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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majaríty oí eufferers from Ajsthmía iand kimdred oomplaints, after txytag doctors and nuimíberless remedie advertiised as positivo cures without avail, liavO eome to t)he conclusión bbiat tihere is mo cure for thds most dlstressmg, and tbese same persons will be the more iaa doubt and ekeptícal when tlhey learn througb tiie columns oí tahe presa tliat Dr. Rudolph 6c3i'iifímianii, the recognlzed apthiarity wiho has treated more case of ttieso diiseases tíhain any living doctor, has aöhLeved success by perfecte Ing a remedy whácih not only gives lmmediiate relief in the worst -eases, but toas pasiifcively cured thousands oí buIfea-ers who were consádered incurable. These vere Jast as skeptical as some of our readers now are. Dr. Schillmaan's remedy na dioubtpossesses th merit whitoh is claimed íor lt or h ■vvo-uld njot authiorize tliis paper to anmoiince that !he is 11,0 1 only willing to gire free tO eacli person sufferlmj f rom As blima, Hay Fe ver of Brondhd'tlB in tihis city, one liberal "fre trial box" oí hjts Cure, but. urgently réquests all sufferers to cali at Goodyear's Drug Store, Ann Arbor, witlhía t,he next three diays and receivo a package absolutely free of charge, knowmg tbat in making the claim he dioes for hia Cure, a streng doubt may arfee iu 'Míe mlnds of inany, and tliat a personal test, as he offers to all, will be more coinvtacrngf, and prove lta meri'ts, thian the publlshlng of thousands of testlmoninls from peraoos who have been permaTiently cured by the use of hiis Asthma Curo. "Dr. SeMffmamn's Asthma Cure," as tfc le ealled, has been sold by drugglst of this city everaince It was Hrst lntroduced. although many persons may never have heard of lt, and it Ís witb a view to reneliinar the" that he makes th!s offeT. Thts is certjainly a moft generoiM and faif offer, and fill who are eufferitog frcwn amy of the nbove complninbs fihould rememlíer the date and place wliere the dtetrilbutlon will be made, and avall themselves o f the same. Persons living out or tihis city who deeire to test the effScacy of thte most wonderfnl remedy will receive a package free by wrtting Dr. Bchiffmann, 330 Bosabel street, St. Paul, M!nn., proviidimg their letter Is recelved before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can be obtafried after that date. LESS ÏUIN ONE CENT EAGH 1 RARE GHAÑGE K! ÏS51S51V"' 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement just made wlth The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save some money for cvery reader who takes advantage of this opportunity. We undertake to furnish THE Hl MR CüURIER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR íor $1.5O. The WtH-Wwk Free Press Is the Best Possiljlc Substituto for a Dnily Paper. i'iililislicil onjlue sday and Kririnr KomlDga ia time to catcli tlie Early 1 rnins. All the Latrst New p to tiie time of golng to prf ss. Complete Market Kcports In eaoh isssu. All who cannot get a Daily ehould Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Presa Is offering Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscribers, and you can easlly save the cost of both papers by taking advantage of THE MANY RARGAINS OFFERED. WRITE THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No üther Way Can Tou (et As Hack For S Little Honey. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to asslst the thousands of unemployed men in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, has eslablished a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnish men to farmers and others in all parts of the country without expense to elther. Employers applylng ehould state deflnitely as to the kind of work, waues to be paid, and lf rallway fare will be advanced. Addrees, Labor Bureau, Workingmen's Home, 42 Custom House Place, Tel. Harrison 213. Chicago, 111 SALT Barrel Salt at WholesBle and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN & CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STUUKT1. 52-3ml7


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