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ffliCHiGAN Central " The Niaaai'a Falís Route." TIME TABLK IN EFFECT JULY i, IK' 7. CENTBAL STANDAWD TIME Á é ■ s ; Á is : : 6. t id 5 -ÍS?!? JSSS es :???S3?;S8 g ás ; Eg SS ; : : : : ES a H ad :::::,! 1 S'JïïSSSS ;sS3 E8 S .8 : : :3i?8 ►j sa eL h Ls s w J o. w d 88888S5838S1S S !.S?8i.SÏS;=-?;SSS 3 fl ; ; ; jas h sa j ; ; ; j s : ro : : : : w 83 ; : :g g fg SS :f :g j : :S?S pt '"' w - fr a a'S jij IIJSS S3 i i i : i i i S J da : : : '■ '■ 'c. H d7Í :::::: i 3 ai gsii I : :is : : -'3 i SS ::::;: :3L = j jiitn ï ï ;i"- i"J--a SS : : : : :SS 9 SS : : j ; j S g ad : : i : :d . !;■ ; SS8 i i iS ÍS i SS 2 a : i 8KS a " H_ s e ss . a's ::::::::: ;; :::::::;: i i i i ! i i i ifct t. ; i i i Mí H 11 Í í i Q::::::::::: w Q :::::::::; S ! ; ! M H MI M % 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! I - j 1 ijiillij iiijiüi O. W. RUGGLES, H.' W. HAYES, G. P & T. Agt., Cñicago Agt. Aun Árbol ftllll ARBQR AND YPSILANTl MOTOR LINE. TIME TAELE Taking Effect May Utli 1897. WEEK DAYS. I.eavc the Conrt House Ann Arbor.nt 6:35, 7:45,9:00, 10:20, 11:50 a. m., and 1:20, 3:00, 4:20, 5:40,7:10, 8:30, 9:50 aml 11 :00 p m. Leaye Ypsllanti 6:00, 7:10, 8:20, 9:40, 11:10 n. m., and 12:40, 2:20, 3:40,5:00, 6:30, 7:50, 9:10, and 10:20p. m. 8ÜNDAT8. Leave the Court House Ann Arbor, at 9:40, 11:20 a. m., and 12:50, 2:ÜO, 3:50, 5:10, 6:30, 7:50, 9:10 and 10:30. Leave Ypsilanti 9 :0fl. 10:40 a. ra.and 12:10,1 :50 S :10 , 4 :S0, 5 :50, 7: 10, 8 :30 and 9:50. Cars run on city time. Connections with L. S. & M. S. Ry. trains ai the crossing. Train leaving Ypsilanti at 5 p m. connects wlth train from the west, fare li cents. Fare between Ypsilanti and thejunct' od, single trip 15 cents ; round trip 30 cents H. M. Winttr, President, J. E. BEAL. Secretiiry. Cinciwiati, Jackson k Mackinaw Ry. Time Table in effect Dec. 27, 1896. Of Trains Passing Jackson, Mich. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BOUND. +No. 1, Jackson & Cincinnatl Mail 10:30 a. m. +No. 23, Jackson & Toledo Express- ,4:12 p.m No. 5, Jackson & Cin. Express ll;00p. ni. NORTH BOÜND. No. 2,Cinclnnati & Jackson Mail 5:48 p.m. tNo. 22, Toledo & Jackson Express- 10:10 a.m. No. 6, Cin. & Jackson Express 5:55 a xa. .Daily. + Daily Except Sunday. F. B. Drake, General Manager. T. C. M. Schindlek. G. P. A. Toledo. O. Railrod. c'íJ ÉK Howard Cf_ J-"" :ÖAY CITY ■ Whg 3C7MaAO't'AW thBend 7J?tO"lEdoWí ut, Ft.w.yl,o; ?SZ5r,! TIME TABLE. TAKINQ EFFECT Sunday, May 23, 1897. NORTH. SOUTH. 8 :48 A.. M. t7 :80 A. m. 12 ;15 P. M. 11 :25 A. M. 4:50 P. M. 8:40 P. M. f9:10 A. M 8:03 p. M. rTralns marked thus run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Rim betweeu Tolgdo and Howell. Thls traln on Sunday only. All other trains duily e.xoept Sunday. Traína leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. W. H. Bknnett, G. P. A. E. 8. Qilmokr, Agt. SyoüHöi ninAÏSCHIFFiVJANN'SAsthmaCure m Never faíls to gi?e instant relief in the worst ■ casoa, anJ effeotc cures wlicre otfien t'-.ll. E Trial PadUfe FREË of Üruists or :y Huil. ddrwB DR, R, SCHIFFMANN, St. Panlt Mlni Wanted-An Idea e$ ■■UIIIQU Hll IUUU thing to patent? Protect your ideas: they may brlng you wealtïx Wrlte JOHN WEDDEUBURN & CO., Patent Attor neyt Washington, D. Cfor thelr $1,800 priie ollei and l!st of two bundred luventlons wauted,


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