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The Delegation Of Gold Miners From

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Klondyke returned to eiviiizaüon nnder H good stage manager. Japan's latest reply on the subject of Hawaii is said to be "quite stiff." It is an effective way to hurry up annexation. Tbose are great gold stories tluit come 'inn Alaska, but people generally are resigned to an overproduction of tlieyellow metal. Secretary Sherman's sealing letter to land might havo been more suave in juage, but the facts as he states theni stil! Btand. A train in New York recently ran 148 jiiles in 187 minutes. ïhis means for une thing tbat the grade crossing ought to go. Brooklyn estimates from anew directjrv tliat its populnliüii is 1,350,000. It is the largest city that has evergiven up identity. A pessimist is aman wbocstnnot keep step witli American progress, and he is speedily invited to go off into a corner to do his grumbling. The republicana have been in power tsonths, and can already claim tliat Shey are giving the country a business n's adininistration. Oiir exporta ofsilverlast yearainount! $61, 946,638, and it may safely be iied tliat the business was conducted at a profit to producers. Annie Bemant says socialism w i il not work until theosophy has eradicated gelfishness. 3Ir. Bryan should h asten tu add a theosophical party to his colnii. iryland's wheat ctoj) is 4,000,000 u Is larjjer than last year and the price is tnucli higher. Prosperity items growing as pleutiful as blackberries. a uheap bakiug powder is being sold Aiuch Hip state purefood commissioner ■ iiily coststhe retailer about three and one-half cents a pouDd. Don't buy :t. rhequestion arises whetber, England A-ilI ftllow American gold minera on the Yukon the same privileges it demanda ior England gold miners in the Boer relie. The millionaire wlio committed suicide beca use bis estranged wife propoaed to eoine back is not understood to have solved the oíd problem, "How to be liappy, though married." The discovery of a large lake of petroleum iu Alaska comes along with a greatly increased excitement about gold deposite iu the territory. Not many Americans are sorry that ve annexed Alaska. The Czar threatens to marcli au army crossthe Turkish boundary unless the Sultan stops quibbling about terms of ■ with Greece. Once in motion the -ian troops wolild be apt to make a fiontier the Tuiks wil! not admire. If any of our democratie or populist frieuds think Senator Mark Hanna sleeps iu the White House or èlsewhere they will find themselves in error. He isn'tasleep. A good many republican editora have signified their williogness to slip from printing offices into postoffices. Sucl devotion to public interests is commendable.- Pinckney Dispatch. A conference of meu and women interested in the great social, hygienic and philanthropic pertaiuing to the welfare of human society will be held at Battle Creek, Micb., on October 12 to 17. It has been decided to hold a state fair this year after all. It will be at Grand Rapids, Sept. 6 to 11, on the grouuds of the West Michigan society. The premium list will be the same as last year and there is to be a big list of special attractions. The Hou. Torn Watson, late twin tail to the demo-pop kite,' keeps in the middle of the road, but he also keeps up a lively shouting to the folks who are on the side. He is not content to let them travel where they want to. The fellows who did not succeed at the Klondyke gold flelds were not heard from. They must have renaained up there. The few succeed. The many fail. lt is so in everything. Nature does not endow the many with superior sense and pluck. Gen. George Spaldiug, M. C. fronfjjthis district has been placed by Speaker Reed on the Coinmittee of Banking and Currency and second on Militia. Iovva seems to have been fortunate for thfi west in chairmanship, having secured five, and Illinois the same, while New York gets ten, the most of any state. Michigan gets one little one, J. B. Coriss of the first district being the man. The farmers in Nebraska and Kansas are prosperous. They must be prosperous for during the past year they have paid off $38,000,000 of mortgages agains t their farms;, and the eastern capitalista are having tlieir money returned to them with no new investments in sigfat. It is estimated that the farmers in those wo states have reduced the mortgages on their property over one-half in two years ! Think of tliat, ye bowlers ! The spirit of the old '49'ers who colonized California, appears to be exceedingly rainpant in the land vet, and needed only the rumor of the great gold flnds in the Klondike river regions of Alaska, to kindie it iuto flanie. But those who go to Alaska will find it a different country froin balmy California. It will be difficult to raise anything to sustain the people wlio go there, and the frigid winters will be long and dreary. The country will lapse agaih into its desolate condition when this craze is over. Iu last j'ear's cainpaign the argument of the silver meu was that as silver went down in value wheat and all other products were dragged down correspondingly. The results of a year have hit that argument pretty hard, for silver a year ago in bars was C9,lL cents an ounce, while it has since fallen to lesí than 59 cents per ounce. One year ago wheat was 633 cents a bushei in New York, while last week it sold for 86% cents. Silver has fallen 10 cents an ounce andjwheat bas raised 23 cents. The silver in a silver dollar is now worth only 45.63 cents. This goes to show the fallacy of the cheap money arguineuts.


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