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The Dago Digging In The Street

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reea time crtrej, tv on lggiiig feet. ITe's workUL' Gy the bour, yon knovv. And that's AViiat makes Ule cifio slow. Thoi-e iK,t i ba a gramil reunicm of Modera Woodmen at Eagle Point, Clarkeom Iike, Jacksoii eoainty, on Aug. 20. It is expectod tliat there Avil! bo 20,000 oí tlK bvethren therc. Was Ui!' dog mazzling proclamatioii merely ,-t bluff ? l"'ii-ii(lH i; M138 ()i,:-r; Bell, of tliis city, will be 3mewhat 6urp.rlsed to learoi o; her marrlage whlch to.ok placo at her's home ou H. JMvlslon et. Moaixlay aiternoon, Dr. Bertrajji T. 8 te veos, ; Miiwieapolis, Miian., being the fo'tunate groom. Rev. Dr. McElnoy, of the M. E. churcli, peiiormiea the cereinony. The bride ís orne oí Ann Arlwr's clioicest young la.dies. The seven day'w sensation eaded Saturday afiteraoon by tha witihdrawal oí all the papers ku tihe BroganCousine divo'ice euit. The parties Ho tttie case gert together, ettled all, and are now living togetiier as man and wiCe, and the public wiH liereaítyr kirow Mrs. Oo'usins no mio're. It will be ilre. Broman hereafter And may the pathways oí tlheir lire ia the future be paths of peace. The agreemeirt wliich was lnade by tioe city with the Ana Árbol R'y, ■soino tihiree or four yea,rs ago, whentihat corpora tion desired the privilege oí mraiing a spuir track cm First Bt., does nöt seem to have been made, except verlbally. The railroad was to build a sidowalk oüi Ühi3 cast side of tlkat st-reet f:1 the privilege, but there Is niü reoord to show fchiat. they ever agreed to do anytiunig. This would indicats tliat railvouds are better business men than clties. The Ano. Ai'bOT Argus dissents from the mayo1:' pi-oclamation that all umuuzzled dogs be stoot. It sees no gio;od in nMizzling aiiy except cross dogs. The Argas is la the right. It is brutal to tie up a dog's jaws in hot weat'her, wlien lie has all he .can do ta keep himself in "pants." Besides, it ia now gemenally. conceded by scien'tiiic peoijle, tihiat a dog which is given all the water he requires is in 10 danige i1 whatever, of rabies, unless j bitten by a rabid animal. Since Jira of too Arum Albor fire deparfcment, lied, we oppose the mayar's muzzlOg order, with its bloody alternative. - Adrián Press. Tli-is is a, bicycle age, you know, and we neust "get onta" tlie language. Here are a few expressions : "Yciur tire is punctured" indioates tliat tlie story you are telling laeks tlie probable element M truth. Kec-kless statements are called "ocasting." A very ancient yarn la not a "cliestnut" but a "eentaty.'" A youiia coiuple Ba.artng a mutual foiMlness are "riding a tandem." A man leadiny a fast life Is " tjo hisjh." Aa old fogy is ïeferred tj as "a waeel." A ukaponone is kmown as a "pace-mak-' ef." A chea-p bicycle is called "a gas pipe machine." Register of Deeds Öoiok eays lie has sornettliing of an idea oí a Turkisto batía. He was on lus wheel, abomt toali way to Arbar iromi his ■ in Ypsilnnti, this moirning whea it ooimmenced to rain. Having seen it thireaten rain so mueh lately and peter out, he was iletermined not to be blufíed, so he kept on- and so did tíhe rain. When he gat zo Ann he was tboronglily soaked, there tuot being a dry tliread om him. Bu he mianaged toi oibtatn a ehange of raimen, and says he feit better 'if o " the bath. He reporta that the rain in the city was nothing cojnpared to wtoat they Jiad otut in the countoy. Natlhan H. Pierce, whose home was aa t!he Northside, in this city, for niamy years, died at Walkerville, near Windsor, Monday. He was found in a freijgiht oar, in an uneoncious eo-nditioD, from ha.ving taken moav pilikic with euicid'al intent. A slip of paper found on his person told who tiö was. His bmother Edward H. Pierce went to Windsor Tuesday and biciug-M the remains home for burial. The decensed was well known, tiaving been born and b;ioug'ht up on the NarttLside. His fatiher was one of :best officers the couurty ever had, and h,is mother, Jlrs. D-r. T. H. Pierce, was a woman of more than ordinary ability.


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