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Oíd People. Oíd people who require medicine to regúlate the bowels and kidneys will flnd the true remedy Ín Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stirnulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, btit acts as a tonic and alterativo. It acts mlldly on tilO stomach and bowels,, adding strength and glving tone to the organs, thereby alding Nature In the performance oí the íunctions. Electric Bitters Ís an excellent appetlzer and alds digestión. Oíd people find It just exactly what they need. Price filty cents per bottle at The Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's drug store and Geo. J. Heaussler, Manchester. A Popular Wedding Trip Is to take a D. & C. Steamer to Mark inac Mand. If yon want a delightful wedding trip where you are not likely to meet aequaintances, take one of the new D. & C. steel steamers to the island of cool breezes. Síate rooms and parlor reserved 30 days in advance. Send 2 cents for illnstrated pampblet. Address A. A. Schantz, G. A. P., Detroit, Mich Good Reading Cheap - We wlll send both the Courier for one year and each oue of the followlng magazines for oue ;:■. for the prlces given : Oourier and ínter Ocean - - 1.33 Oourier and Leslies' Weekly - 3.00 Courier and Mich. Farmer $1.75 Courier and Cosmopolitan - 1.84 Courier and Harper'8 Montnly - -i.50 Courier and Twtce-a-week Free Press - ... 1.50 Courier and N. Y. Tribune - 1.25 Ann Arbor Railway Connections - Since adopting its new train Bchedule, the 'Ann Arboir RaÜroadJ makes 1 mm edítate oonniectiOM witíL other lines on lts mornmg traías for llonfloe, Pomtiac, Grand1 BapWs, lonia, Manistoe and Traverse City ; on its aftemnao-n tnaina for Pontdac, LansinK, G-rand Rapids, Ianla, Saginaw, Bay City amd Fltot. Th,e rnoming tnalns make gooid' comnections ïor Ad'üan, Hiilsdale, Manchjester, Muskegaa, Pe"tokey, -Bay View and Mackinaw City. Soutto boumd tirains make caunections wtth all lines out of Toledo. The boats orossing Lake Micliigan con neet wltih north bound train tihromgh Ana Arbor at 8:43 a. m. foir all western and northwestern poiinte. Five hundred mile books on sal for $10 ; 1,000 mlle lamily books good for 2 years, ior $20. E. B. GIL.M0RE, Agt. WUiat is the comdition of our streete, to-day ? Muddy ? Or dusty ? "" rm I ■ I ■ UiO The American Protective Tariff League is a national organization advocating " Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explained by its constitution, as follows : 'The otyect of this League halt be to proteot American labop by a tariff on imports, which Bhall tdequately secure American industrial product tgainst the oompetition of fcreign labor." There are no personal or privat profits in connection with the organization and itissustained by membershipt, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FIRST: Correopondonce is solicitad regardinf ' Member8hip " and " Official CorreapondantB." 8ECO N D: We need and wilcome óontributiont, whether small or large, to our cause. THIRD: We publish a large line of documento oovering all phases of thtf'Tariff question. Complete set will be mailed to any addreee for 50 cent ïFOURTH: 8end postal oard requeBt for fr sample copy of the " Amerioan EoonomitV " Addrest Wilbur F. Wakeman, QenersJ Seontary183 Watt 23d Strut, New York 'can cure asthma and hay FüVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Pr ove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majarflty oí euíferers from Astenia and kimdred oomplaints, aíter trying doctors and numTerless remediei advertised as pioeitive curea wltinout aTall, ittave oome to the conclusión thiat tihere is no cure for tliis most i diisbressimg disease, and these same persons wül be the more in doubt and ekeptgcal when tlhey learn through the columns oí bhe press tkat Jr. Eu(lolph ScMifmanii, the recogalzed apthicH-ity who has treated more case o! disoases tlhan any living doctor, has aohieved success by períecting a remedy whiüh not oiúy glvos lmmediiate relief in the worst cases, but has posiitlvely cwred uhousands of eufferers who were co,m,srjdered incurable. These Svere Juist as skeptical as some of out readers now are. Dr. Schülmaan'ü remedy uo doubt possesses the merit whdteh is claimed ior lt or h would njot authorize this paper to anmoimce that ihe is n,ot only wlUing bo gi-ve free t,o each person sufferlng irom Astihm-a, Hay 'Fe'ver of Bronohitis in tíhis city, o-ne liberal "fre trial box" of hte Cure1, but urgentily re'questè all sufferers to cali at Goodyear's Drug Store. Aan Arbor, witihln tii,e next three days and receive package absolutely free of charge, kmowing thiat iïi making the claim he dloes for hls Cure, a strang doubt may arise tn the minds oí many, and tbat a personal test, as he offers to all, wlU be moire comvinclng, and prxyve lts merits, than the puWlshing of thousands of testimoniáis from peraoiDS wh'O hare been perninnently cnred by the use of hiis Asthma Cure. "Dr. ScMiffmaan's Asthma Cure," a lt te called, has been sold by dmggist of this oifty ever s tace lt was flrst íntroduoed, although many persons may never have heard of lt, and lt is wlth a view to reaetotag thee that he makes th!s offer. This Is certainly a most geoerons and fair offer, and all w5io are BufferJng fram any of the above oomplaints Shonld remember tfhe date and place wTiere the dltirübutlon will be made, ajid avall themselves of the same. Persons living out of this city who desire to test the effBcacy of thte most wooderful remedy w!ll recelve a package free by wrttimg to Dr. Behiffmiuin, 330 Rosabel street, St. Paul, Minn., prorlidling thetr letter is reeelved before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can be obtatned aft-er that date. LESS THAN ONE CENT E1CI! 4 RARE GN1NGE Síg ÍS5VS""" 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement jnst made witli ïhe Detroit Free Press makes it posslble for us to save some money for every reader who takes advan tae of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE Hl ARBOR COURIEfl AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for $1.5O. h Twice-a-Week Free Press IsthoBcst Possilile Substitute for a Dnily Paper. i'iihlislied on Tupsilay and Fridav Jlornlngs in time to catcli the Early Trains. All the Latest News up to the Urne of going to press. Complete Jlarket Rcports in each Isssue. All who cannot get a Daily sliould Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press Is offertng Premium at Special Low Rates to SuDscribers, and you can easlly save the cost of both papers by taking advantage of THE MANY KAKGAIXS OFFEBED. WRIÏE THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way (an Tob (Jet As Much For S Little Honey. SUBSCRIBE NOW. 00 NOT DELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to assist the thousands of unempioyed men in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home. at 42 uustom House Place, has established a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnish men to farmers and others in all parta of the country without expense to either. Employers applylnu should state definiteiy as to the kind of work, wases to be paid, and if railway fare will be advaneed. Address, Laboe Bureau, Wobkingmen's Home, _, 42 Custom House Place, Tel. Harrison 243. Chicago, 111. ___ Barrel Salt at Wholesele and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEANáTcO., 44 SOI'TH MAIN STEKET, 52-3inl7


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