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James "W. Eobisoa has gone to Island Xiake to prepare íor the annua] state enoampment of M. N. Grite M. O. E. R. will run au excursión train to Detroit to-morrow, fare far tlie round trip will be but 80 cents. Trthelp wh'O pute tacks oa a íbicycle path. is 01 a par witih. the 'dog tkat bites a little child- both tare dangeroius brutea. Tlití assertion the edibOir of tlio Denvocrat is Aun .irbor's 8th Ward, is a vile slander. Chas, is A. Ward ; tfhat is lst- or jiotting. Tho üniversity of Chicago has an ovganizer at w-oirk in this state lor T-'iiiversity Extensiou work, and the latest club o'.'ganized is at Plymouth. Chicago bas passed an ordtnance taxing bicycles $1 eacli per year. A. Ti. Davies was elected president of thfi American College Eepublican League ia session at Detroit last -sveek. A wise Belectioin. Thc property on, the southeast corner of N. Inigalls and E. Ann sts., kas ■been purch,ased by W. B.. Phillips, thraugh the Bach & Butler agency. Th.e fO'"ty-ninth Annual Fair of Wash.tnaw Oounty Agricultural a,nd Hoi'ticultunal Society ■will be h.eld nt Aun Arbor Sept. 28, 29, 30 and Oct. 1, 1897. Wh.en asked whiy they lo-cated theür ■tent at t'he comer off Tiiayer and E. Ann sts., a Salvationist replied : "to study Art." Now t'ke question is hich. one ? The supïeme eaurt judges must be addicted tw tlie wheel themselves, for füiey recently decided fchat cyelists oould ride on a plant rodd -vitJiout paying toll. woflfc of remtunJberlng the resideiices ia Ann Arbor." will cotnmence thlfl week. There are about 3,000 buildings t3' numlber, averaging ilirec iigures to a building The casta oí tlie Arch ei Ti-ojatn at Beneven, Italy, presented t the TT. of M. by the class of '06, have arrived but there is aa ro'oan largo e'hio'iigh tw put them in. Ï5ere will be a Homo Alissionary meeting in tlhe parlo r of the Presbyterian c'hurch on next Friday at 3 p. m. "Kesults of the Past 'Yenr's Work," wUl be the subject . Tht contracto1 h,as co-mpleted his part off tlie wark 0.11 the bicycle path t AVMtnwe Lake, but about $100 mine-e is neeüed to complete t;he track with a coat of fine gravel. A lady leffc her pocket book witih 90 cénits in it, o a the desk at the Pj O. "WJien. she carne back sho found her pockettoook still there but the 90 cents bad found another pocket. Miss Martha I. Taylotr, who has been abraad ior BO-me months, wlll reatíh home Sept. lst. She has accepted ttoe chair of Germán in Itüjie Higi School at Haute, Ind. Bogs are propertjy, they say. Yes, fitad in some places skunks are, alss, ut they have to be kept in. a manoer thiat will mot interfere with the ootm.JoTt, not to say eafety, of other peiople. It ia a pleasure to note the iact tJiat St. Thomas Church Society made a clean $500 out of the 4t'h of July picnic at Whitmioire Lake. That is ■u. Hfetle suni and it g03s.wb.-ere it is needed. Dr. Pearson, of Detroit gt., receiv. ed a oablagram yesterday, atmounctng tihe safe arrival of Msi son A. A. Pear&EXn, at Liverpool, Etig., after a pleasaiit vo-yage acnoss the Atlantic. This week he spends ia Inndoii. Thxi regular meetinig ou' the W. C. T. U. to be held Tliursday at 3 p. m., in the Y. W. O. A. rooms, will be ome oí particular interest, líiss Ann liii'ha.rds, oí the Y's, will talk upoai tttó Y. woTk. Yon are cordially invited to1 attend. If any one knows of a' stoarrow Pioiso,ner, or anr one else killing any -of our eaag birds, J. J. Goodyear, president of tlie Society, will Ibe glad to have -Mie evidence giveo liiin and he will prosee ate the offender to tlhe full extent of the law. It is said that when a cucumber Is taken, fnom the vine let it be cut with a knife, leaying alDrO'ut an eighth inch of the cucumber on, tihe Btem ; then slit the stem with a knife, learing a small portion of the cucumber on cach división, and om each separate slip tfoere will gnoiw a cucuimlber the sizu oí the flrsb ome. Try it. SaraTi A., wife of the late GeOTge W. Palmer, died last Thursday nigbt at her home of N. Maim. st., aged 57 years 8 möinths. Funeral was held Sunday from the residence, and interment in the Northside cemetery. She was a lady who had lived a quiet domestic lite, and wIm was beloved by neighiboTs and friends. I met a niaid on the cycle palh. One eye was a heavenly blue, While one in tlie mo.-t unmaldenly wink Was elosed as il' witli glue, I Ihouehtat liist Bhe meaut to flirt, TT 11 ti 1 I lieard her cry, "Oh, t'ao, come here as quicb as yon can, l've got a bujj Ín jny ey. : Events cluster. Hiena linve beeu twelve rimaways in tile city within ten days. E. H. Tliiorapso.ii., luw '9G, is mayor of Heplei-, Kas., and ia only 22 years oí aí?e. Go west, young man'. Frank E. Joños bas reatea the house at 45 S. División et., and wül remove to thiis city from Sáline, permaaently. Mi-. Jomes is the kind oí poaple Aran ArbOr is glad to secure. So me li'fctle excitement has been aroused by frieiwls oí Wie (family because of the disapperamce of Miss Isabelle Leiitwerri, a young Jady f 23, -n-iho leít lier houne Giaturday. It seems that she wen fco a farmer's house mot 8ar out and remained there unitil disoovered by friends. Quite a. numiber of Aran Arbor's sports went do'wn to Ypsilanti last TTiTiirgday evening to view the Oor"bett-FitzsimmiOns igbt, as poirtrayed ty t'he verioscope. The show was" said to be quite uosatisíactory except t'he last round. A portion of the plctures had beea destroyed by the explosio'n oí a lamp. Give the horses as m'uch rest as pOBsible tihese busy, hot days ; water ttoein regularly aad avoid cverlieatinig. If their sho'ulders become sore, they BhO'uld be cleansed and t:tjated immediately. Even in tihese 'busy d'ays it is a saving oí time to give fbe hoeses extra good care. líany oí ooit subscribers going out pf tO'wn for the suimxner order their OouTier sant to their nummer .-iddress. It is very coiLvenient to ha,ve at your summer quarters, for it tells you all tlhat is goirug on, and keeps, you. in toueih with your home and your neigflibors, while you are away enloyinig the vacatron. A day ar two Bince t'he wiie of C. T. Lujtz of the N". Main et. market stepped intw a near by tjrocery to gct her can íilled with kerosene. Instead oí kerosene, gasoline was put in the can, and the mistake caine near causiing their little daughter and also Mrs. Lutz to lose theiir lives. Thiose who deal ia tiiese iluids canno't be too careful. T!hc man w.ho (joes atoout the couíqt:y poiso-ning epaiTows should be made to desist inoni that work untll tdlfi time of year when out native song birds are away. II his i)Oison 'will be eaten by Bparpows, it will be eaten by oüher birds, and for e very ■other bird killed is a line of $5. For one, the Courier would like to see tiliat fine imposed. It is a good law and oughb to be eafocced. M:. Walter Doiuiís.j:i oí tlüa city, who hias been studying abroad [01 he last thiree years, ia Germany and Italy, has been app liuted an instructor oí líSLtln in tae University o{ Mic-hisan for 1897-98. He will sail Jor homo leaving Soiuthampton Aug. 14. T'he Sentiuel hea,rtily cangratulates li'i'. Deiinison whoea persever-, aliee ia study has heretofore gained him coveted schiolarships abroad.- ïpsila,nti Sentinel. Farmers out om the gravel raad eomplaiu oifi the umgentlemanly condecí of many wheelmen whoi pass tnat ivay. The L. A. NV. should makc a business of "setting rtolwn" on tlnoise o-wners of wheels who miake use oL the highway t make life a boirden to residents aloing the way. A few iMirbn-aineï freaks wnho can only make tihemselves coaispicuous by ttu-iv cussedmess caa easily briing eve17 pae whiO rtdes a wheel int disfavor.- Daily Times. At at ut 2 opdoek Saturday, rnomnIng n?ig'h,bo :'s dlscovered the back ïence om the line between the hO'use in wihich Mr. C. B. Davisou: lives, (next nuitli oí the Oou.rter Office) amd' the ■residence ai Wm. A. Clark, oa firc, and aroused the foniner gentleman, wiui' sana ceremomy aud O'uter garments, ïesolved lümself into a tire oonipany and by tilie aid o Jiis g'ardea hiose, put out the comflagriation. It hu4 buraed O';f one of the "posts and tlhc under rail ílr a distance of ncc:ü1 ieet and was rapidly making lk" tllitó ba,ros and out buildings in Wie vieinity. The ü"e Wafl caused by spontaneous combustión in a teap of munure ttoowni out of Mr. Clark's stablo. 1


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Ann Arbor Courier