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Odds And Ends In Fashions

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MÊÊmfWIMSiKËÊÊtMtMBHSSKSiËm Silk a .- i undtr-abric for this and n f Dior trar. -pnrent tissues is tlio happie choicc, anj ïtniay bo selected :o contrast r tliu stripo if diversity of co or be the olijei or to n.atch it where a losa showy eííect L desired. Wi e Fa'in ribbon is employed for bolt? ft is twieo carried about the waist and tied ii port bo.v at the b ck or at the left Bide o. the front, the bow consisting of two uprighi and two droop ng loops. Sometimes, 'whei: ried at the back. long ends are permittcd u üoat to the edge of the skin. Satin r.bbon is also selected for the stock, ■vhieh still has adherents. The new st-ck i; .uil, lina a bow at o:ch skle and iwo. some t mes three, at the back, and is elabórate ■.v;h ace or accordion-plaited chiffun, whiu. ■'..ia become a necessary part of this collar. A popu'ar arrangement consis s of tv rows of lace, which may fall narrowiy o i aud up in front and widen to.vard the ■ ack where the lace fiares over the bows. When iccordion-plaited chiffon is used, jabots are 'ormed between the bows, Thia neck dress .1 especiaily becoming to long, slender throats. Itgoes without saying thut soft Iace3 only ire available for such pu' poses - point gaze, Breton, Ierre, point d'Aleneon and Mahnes. ííot only for collars but for all frillcd effects ire these laces preíerred. Lace is f ulied into sleeves, which it invariibly improves, no matter what iheir Btylc mav be. The lace is chosen in a three-inch width and is gathereJ very full, a yard bein;; Jeemed none too much for each slccve, nar row though it be at the band The English walking bat has rison to dis íinction. Always a fashionable shape, it ha lieretofore been considered moro smart thai iressy. It is now accorded ihe richejt (lic ration and is associated with the most elogam ittiro. The crown ia high and broad and the brim is rolled very high at the sides, the ihape affording excuse for a lavish use oi ;rimming. Violets are used in profusión upon an at;ractive walking hat. Emeraid-green velvet s draped softly over the crown and arranged with fan effect at the back against which is nassed the fohage of violets, a bunch of ,ho fiowers deponding from each slde upo ;he hair. The brim is entirely covered with iiolets and at the left side a bunch of violets ustains four coq tail feathers which complete


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Ann Arbor Courier