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The New Alumni Ass'n

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It was generally known that at the last. coanmencemeat of the University cl Michigan, tliat all the varióme alumni assoeiations baruled theinselves togetlier t be kuown as the 'Alumni Associution of tihe University of Michigan." A complete eet of By-Lavs were adopted, o-ïficers eïected) a.nd several i mpoTtant things aceomplisbed. The officera chosen ■we re : , Pres.- HiO'n. Levi L. BBrbour. Tice Pies.- Pro;. E. Fitiley Johnson. Recorder- Prof L. P. Jocelyn. Treas.- Prof. Fred C. Newcombe. Board of Dlrectors- Hon. Levi Ij. BarbO'iir, f ive years ; L. P. .Tocelyn, ;o-ur years ; Prof. E. Fiinley Jothn&O'ii, fh.ree years ; Dr. Cari F. HuJber, taro years ; Proi. Fred C. Newcombe, oiie j-ear. The provisioius of the By-Lnws are similar tr tiliose of otilé" societies of the kind. The general eecret&ry eball leeeive compensiattom and has moiig his dufcies the keepiug of au alphabetical list of all aluanni, tov gether witfo brief biog-raphical notes pertal'üing to the Bame, and tot act as necrologist, remdering an annual Tepoit as sucli ; to cJit all publieations o{ Vhe association. ; act as a general agent oi t)he associaticm. etc. All iu'iids of the associatiwii are. to be ïec-eived by its ireasurer wtio shall at once tiwn tliein over to the treasu'rei- o; tlie University. The mem'bèrg.hlp to comslst oí nll pc:s ons wbo have reeeived a degree, o? "vllio have been recommended i'or a degree fnom tihe U. on" il. Thijse -wJio have atteaded the lnier.sity one year or more, bat -vlho oever gradtiiated, may become associate meuibers. PW. J. 0. Ivnoiwltuu offered -the [üUawlng resoluition, whioh was adiujted iinanimiyusly : ResolTed, Th tt the T.' of the Society of Alumni ol üke Univer.sity o'i Mi-iiiiia be and ii lieveby directed t o turn over ia th;; Regenta of tlie Uiiiversity o1] Michigan the WilItams I': s r.-iiip FujDd, irucludlng all m aeya and secarifcies, property, real and peraoioal, ïii trut io.r the uses and parpases Jar whith s.aid fivrais were daaatsd, And hs President, Seoretary and Treasurer are authoiized feo sign, in the uame of the society, sucii papers as may be necessary flor such purpose. Ih&u Pro;.. Spalding offered tliis, which wea alao adoptad : Wlhereas, In Jime, 1874, the Society oj Alumni of the Umiversity oí JlictLigiaji pnoceeded to raise a fund ■vhich has since been kmo-wn as the 'Williams Proies&o'rs'h.ip Fumd " the Ühe income of which w,as enjoyed by Prof. Geo. p. Williams nmtil hls death ; and Whereas, In Ma'reh, 1887, the Board of Rogeiits, in compliance with ie request of the Society of the Alumni, took formal actiojn establisfatag in the Department or Literature, Science and the Arta of Universïty a prore.ssorsiaip to be knwvn ... as the Wi'lliiams Froressortliip, the iiicurnent of which professorship is to be appointed by the Regents upon nomination of the Society of Alumni, or ita Board of Directorsand ' Whereas, In the opinión of this ody, representing niu.ny su.bscribers o the aforesaid fand, it is higiily desiirable thal the income irom "this ource Should, without further deay: be deroted to the use for -which t was origlmally; inteoded ; ifcareorp. Resolved, That we do heretiy ate Joscpli B. Steere, Ph. I., an lumimis o f the Untversity of Miohian, to be appoínted Williams Professor of Bthmology, in accordance wrth the action of the alammi and and thio Board of ïteg-ents as aforesaid, and we direct tfae President and Kei-retBry of Vhis presmut BiOard of Directora of this Society to iaiorm the Board of Reg-erets of this action and request t'h,em to appoint Dr. Steere to the AVilliams Pro'fessorship, ■witl such duties as the Bnard of BeEents may prescribe, for a period of Uree years, from Oct. lst, 1897 to Oct. lst 1900. There tv-as olne neattve vote only ia adwptiag th,e above. Gecrge. L. Maris, '67, moved that a coimmitotee of five be appointed to raise funds foir a memorial tablet to 1)0 put at the heiad 013 the grave 10Í th late Pnaf. Hemry fi. Frieze. The cluair appointed Geo. L. Maris, 67; J. Q. A. Sessiaas, '56 ; L. P. Jocelyn', '87 ; I. Giles Lewis, '68, and Prof. J. C. Knowlton, '75, to act as such committee. The Treasurer of the TTnivereity was made custodian of the funid.


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