisoottieln. lile. Grcsi'jry E. Diibble, of E. Washington st., is to spend tlie sammer nt Liáia, 3V. Y., wihileMr. Dibble nesumes hís tvaveliing for a IXatroit firm. Rev. Henry Tatilock laaves io-morroiv th,e Atliuitic coast. Just vilisre hE will spenct tlie moatl oí his vacat&on h,e has nat yt decMed. iWCng. E. A. Ratllibcuiis and daugliteír J.asie have reburaied' home ;rom the sonitlli. Tliey are at present at Mrs. F,oirsytlli's oor. of Hill arad' 12 th sts. Prof. Tme'blaod returned from Nöw York Friüay, aii'd bPOrugtLt WlUi him the badge of hil? jiew office of p.residciit, a baau'tjL'al gavel in.iunteJ witla siüver. John H. Hillinaai has secuired a posftían on iba reportoriol utiafí of tli'i Toledio News, aai left tkereíor Mondiay. Everybody wíhíS "Jack" &UCC6SS. Sfirs. J'red A. Howlebfc andi íamily left Friday for tteir sumlaer cottage at CavaiKHig'li. Lake. Fred wül go up Satuiday nigbta atodi stay over Sutíday. Mns. llary Heiidry, aan George ftnd daugfet'er Isabelle, l&ft j'esiterday for Detnoi'C. fnani where th,ey will i?o to Toi'cu'tio, Out., and' Uien on eas for iihe su mine:'. M3-s Jennie M. Miug-ay Oi Besemet', wíhü nías been visi'ting hegr eouisin Miss NelBte Mtng-ay, for tita pas week, leavOs fo-r Detroit tod'ay, enroute for Horanito, Ont. Miases Irene GWbert, Edith Eberbaoh, Luella ifooi and Flossiie Holbr'Ook ajee spending the week at AVhitiddjc Lake, Mrs. Ed. Eberbaclh actIng a9 ehapeffne. Mis. L. Jeans af Ann Arbor spent a few diays at the hame of heil .father1, E. BrJatiOi, rebumedi home du y, accampamited. by lier uistw, Edna - Duiidee Reporter. Tïh,e miem'b&i'B of tilie Ana. Arbor Piiese 01 uíb wierO at ïih.e depoty Thurstiay mioi-ini'og to bid iflieir iellow membe", A. A. Peajrsiüus G-od; speed on his filp to foreign kuidfcs. Prol. M. E. Oooleys oldmb son, Honk, leib Tkursday; inorning for Fai'-port, N. Y., wlhera he wUl remain 'Jor tJie summar Wnh liis grand-parefltB, Mr. and Miia. L. P. M'jri-ey Guaiad Lect-urer Lenrle C. Goodrick Oi tih,e Boyal Arch Miasons, leaves Batuiiday gor Siault Ste. JlarJ. He vrii.1 be u'bsenlb about weeks visiiting the Miasoaio oliapiters1 of tha upper periittiaula. Thei-e are tvo jaoJará attaoh.ed to Ihe yoimg man wtuo oame to the lnome of Wm. Araold Jr.,- or at least Hilero -wouilJa have. been had: the youngster been a boy, but h isn't - 'hefa a giin. Prof. and Mts. Demmoa afbex tiha close of thi6 sammar scbool, wlll go by boat to Duluth., farom there to Yellowstoae Pa.rk, andi theace home via CokH'ncïo Springs -where tji,edr ilaughter MiB. Xi'nd'e 1 i vas. Aslhur A. Terry who jor inaoiy Oars was a proiaiaeiiíb" business man of Aun Arbor, but wha lelt the city a y e; rr or sa ago to liivo wíth, a sister at Clfkoöoa Junction, "WK, la in the city flor a few cBaya gi-eating old firiends. Judge E. D. Kiunio Cp l&ave to-moai-ow for New York wtere he ; to saa hïs üiauglito. w'; is to sail ontthie 21sb jar Baropa, to remaiii one yiar in Germany pursuing stucliws.,. Prom tliere the .Tiulgc Wtll go bo somo of tille Atlaaitíc coast watering places for a few ■weok's rest. Mus. Eer. "W. H. Ryder, ar,, and son Oliarles, are gueste of Mre. Rydi'ei-'s motlier, Mrs. Cbas Tri(pp, of E. Hurón et.., for a úw i'iays l'rom they g'J to tiie north Michigan aummer reaorte. Eev. JiQkn Keumann, i)asbor of tho BetUehem Lutflieran ohurch, oxpeets ta( go to St. Louis, Jío., 011 tlis 20t'i is a detetgatie fiioan tjne Youmg People's C. B. Bocatehy of JiiB ch.uirch', to l urn al ('.■aforence to ba held vhmie.


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